This doesn't feel like Skill Based Matchmaking.

TGB Member Posts: 301

I go and rescue teammates all game, then when gates are open and I get on my first hook, they all escape, get ranked up, and I get ranked down.

This is Scum Based Matchmaking. I can only imagine the top MMR games are just 4 scumlords all scumming each other out.

I wish this game didn't literally always punish me for helping my teammates. This is probably WHY people always leave me to die. Because they're used to others not helping THEM, so they're afraid that if they mess up on rescuing me, they're just gonna screw their own selves over.

And thus, a vicious cycle. All brought to you by this game's ever-disastrous ranking system.


  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I get screwed over by my teammates a lot but I can't help but save them every time lol

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Actually, thats the point why i stopped helping. I had it so many times that i made a save, tanked a hit, got down on my first hook, and 3 survivors just stand at the exit, noone coming to rescue against a noncamping no-noed-killer...

    I will come to your rescue if you showed prior in this game that you are a teamplayer (like tanking a hit or taking over a chase or somehow cover for me), but most of the time, i wont give other survivors the benefit of the doubt anymore. I assume they leave me, because that happens way to often.

    However, if i am left and the rest is downed/hooked but not yet dead, i never can just wait for the hatch, i just cant (not even if i got a key), and if i try to save them, they always get me anyway....

  • TGB
    TGB Member Posts: 301

    I'm aware of how miserable Killer is, too, as it's my most played role. Seems the only ones allowed to have fun in DBD are SWF's.

    I'm literally just raging every game as solo Survivor. People not even testing for Ruin, people trying to truck through gens through Ruin with an aware Killer that keeps pushing people off of gens...

    Like, these guys probably did about 15 gens worth of progression... and had 1 gen to show for it. BUT, they got ALL those gen points for doing that. Meanwhile, I'm the only one running around like an idiot, looking for a Hex Totem, with a Killer that sees I'm the only one doing this and so I'm the only one he dedicates chases on for downs.

    And so, we have these situations where the RIGHT plays aren't the RANKING UP plays. And I mean, we already had this anyway, but it feels worse now. These people will move UP, while I will move DOWN, because the game says, "Wow, this guy's skill is really low. He gets no points compared to his teammates, and he keeps dying every game."

    It's just infuriating. Making me have less and less desire to play.

  • Kill4thrillz
    Kill4thrillz Member Posts: 11

    Just played 3 matches in a row as dwight running prove thyself. In all 3 my teammates hookdive suicided before I could finish my second gen. Could not get any of them to work gens for more than a couple seconds. The worst part is because those morons get big points for unhook, they think they are actually doing something giving up that 3-4k and talk trash when you try to politely ask them to play with sense. "But my score is bigger, obviously I am the better player" lol.... that response makes me want to vomit. I dont get how they think 3k for 2 gens in 5 minutes is anythinf approaching success. This experience has become insanely more common since sbmm. The devs need to find a way to make their stupidity as painful for them as it is for the rest of us. I get tired of having to hunt hatch or give up a 4k with 2 gens done.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I think you're confusing the old ranking system with the new one. The new one doesn't show your rank.

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    Leaving team mates to die at the end is a core dynamic of the game. Early game you want to keep them alive so they can do gens or distract the killer, late game you abandon them to ensure your own safety.

  • Kill4thrillz
    Kill4thrillz Member Posts: 11

    I agree with that but you cannot leave them if hatch hasn't spawned yet to be found, or if you cannot get door open. In the case of the 1 or 2gen done scenario like I was talking hatch hasn't spawned in yet to be found. If rnjesus doesn't put it by your feet or closer than killer its very hard to salvage.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Why be angry when you lose in an MMR SBMM type of online game?

    It sucks that you didnt escape, sure, but theres still positive. You losing = your MMR goes down, so your next match should realistically be easier. That helps you avoid that "high MMR games scumming each other out" that you were talking about so i dont really see why you're complaining about that.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Quite the opposite. Survivor's victory depends on how good your teammates are. Lower MMR will bring you to worse teammates, and winning will be even harder.

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    That's kinda true.

    Its true in the "worst teammates part" (which does really suck,) but if MMR is calculated only through escapes then you can practically just get the hatch or door from closed hatch to increase your mmr, which would be easier since the killer would be worse.

    Plus, this person is saying that top MMR matches would basically be the same, so I doubt that would matter to them. I'm just saying it would be more of a positive to them, not necessarily everyone.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Nobody knows how MMR is calculated. It's more likely escapes don't give you automatic increase in MMR. They probably have several metrics, like emblems, and to increase MMR you need to be good at chases, do gens, unhooks and only then escape. They also might have an algorithm that increases or decreases MMR of all survivors the same way, eg: if survivors achieved 3 escapes - it's a win and all survivors get higher MMR, even the one who died. Or if 3 died and one escaped through the hatch - all survivors lose MMR, because it's a "loss". Until we know what exactly is considered a "win" by the system, we can only fear the worst.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Played 2 games last night against 2 SWF teams that bullied tf out of me, I got 2k but the swf just constantly outperked me. However, when I checked his twitch stream, he was the same rank as myself .....

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I played my 2nd ever match as Clown yesterday. They got 3 gens done quickly, but once I hooked 2 of them in a corner if Haddonfield as 4th gen popped, it went downhill for them quickly. They began diving the hooks for exchanges and I racked up like 4 more hooks very quickly. Then it was a 2k with 1 gen left. I ended up getting 3k and a hatch escape.

    But when I play my normal mains of Doctor and Wraith, they are a lot smarter.

  • InList
    InList Member Posts: 85

    It doesn't feel like MMR because it isn't. Rank 1s can queue with a rank 15 friend and bully weak killers. Quick queues will be prioritised over matching ranks (why even call it a ranked mode?). MMR won't change that.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    WHATABOUT this other thing isn't an argument against something it's a distraction by someone offended without a rebuttal.

    IF I solo queue instead of play with my less interested in trying friend you've got to impress me for me to take a risk. It's become common for me as well to, according to given endgame metrics, perform the best despite not escaping because I did some of everything and nobody would take the chance because 5k BP.

    It's survivors vs survivors vs the killer. It's a garbage way to have to play. Often some of the most fun are the late game saves and selfish behavior is really discouraging. NOW we can't see if the person was just selfish or likely so new they weren't aware how to go about it. Human nature leaves us assuming the worst unless we've seen someone play so horribly we know they don't have 10 hours in the game.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2021

    The only thing that feels off to me is getting my cake handed to me match after match as the killer, expecting it to get easier since I was clearly being mismatched, and it doesn't.

    However, there are explanations for it (which would have applied regardless of whether I was matched based off of rank or "skill").

    • The matchmaker is allowed flexibility from the start
      • If my rating is 40 and I get matched with survivors who are within range (+/- 6), let's say 45, then it is likely I will have a challenging trial.
      • If I lose to them, the system does not heavily decrease my rating since they were "better." (Had I beat them then my rating would have heavily increased since the win was not expected and I'm clearly at the wrong rating.)
      • My rating, now at 39, allows me to get matched with survivors who are within range, say 45...
      • It's too easy to stagnate and be stuck with tough match after tough match.
    • Peak hours for survivor queue
      • So many survivors queueing up that eventually they need a match and the Matchmaker becomes less picky and just throws poorly matched players together.
    • Dodged lobbies get priority
      • Survivors at my "rank" love to bring keys, maps, and flashies, and killers can see that stuff and dodge.
      • Lobbies that are short a player will have looser restrictions on who can join, allowing for poor matching.