
Hello everyone!
New player here, one week in. I made another post about playing survivor, and got a lot of great feedback, so thank you for that!
I was just wondering if I could get some quick explanations to some of the jargon I've seen, both here and in-game chat. Some of it I think I know, but I'd still like to confirm.
Tunneling = ?
Camping = ? Is this where the killer hooks someone and then doesn't leave them so they die and others can't rescue them?
Noed = ?
SWF = ?
Face Camping = ? Is that the same as Camping?
DH = ?
Slugging = ?
Thanks everyone!
Tunnelling - ignoring all other survivors to repeatedly chase + hook one
Camping - as you say, although rescue is often possible
Noed - no one escapes death, controversial killer hex perk
Swf - survive with friends, survivors playing in a premade squad
Face camping - like camping but they just stare right in front of you and don't move. Often done out of spite, frustration, or just trying to get an endgame kill
DH - either dead hard (survivor exhaustion perk) or devour hope (killer hex perk). Usually means the former
Slugging - downing a survivor but then leaving them instead of hooking them. Can be more beneficial to the killer than it sounds.
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Tunneling- killer focuses on one survivor, even when presented with alternate targets. Often misused here..
Camping is correct, killer just hangs out near the hook. Face Camping is an outdated term, because a killer used to be able to body block an unhook by standing in front of the hooked survivor.
Noed: short for Hex: No One Escapes Death, killer perk that allows for insta-downs when the exit gates are powered. Very contreversial.
SWF- Survive With Friends. Survivors playing with their friends
DH- Dead Hard, Survivor perk from David
Slugging- killer leaving a downed survivor on the ground instead of hooking them. The downed survivor leaves a blood trail comprable to a slime trail from a slug
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Tunneling is a strategy where the killer goes after one survivor to the exclusion of everything else.
Camping is a strategy where the killer stays near the hooked survivor, to try to prevent rescues.
NOED is a killer hex perk, "No One Escapes Death". If there are dull totems on the map when the gates are powered, NOED latches on to one of those totems and exposes all the survivors, meaning they go down in one hit (as long as it's a basic attack). The killer also gets a slight speed boost.
SWF is "Survive With Friends", refers to when survivors group together before joining the queue. It carries many benefits to the survivors, like the possibility of using voice chat to relay information.
Face camping was an exploit where the killer could block the "Unhook" interaction. It was removed some time ago. Nowadays, many people erroneously use it to mean that the killer is within a certain distance of the hooked survivor (usually right up to their face, but definitions vary from person to person).
DH can mean either Devour Hope, a killer hex perk, or Dead Hard, a survivor exhaustion perk. It depends on the context. The former gives killers some tokens when survivors unhook while the killer is far away. At 3 tokens, all the survivors become exposed. At 5 tokens, the killer can kill them without hooking. Dead Hard makes the survivor invulnerable to damage for a short duration while also increasing their speed, but they have to be injured and running to use it.
Slugging is a strategy where the killer leaves survivors bleeding on the ground, without hooking them. They may or may not hook them once all survivors have been placed in the dying state, depending on the killer.
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Tunneling means focusing someone out of the game. An example would be hooking the same Survivor three times in a row to ensure they're sacrificed, effectively turning the game into a 3v1 and thus an easy win for the Killer.
Camping means staying close to a hooked Survivor, yes. Meaning that a rescue is impossible without sacrificing someone else or taking hits.
NOED stands for No One Escapes Death, it's a Killer perk that activates once all gens are done, allowing the Killer to move faster and down Survivors in a single hit.
SWF stands for Survivors With Friends or Survive with Friends, depending on who you ask, which is sort of self-explanatory.
Face Camping is when the Killer literally stands in front of the hooked Survivor, something you'll mostly see Killers that can down Survivors fast do, such as Bubba, since he can simply ready his chainsaw for any poor soul that might attempt the save.
DH stands for Dead Hard, a perk that allows a wounded Survivor to dash forward.
Slugging is when the Killer refuses to hook Survivors for one reason or another, turning them into slugs. Cute, I know. It can be done for a variety of reasons, from spite to tactical advantage, as having multiple Survivors downed in such a way gives you momentum, it's something you'll see on Nurse/Oni and Myers and the like.
Though the most important lesson is that all of these terms are used very liberally. In other words, for an angry Survivor every single Killer is tunneling, camping and slugging at the same time, even if that makes absolutely no sense at all.
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Tunneling - pursuing one specific survivor while ignoring all the others. In a more narrow sense it's chasing the survivor who was just unhooked.
Camping - yes, but others still can rescue a teammate who is being camped.
Noed - No One Escapes Death, one of the most toxic and hated killer's perk.
SWF - Survive With Friends - a group of players using out of game communications. One of the most hated and unbalanced part of the game.
Face camping - camping where the killer literally stands in front of the hooked survivor and stares at them in the face. This term actually has a long history, in early versions of the game it was physically impossible to unhook someone if the killer stood right in front of them because the unhooking animation could only be started in one specific place occupied by the killer. Now it's no longer the case, but the term is still being used.
DH - Dead Hard, an unbalanced and overpowered survivor perk.
Slugging - leaving someone on the ground without picking them up immediately, for whatever reason: to deny the hatch in the end or just to troll survivors and make them mad. Mostly used for the latter reason.
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Tunneling: Though the definition is different depending on who you ask, this is generally when the killer will chase one survivor constantly, often ignoring other survivors attempting to distract or take hits. While effective this strategy is generally considered boring.
Camping: Again this definition changes but the most well accepted one is where the killer hooks a survivor and won't leave the area. Facecamping is the same as camping except the killer will generally not move from almost directly infront of the survivor. The name comes from the early days of DBD where the unhook prompt could be blocked by the killer.
NOED stands for Hex: No One Escapes Death, a general killer perk. This perk is disliked by some due to them viewing the perk as "cheap", and often rewarding the killer for playing badly.
SWF stands for Survive With Friends, the old name given to the gamemode allowing multiple survivors to queue together. Before the lobbies were merged this was a seperate option in the menu.
DH can stand for two things- Hex: Devour Hope (less common) and Dead Hard (more common). Devour Hope is a killer perk available from The Hag at level 40, and Dead Hard is a survivor perk available from David King at level 35.
Slugging usually means having multiple survivors in the "downed" state and not hooking them, though it can apply to a single survivor this is less common.
If you need more help, let me know ^^
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Helpful graphic to explain face camping. Also, while we’re defining things, what is a smurf (the way people are using it here, not the cartoon).
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Also, while we’re defining things, what is a smurf (the way people are using it here, not the cartoon).
High-rank player who deranked to get low-rank opponents. They can also use alternate accounts for this effect, since they still have more than enough experience to play without perks. It happens in every multiplayer game, unfortunately.
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Thank you.
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Thanks, everyone! Appreciate it!