there's one answer, at least.
Questions Regarding Stranger Things Leaving...

Just kinda figured I would go ahead and make a thread with some of my major questions regarding the changes- and I'm going to try to keep all of this out of the realm of repeating questions.
-> Will the in-game perk icons continue to have the resemblance to the Stranger Things characters if you bought the DLC, or are they going to be turned into the more generic faces/features we've seen from other perks? (Examples being The Nightmare on Elm Street perks back in the beginning of Switch.)
-> Will there be any chance that there will be attempts in the future to get the license renewed to bring back these characters?
-> Will Hawkins offerings be locked out in a similar way to all other discontinued offerings? (Such as the super old map offerings, splinters, and bouquets?)
-> Since the Hawkins map is being removed, are we getting any sort of replacement for the map with a similar sort of theme and idea of multi-storied laboratory? (Because I know that while it's not necessarily a well-loved map, I think it's at least agreeable to say that it was a really aesthetically pleasing map with a lot of interesting loops in it.)
-> Will Demo's Add-Ons also be receiving a re-name/brand, away from the current cannon names (Like Barb's Glasses and Eleven's Soda getting renamed?)
-> Will this stop Demo from getting balance changes in the future if it's deemed necessary?
-> How will these characters appear for players who did not purchase the DLC before the cut-off date? Will they be viewable from the character select, or will they just be completely hidden? (As that part of it is a lot different then what we had with Bill on console in the beginning and the Nightmare on Elm Street stuff on Switch.)
-> Will the voices, sfx, etc remain the same for these characters going forward, or will that be receiving a change as well?
I'm not expecting all of these to be answered, but I'm curious to see what everyone else's questions are too! (I know there's also a lot of talk about how the achievements for those characters will be treated going forward, but I figured that was a common enough question to leave it out of this list.)
What's everyone else's biggest questions regarding this change?
I think the why of it all is the biggest one, but we'll probably never know. Not officially, anyway.
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there's one answer, at least.
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I don’t think this affects anything that was attached to said characters. I.E. add ons.
Because technically to use them you have to own demo, no one outside of that can.
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i think we might legit get doubles oof
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I'll answer as much as I can!
1 - I believe they will be generic
2 - can't answer about that I'm afraid, only what's explained in the FAQ
3 - The offerings will be retired yes
4 - There's no word right now on replacement maps
5 - I don't believe the addon names will change
6 - I will try to get an answer on that for you
7 - Not 100% sure on that, I believe they just will be grey'd out and non selectable but they would still be visible
8 - I don't have an answer on that one, will try to find out
I've tried to answer as much as I can, most things are covered under the FAQ.
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And if I have the original ones and then buy the generic ones, I can have duplicates of the same perk?
Poggers. Imagine stacking Cruel Limits. Clearly op asf.
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Obv not a dev, but I'll add my thoughts, anyways
1. They will be changing in appearance to not be related to the license, I believe.
2. No clue, but I wouldn't put it past BHVR to attempt re-licensing at some point. Just depends on why it happened, who iniated all this/negotiated it, etc.
3. Hawkins offering will be retired- but my theory is that they will rework the map at least visually, as I'd be surprised if BHVR let a map go like that. And then the old Hawkins offerings would probably be repurposed for the reworked map, perhaps?
4. Like I just mentioned in #3, I personally believe that they will rework the map at least visually and bring it back.
5. Interesting question that I don't have an answer to, but I could see his add ons being renamed. Perhaps it won't be necessary, though. Just depends on what they agreed to.
6. He probably won't receive much, but I'm sure he will still receive all changes deemed necessary. The fact that he will fade into rarity and obscurity over time will most likely lessen the need to balance him. I do believe he is considered fairly balanced at this point anyways.
7. Probably either grayed out, or just not visible at all, imo
8. Their voices should remain the same- they're not voiced by their actors, as far as I know?
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double fixated
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The one question NOBODY is asking:
Will Demo's chase theme remain the same?
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Take my money.
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One of the mods mentioned there won't be any refunds for the offerings, no different then when others were retired so it's likely they'll be treated the same as the others.
Unless they had some really bad negotiations or some kind of bad blood arose I assume they'll try to renegotiate the licence in the future. I doubt it'll happen anytime soon but I think it's likely we'll see a "For a limited time Stranger Things content is returning!" post where they re-enable the Lab and Demo and everyone is purchasable for like a month along with a new skin.
Edit: Wow, a lot of posts popped up in the time I took to write that lol.
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Regarding 7, I hope they're removed from the menu entirely for those that don't have them. Being constantly taunted with characters that you cannot ever own seems really anti-consumer.
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Just clone the whole Stranger things chapter, change the skins and music and release it as an original chapter. Problem solved. Those who already own stranger things can get it for free.
Same with the map: change the textures, remove some very stranger things specific stuff and now you have a new map with the same layout.
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since hes staying in the game its very doubtful they are going to change it
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I wouldn't put it past them to make a character inspired by Demi. I mean, afterall, we do have Hillbilly AND Leatherface (but to be fair, the order was reversed in that case).
But... it's an option. Having another character simular in aesthetic is not out of the question.
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Awesome, tysm!
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Will the map still be available in custom matches, or will it be retired entirely?
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Hello Mandy,
I would love to know how it is with prestige cosmetics? Will I be able to obtain them after November 17th? I do own the DLC but I haven't lvled Demo that much. Do I need to grind to get him to p3?
Thank you for the reply.
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I think since you have the character unlocked you'll be able to level/prestige this char.
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Yes you will be able to Prestige the characters, and you will be able to obtain the Prestige clothing as long as you've purchased the characters/DLC prior to November 17th.
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I believe they will be removed from the menu entirely if you don't own the characters yes.
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Yes, it will remain as it is now.
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Wait so people who already owned the DLC will get both the new and old version of the perk?
Weird but alright.
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No if you have the Stranger Things DLC you will get the ST version of the perk, if you don't have the ST DLC you get the generic version. You won't get both versions.
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oh okay, does that mean people can still see the original design?
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***Wrong post
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Thank you!
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Stupid question, does it mean only for owners of whole DLC? Cause I never bought Stranger things DLC, just each of their characters with auric cells in the shop.
So I own all 3 characters but not DLC. So will I keep the original perk names and icons too?
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not a stupid question at all! As long as you own the characters - I should have phrased it better in my reply.
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Thank you!
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will jonathan byers legendary skin get custom voice?
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Will the Dead by Daylight Nightmare Edition still grant the ST dlc after it’s removed from psn etc? @MandyTalk
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on that I am not sure, I will try to find out.
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That's something that I would also like to know, as there's no download code and the content is on the disk
Since the licence won't be owned anymore, does that Leave Jonathon stuck with Steve's voice or can they still be touched like if there's clipping issues etc
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Any news @MandyTalk ?
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Sorry I don't have an answer yet I'm afraid, as soon as I do I will rely and also make things clearer on the FAQ.
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Can you confirm if it would still be possible to give Jonathan his own voice? Not sure if that would affect the license agreement or if adding a different voice to a licensed character does not require permission from the license holders.