Theory for why the stranger things license may not be renewed
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So i think the stranger things chapter has always been a business thing. It was definitely made to capitalise on the popularity of it, and people loved the characters and demogorgon was pretty scary so it did fit in dbd. But many would argue there are more franchises that have more "horror significance" than these characters from a 2016 netflix show.
I think the license is not being renewed because this chapter isn't selling well ANYMORE, and they would not profit from renewing the license. I think this because THE Demogorgon has not had a real spotlight since season 1 in 2016. In Season 2, there were what fans like to call "demo dogs" which are basically baby demogorgons which were threatening in their sheer number, unlike what killers are in dbd. In Season 3, demogorgon is bascially not featured at all aside from a teaser at the end. I think this chapter was also much more focused on other characters like the children and adults. Nancy, Jonathan and Steve and Robin (which sadly we may never get in dbd now) did not get much screentime in this season. And also, season 3 was in 2019, and because of Covid-19 season 4 was not produced and released in 2020 which i think greatly affected it's relevance, and therefore it's sales of the DBD chapter. The contents of the DBD chapter are also much more focused on representing season 1 and 2 of the series as the default appearance of the characters are from those two seasons.
Basically, it's contents are somewhat outdated. Unlike The Halloween 1978 license for example which will never change as it is a classic.
It might also be because Netflix wants to move into gaming and they want to keep their most popular licence for themselves.
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Seems strange to have just released a legendary for Steve and to have the license fall apart so soon after
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But they recently just distributed their license to SMITE. And there already is stranger things video games. I think it's because they have made it much more expensive, and BHVR have decided it wouldn't be profitable.
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True. The post for it made it seem like they were interested in adding more characters from ST in the future. I am glad we still got jonathan though.
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Gonna have to disagree, the Stranger Things chapter is one of the most successful chapters they've done. It was the first to add 2 survivors and everyone thought that was cool. While obviously none of us know the real reason the license isn't being renewed, I personally believe it has something to do with Netflix making their own gaming service in the near future. I'm assuming a Stranger Things game is coming, and they probably want all the money people put into Stranger Things gaming content to be for them and not BHVR.
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That is a good point. I agree that it is probably one of it not the most successful chapter they have done, but i think in 2020 because stranger things isn't as relevant it was not selling enough to justify renewing the license, that is my theory.
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I doubt the chapter isn't selling well. I see way more Nancy, Steve and Demodogs than Tapp, Pig, Quentin, Freddy and Ash combined.
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I think it has SOLD well. But not currently selling well enough to justify keeping the license anymore
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With all due respect, Johnatan Byers legendary was completely #########, the character model was just ugly and it was not representing Johnatan actor well.
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I guarantee it's still selling more than the Ash vs. Evil Dead paragraph and the Nightmare on Elm Street chapter (especially since Freddy's nerf and add-on rework). It probably still outsells the Saw chapter, although maybe not recently with the Spiral movie coming out and BHVR trying to promote the franchise a bit (the Pig mask for Meg, and the 2x chance to get Gideon Meat Plant). I'm pretty sure it was the most successful chapter until Silent Hill, and then even that was overtaken by Resident Evil if I'm not mistaken.
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Just saying that the character and actor are two different things.
BHVR has to pay for both if they want the character to look like the actor, otherwise they have to tweak it, such as Laurie.
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Ik, but they could make him just similar, he was looking #########.
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Like others said netflix are going to make their own gaming service and seem like they will make stranger things game. I won't be surprised if it will be asymmetrical pvp horror game that's why they decided to sucker punch bhvr. Simple as that
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Well they still lost a lot of fans with this move.