Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

In my opinion this is rock bottom

I know this is going to sound dramatic and we as players have no idea what happened but I think DBD losing the Stranger Things License is the absolute worst thing that’s happened to this game.

As the game keeps bringing in IPs now we know at any stage any of them could just end up the same and with the amount of new players joining us with every DLC for them not to be able to get the full experience it’s going to cause players to just leave or become annoyed that they can’t play as characters others can ?

Id like to hear people’s opinions on this. I personally think this is a MASSIVE hit to the game and just before a new DLC reveal…… it’s gonna kick the hype out of some people I think.



  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    i actually dont really mind it, cause im not a fan of stranger things. im glad the map will be gone though.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    All the same worries as me. I’m a massive Silent Hill and RE fan and Silent Hill haven’t been very open and forward about games and cross overs. So what’s to say in a few months new players lose all those characters too.

    Whats to say the licences like Freddy and Leatherface don’t just fall apart too. Knowing it can happen as easy as this has. It’s been eye opening 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 902

    It's the problem with having licensed content, anything can go wrong. That wont take away from the fun I have in the game though.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,898
    edited August 2021

    so does this mean we're completely losing Steve, Nancy and Demo? That doesn't feel right at all

    Edit: Just checked, we get to keep them, thank god, if they were gone for good i would have probably quit on the spot

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Technically of they loose the licence, they cannot do some visual updates over the char nor bring new cosmetics out (patch for bugs/balance shouldnt be a problem)

    Playing the chars shouldnt be à problem since theyre still in the game i guess

    Fw may be on à special rule tho (but it woumd be sad)

    My take over the change :

    After 2 years their contract for the licence ended, ST being à series, à show, and preparing the next season they probably either chose to walk out from dbd (i dont think so) or they upped the price for the licence and BHVR cant/dont want to pay it then

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    I felt the same. Knowing Mclean was leaving was a shock and then the news today. It could be a coincidence but maybe it’s not 🙃

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,133

    No. If you've already purchased them then you keep them.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    Oh no. Same. Like I’ve the characters. I’m just upset that newer players are gonna miss the experience of these characters.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    considering the immense amount of money they earn with this game vs the work/investment its pretty crazy to not just pony up the doe to keep the license, even if it means its not profitable, but just to make a stand, to stand behind your product.

    Epic makes insane amounts of money with Fortnight? what do they do? give back, they make their engines free to use and up the price point to where they start asking a portion of the profit of a game made by it and they retroactively paid devs back that used their engine when the price point was lower.

    Guess not every company can be like Epic when business is good.....

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    No, if you own them. You keep them. But past the date no new players can but the characters. The maps going for everybody too.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    The problem is, and I’m not saying this to be mean. The DBD devs aren’t always the most capable and maybe Netflix were asking for far too much. But to have a licence as big as this gone. They could only lose money to be honest. They were making skins. New players would’ve been buying the DLC.

    I personally see this as a massive L for the devs.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    I’m not sure. Like I’m obviously hyped for the new chapter. Especially if it’s actually Hellraiser. But I’m sure a lot of people who would’ve came in for this DLC that are also Stranger Things fans will be upset when they see the characters and haven’t the option to buy the characters. It’s something the devs said a couple years back they were removing

    Exclusivity of items among players. They done it with a bunch of very rare EXPENSIVE cosmetics. Now losing a whole chapter.

    Its in my opinion and I’ve been playing since 2017. The worst thing I’ve seen happen to the game 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    They put a massive amount of work and detail in the lab map (including the reference to Paulie), to lose that, despite the amount of justifiable hate on it, is still painful.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    I’m just gonna add this here also for anybody involving them-self in this conversation and hopefully a dev or such joins and talks with us

    In no way do I blame the devs. I’m sure this was a very complicated decision made by Netflix 🙃

    Im hoping there’s a chance in the future the two can sort this and get the license back in the game for the sake of allowing all players to have the same experience.

    I remember when the Stranger Things DLC came out, the hype, the sun excitement. Coming against Demo is still one of my favourite things in the same and as a killer main I’ve actually grown to adore playing the Demo.

    Knowing new players aren’t going to have those same experiences and memories for them self as we all had.

    It sucks.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    This is a very sad and unexpected situation, even for someone who was never a fan of its content.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    But the problem with that. As a big Silent Hill fan ever since the DLC dropped last year I’ve always felt an issue would arise as Konami HATE sharing their IPs with others.

    So who’s to say in a year we don’t lose that chapter too and then there’s a whole other chunk of the game missing for people

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    Exactly, like I’m sure there’s plenty of players who this doesn’t phase, including me as I have the DLC, but firstly losing the map is a kick in the ass and secondly it’s a whole experience new players will not be able to experience now which sucks.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    I very much agree. I’m not too fussed about the legacy skins. But the thought of a WHOLE CHAPTER and a big one being now an exclusive for earlier places. It doesn’t sit right with me.

    Its scary cause who’s to say ANY license owner can’t pull out at any moment and cut another chunk of the game from future players

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    Like I’ve been about for quiet a while and have been a fan even before I played and in my personal experience I’ve had a lot of ups and downs with this game and even though only for the map it doesn’t affect me personally. This is the worst thing that’s happened to the game. Like the Hellraiser DLC is meant to be up and testing tomorrow and if I’m being honest. This kinda ruins my excitement for the DLC a little.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    I definitely agree with you on that one, my friend.

    I've been playing since late-2018. Though not as old as you, I've seen my fair share of bad things, such as Old Legion, Old MoM, Freddy's rework, and so on.

    But nothing comes close to this.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Legacy skins are one thing, legacy characters are another, I very much agree.

    It's been hard to wholeheartedly recommend DbD for a new player for a long time purely because of how high the grind barrier to entry is as well as the experience curve always getting higher as the game stays out longer - without the ability to eventually obtain every character available in the game I don't think I can recommend it at all really anymore. That's not hyperbole, that's recognizing that I'm otherwise suggesting a game with locked content.

  • Beckzfeehan7
    Beckzfeehan7 Member Posts: 104

    I love this game, I truly do and I’ve been annoyed with it. Take some time off. But this is the first time I’m truly heartbroken because of it.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    Exactly! Horror is growing genre. So many more people are into it these days and it seems all the old school classics are getting rebooted... what if those ip holders demand more money at some point? (If thar is the case)

    I hope bhvr comes out with a statement soon to clear things up. I rather then just say 'netflix didn't want to renew' or 'the ip only had a 2 year contract'. Something :<

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    Well as long as the killer or survivor will still be playable i dont mind it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Well if this is killing your hype, then i guess i stand corrected.

    Sucks for you, and i don't mean that in a condescending way when i say that.

    Just that it'd be nice for you if you weren't affected by it like me.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    Yeah, this is a situation unlike anything we've ever seen.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,534

    "Does this mean they can't balance Demo or ST perks anymore?"

    From what I know, the Devs have full control on the balancing. I am not sure if this will be the same when the license is gone, but as long as they have a license, they can balance all they like. I guess, the only thing should be that it somewhat resembles the Character (e.g. Myers pulling people into a Dreamworld would be not ok).

    But I would suspect that they can make changes to the Characters.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    I agree for the most part, especially with new players being annoyed about never being able to access old content they still have to play against. Honestly, imo they should just pull at least demo, since he is different then other killers while survivors are just skins, and refund everyone for him and any cosmetics they have. It will be a much more serious pain now, but not one that remains for years and years like it will be the other way.

    I will say of they do leave him in, it will be fun to play him in like 2 years when almost no new players have any idea how to play against/as him.

    I do not think this is rock bottom though. Dbd is still in a relatively good place (at least in terms of everything hut optimization) there is still a lot lower it can go.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250

    The grind and new player learning curve is something that really needs to be addressed for sure. I joined in 2018 and if it wasn't for my friends encouraging me to play I would have dropped this game my first week in. Even back then there was so much to learn... now? Holy crap. I can't imagine starting the game now.

    I appreciate a lot of what bhvr does. I know they are a hard working bunch doing their best. This just seems so... dirty? Sleazy? A whole chapter being discontinued and all we get is a tweet saying 'better hurry up and get these characters before you can't... oh and the epic map? bye bye!'

    I don't mean to sound extra or like a Karen but I want a reason why this is happening and to be reassured this won't happen again. Not just a 'buy before you miss out' tweet... :<

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    There’s always a little knot in my stomach when something bad is coming, this is one of those times. I don’t think anything bad will happen in rapid succession, but with more of a slow decline

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I mean, the loose why is that they're losing the license. Beyond that there's not much they're saying and probably not much more they could say even if they wanted to. Really the only chapters this couldn't happen to are the original ones - any licensed character has the potential to go now, we've seen it happen once, why not more?

    It's a harsh reality to have found ourselves in and I'm very much not happy about it. I don't think BHVR had the final say here, but that just means any of the other licenses could pull out if they chose to as well. Just not a good situation all around.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    Im incredibly distraught. knowing future players will never get to play demogorgon just strikes me the wrong way. IP's can't last forever, but i really wish demo's could.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    Well, if the console trash (bad optimisation) still happens in a few months, not long I guess.

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    I wouldn't be too harsh on BHVR. It's very likely that Netflix pulled the plug on this.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    It's a shame to see it happen and it really sucks that the map is being totally removed. While I don't enjoy playing on it that much I just don't like content being removed.

    I'm not worried about other licenses going though as none of the other licenses are through Netflix.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,330
    edited August 2021

    Been here since the start - This is definitely the worst thing to happen to the game and honestly scary and brings low confidence to continue supporting licensed content.

    You may ask why?

    What happens to being able to verse those characters?

    What happens to support for that character?

    Do bugs get fixed?

    Do the characters get balance changes?

    It's not fun having exclusive access to stuff regardless of what people say or think.

  • Gruul
    Gruul Member Posts: 130

    *Any amount of negative change*

    Dbd community:"Is this Armageddon?"

    It sucks but deals fall through all the time it's not a massive deal and doesn't mean every license is gonna fall through now.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,330
    edited August 2021

    It is a big deal dude lol what do you mean we're losing an entire killer out of this deal falling through. Also losing an ENTIRE CHAPTER.

    The survivors sure we can accept those are just skins - The killer is an entire feature in the game

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    That's not really the right way to look at this situation. I'm not encouraging doom or telling anyone how to feel but my belief is that being unconcerned with the removal of ANY content (but especially when that lack of concern is directly related to one's own subjective opinion of the content) is a dangerous way to approach things as a player and consumer.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2021

    Yes, it is. Losing a license it's probably one of the worst things that could happen to this game.

    As the game keeps bringing in IPs now we know at any stage any of them could just end up the same

    I doubt it. I bet after this Behaviour will make sure that it won't be possible for licenses to do this again. Otherwise any new license could be a huge flop if people thought that it could be just temporary.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    given that the same might happen to Silent Hill, this is far from rock bottom as of right now.

    Monsters & Mortals (a different, much smaller, game that had a Silent Hill DLC) just lost their license for that and is about to remove it similar to how DbD is removing Stranger Things.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    Yeah this is whats worrying me as well. I don't know how far the license holders are involved with sales in DBD (the actual chapter and cosmetics) but what if Netflix pulled the plug cause the Stranger Things hype in DBD slowed down and DBD didn't sell enough copies of the chapter or cosmetics?

    If license holders of RE or Silent Hill realize the hype in DBD regarding their respective characters is slowing down, they could do the same thing as Netflix from one day to the next.