The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

The Legion buffs

We know that legion will be getting buffs overtime but what buffs would you like to see get added to the legion?

I would like stolen sketch book and etched ruler to be base in legions power and enduring to reduce frenzy fatigue

Best Answer

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Answer ✓
    Fenrir said:
    We know that legion will be getting buffs overtime but what buffs would you like to see get added to the legion?

    I would like stolen sketch book and etched ruler to be base in legions power and enduring to reduce frenzy fatigue
    -If the Legion DW survivors who are previously injured, they can not mend themselves to the injured state.
    -If you cannot mend yourself to the injured state, other survivors can still mend you to the injured state.
    -Increase the DW timer to 60 seconds and increase the Frenzy damage on DW survivors to 20 seconds (still 4 hits to down them).
    -Timer will still decrease normally during a chase to compensate the time increase.
    -If you're previously injured and you're DW, you'll see the auras of all survivors and you'll see "Find Help" at the bottom to aid newer players on what to do. This will prevent players from going down without having the opportunity to find another survivor to heal.


  • YamiTheFurry
    YamiTheFurry Member Posts: 229
    I want 115% speed and maybe have deep wounds have more damge to the timer associated in the second hit other and thats it :D to small things that would help and feel better
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I think the pins are almost worthless, they serve a purpose but it isn't worth using compared to other addons, and if you're constantly hitting people normally then you're not playing correctly.

    Also I think the Reduced cooldown addons would be more useful if they also gave a temporary speed boost like the original Windstorm on Wraith. That way the technique the addon incentivizes can actually work.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    The only buff that I'd like would be after hitting a survivor with deep wounds that it cancels frenzy without a stun. The survivor still gets the mini sprint burst, but they wouldn't be ridiculously far away and would have to respect legion a bit more since they wouldn't get such a massive distance advantage against a 110% speed killer.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I was also just thinking why doesn't Legion have any status effect addons like other killers? Why can't Legion also put on like Gen Speed reduction or what if his power also Hindered Survivors as well, catching up wouldn't be hard if they're slower.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    edited December 2018
    Add a token system to his power. Everytime he hits a survivor in feral frenzy and adds deep wound to them he gets a token. Each token knocks off whatever amount of the timer. At 4 tokens his next attack instantly downs any survivor suffering from deep wounds. Tokens reset every time feral frenzy is ended.
    Post edited by KingB on
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @KingB said:
    Add a token system to his power. Everytime he hits a survivor in feral frenzy and adds deep wound to them he gets a token. Each token knocks off whatever amount of the timer. At 4 tokens his next attack instantly downs the survivor.

    While this sounds good I don't think it can work, lets just say if it was 4 tokens then that would be easier to achieve he'd be downing people like crazy super fast and suddenly his bleed out ability is no longer a thing, it's just a fast down. Now if the 4 tokens reset after you down someone, that would be a great addition to his power because he'd be like Michael but less powerful. Like Michael as in his power has tiers and once it reaches the highest it resets.

  • Hex_A_Decimal
    Hex_A_Decimal Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2018

    He needs buffsAND nerfs (imo)
    1) The bleedout should occur slowly even during a chase. (25% speed, maybe?)
    2) The fatigue animation should be about twice as long imo... The current set up, he has waaaaaaay too much tunnel potential imo. I mean the cooldown is not all that long, the activation isn't delayed, etc. He Frenzy hits you, his speed negates your boost, then he hits you again, and the fast (and non-screen obscuring) fatigue animation means you don't really have a lead to speak of, so then he just follows again for a few seconds and boom. Basically, I don't feel there's a legitimate ability to lose him after being found.
    3) Change his Deep Wounds mechanic so as not to be "chase" driven but rather to be "proximity" driven. The way it currently is now, killers do one of two things

    • Disengage the chase and circle the areas so as to make sure you go down because you can't get away without leaving scratch marks and giving yourself away due to depleted deep wounds (which I believe is unintended in his design).
    • Approach while walking at enough of an angle to keep you on the camera, but not to trigger the chase mechanism, so as to chase you while forcing the deep wounds counter to go down at full speed (which I'm very confident was unintended in his design).
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    edited December 2018
    All the bad add-ons and glitches screwing with Legion atm:

    Cooldown: pointless unless you're right up someone's butt. It only moves the point you can activate the power to a lesser value but means it runs out that much quicker.

    Movement Speed: supposedly glitch and not doing anything as of now.

    Reduced Energy Loss: Only useful for slugging someone and hoping that person nearby is close enough to hit with not a full Frenzy bar. See cooldown for details.

    The Irridescent Add-Ons: Seem powerful but their requirements are not fully justified. Needing to be in a very temporary state to see generator auras puts your power on cooldown. You're also RARELY going to get every person with the Button variant and the requirement for needing to have hit someone for the pallet break to work makes for a factor that does not always happen.

    Increased Mending Time: Potentially useful, but with the way the engine has screwed up the mixer volumes of survivor's in pain, all survivors might as well have a low ranked Iron Will making it next to impossible to track them down.

    Let's also not forget about the fact that you can't track scratch marks when frenzied. Normally that would be alright since you can follow the blood except that the blood only squirts out twice currently then ignores the next five to eight before starting up again.

    And for the coup de grace: if a survivor dc's on your shoulder as Legion, it can screw with your frenzy HARD.  You basically move at slightly faster then base movement and it stays that way until you hook someone new.
  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    Survivors could only mend x amount of times by themselves, then after they reach their limit only their teammate can mend them. 

    If you still able to mend by yourselves but fail to complete it The Legion can see your aura when you go into dying state.

    If you reach your limit but fail to find a survivor to find mend you then you go into dying state. However The Legion can not see your aura. They will only know by the survivor icon.  
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @HatCreature I was trying to type that quick before I got into a game. I forgot to mention that the tokens reset after feral frenzy ends. 
  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    @Nickenzie Those changes would put Legion in a really good spot. It would make him more fun to play as and against.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Nickenzie said:
    Fenrir said:
    We know that legion will be getting buffs overtime but what buffs would you like to see get added to the legion?

    I would like stolen sketch book and etched ruler to be base in legions power and enduring to reduce frenzy fatigue
    -If the Legion DW survivors who are previously injured, they can not mend themselves to the injured state.
    -If you cannot mend yourself to the injured state, other survivors can still mend you to the injured state.
    -Increase the DW timer to 60 seconds and increase the Frenzy damage on DW survivors to 20 seconds (still 4 hits to down them).
    -Timer will still decrease normally during a chase to compensate the time increase.
    -If you're previously injured and you're DW, you'll see the auras of all survivors and you'll see "Find Help" at the bottom to aid newer players on what to do. This will prevent players from going down without having the opportunity to find another survivor to heal.

    I recently heard in the dev stream they are making deep wounds hits down to 3 what do you think if its a necessary buff or not
  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Hex_A_Decimal said:
    He needs buffsAND nerfs (imo)
    1) The bleedout should occur slowly even during a chase. (25% speed, maybe?)
    2) The fatigue animation should be about twice as long imo... The current set up, he has waaaaaaay too much tunnel potential imo. I mean the cooldown is not all that long, the activation isn't delayed, etc. He Frenzy hits you, his speed negates your boost, then he hits you again, and the fast (and non-screen obscuring) fatigue animation means you don't really have a lead to speak of, so then he just follows again for a few seconds and boom. Basically, I don't feel there's a legitimate ability to lose him after being found.
    3) Change his Deep Wounds mechanic so as not to be "chase" driven but rather to be "proximity" driven. The way it currently is now, killers do one of two things

    • Disengage the chase and circle the areas so as to make sure you go down because you can't get away without leaving scratch marks and giving yourself away due to depleted deep wounds (which I believe is unintended in his design).
    • Approach while walking at enough of an angle to keep you on the camera, but not to trigger the chase mechanism, so as to chase you while forcing the deep wounds counter to go down at full speed (which I'm very confident was unintended in his design).

    I have lost many a Legion, the only time I go down is I'm at a bad loop or they force my bleedout in a loop. Once you're hit, IMMEDIATELY look to see where they're going, if they leave, Mend, if they chase then run for as long as you can and try to get lost. I looped the shack so hard I ran away and he STILL thought I was looping him.