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cant they tweak the map?

get rid of any copyrighted images and names, this map is so important and i would hate for it to go


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  • Member Posts: 6,030

    i want the secret lab and stuff like that its so amazing lookin tho :(

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    The general layout would allow for a lot:

    A mine, a 19th century laboratory, a 19th century prison, catacombs, a music studio, a hardware store, overgrown non-specified jungle ruins....

  • Member Posts: 23

    No. Many people like me actually like the map. Your point-of-view isn't the view of everybody, thanks to respect that.

    They are only 5 indoor maps and we're loosing one of them. Its really painful. But as say before let's find a layout of a chapter without map ( Catacombs for the Blight, Music studio for Trickster ) they are plenty of posibilities to save the layout.

  • Member Posts: 533

    RCPD might be the worst, but Midwich is far from it. Just because it's indoor doesn't mean it's automatically bad.

  • Member Posts: 23

    No many people actually like the map. Like me. Your point-of-view isn't the view of everyone, so please respect that.

    The most important is to save an indoor map. They are only 5 indoor maps in the game and it's painful to lose one. Indoor maps are challenging for survivors and killers because the layout create different type of gameplay, its important for the variety of the game.

    I hope they will save the layout by a map rework with for exemple, catacombs for Blight or music studio for Trickster. They are many possibilities.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    He didnt say it was bad because it was indoors. Most people argue that its bad because it chases tend to be made up entirely of holding W down straight hallways. For the most part, the fun part of chases come down to killers trying to cut off survivor's pathing while survivors trying to predict what a killer is going to do to gain distance. Midwich doesnt really allow for that. It's hallways dont allow for any corner cutting on the killer's side or any mindgames.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    yeah we know what it said, this is a question about altering the map so as to not being related to ST anymore so it can stay in the game and all that work is not gone waste.

    A way to circumvent the license

  • Member Posts: 533

    The entire game has become a hold W simulator, Midwich was just one of the maps that made people realise how strong it is against most killers. Some killers are extremely good on Midwich. It's Nurses best map, and the corridors make it pretty good for killers like Blight, Huntress, Slinger, Trickster, even Oni with power although I literally never see Oni anymore. I think it has the right amount of pallets and windows and isn't overloaded with a million resources like lots of maps are. Even so, if the gens get done, it has one of the most killer-sided door spawns that never change. There's a lot going for killers on that map, but for some reason most people hate it because "indoor" or "hold W simulator"

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Are people really that eager to keep Hawkins? I don’t dislike it as much as I used to but still wouldn’t consider it a particularly good map, outside the Stranger Things references.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    its an amazing map especially for stealth killer mains, and the aesthetics are amazing

  • Member Posts: 23

    The problem is, we are losing existing content. And that this content that I thought I could definitely have is actually conditional. It means that some killers, survivors, and therefore their perks, could no longer be accessible, and especially that some maps may simply disappear. It makes me really not very confident for the next years of DBD, because possibly, other content could disappear.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    This has always been the case though. Licensed content in particular is always potentially subject to issues later down the line, which is why many of us prefer original content.

    Not to sound patronising, but you should read the EULA sometime because it’s spelled out very clearly. Specifically this part: “BHVR has the absolute right to regulate, discontinue, update, modify or eliminate any Virtual Goods at any time”.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I love Hawkins as Scratch Mirror Myers and Trapper. I also liked it as survivor.

    If my purchased content goes away, or becomes a plague of bugs in the future that can never be fixed then I will never buy another dlc again.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Thanks, I read EULA. Its not the problem. I know it's may occur. The fact is BHVR failed to negotiate to keep the map. Whereas until now they seemed in a strong position compared to licensed content. Also the fact that they don't seem to want to tweak the map to at least keep the layout shows that they are a bit caught off guard, and that all the work done on the map will be lost.

    As a player, you can be happy or unhappy that this content is lost or not, it depends on whether you like the map or not, but from a more external point of view, it remains a hell of a confession of weakness for BHVR, even I'm sure they did the best they could.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    "Weakness"? Really? It was a license, not some competition between BHVR and Netflix. If BHVR threw enough money at Netflix, they'd have let BHVR do whatever they wanted to the license, but there's a reasonable limit. And, sometimes, people just don't want to come to the table, or some things are not on the table to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Negotiations require two parties to come to an agreement. Putting the blame on Behaviour when none of us have any information about why the licensing agreement is ending is unfair. For all we know, Netflix ended the contract with no room for discussion.

    If they “tweak” the map they’ll get sued by Netflix, lol. They can’t just keep the map and give it a new lick of paint, that isn’t how copyright works.

  • Member Posts: 23

    It's not a competition betwwen BHVR and Netflix for sure, but with the failed of the agreement the content BHVR can provide to players are weaker, and it's a fact. And loosing a map at a period of the game where the main problem of the game is to have only one new map in one year due to reworks is for me quite sad.

    I don't blame BHVR or Netflix, or whatever, just the model of "Hall of Fame of Horror" like Mathieu Côté was proud to celebrate in the 5th anniversary isn't as strong as I expected, even if i knew it could happens.

    Anyway, as player and customer, I will not purchase any licenced content anymore because I have less confidence in BHVR about their ability to keep this content in the game, even, i'm sure they do the best for.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    I don’t know why you're arguing this. It is beyond BHVR's control. Netflix didn't renew the license so BHVR can be in big trouble if any Stranger Things items remain (that aren't purchasable).

    BHVR is legally obligated to remove the map or Netflix can take legal action. It doesn't matter what that sentence says, the map was free, therefore it must go.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    It's something I noticed when the Resident Evil chapter released. On Twitter and what not, there were a lot of customers who were angry that RCPD was disabled, because as far as they understood they purchased the map as part of the chapter. It's never been an issue before, because a licensed map has never been previously removed from the game. However, if a chapter's map can be removed from the game, it should either still be available to those who purchased the full chapter or the maps should not be listed on the sales page.

    I understand that the map is part of the rotation and players don't need to purchase the chapter to play on it. But I've noticed that other people I talk to, people who aren't part of the online community and just play the game, think the map comes with the chapter. When the map isn't even available in Custom Matches, there are going to be a lot of confused/upset customers. If maps can be completely removed, then the sales pages need to be updated.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    Maps are only removed to fix bugs. In this case the map is only available until Nov 17th, after which it and the DLC will no longer be avaliable, therefore people who had intended to purchase this DLC can't be confused in regard to its content.

    And RCP was (not at first, but after they adjusted it) made avaliable in Custom Matches before it went to public, but it would crash people who would play on it frequently before then. Why keep a map in rotation that doesn't work properly?

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    But purchasing the licenced content ensures that you keep it permanently? So if anything that's the content you want to be purchasing as it could vanish at a later date.

  • Member Posts: 145

    Actually it is. Netflix holds the rights to the likeness of steve, nancy, and demo, and to the hawkins name and likeness. The layout of the map was made by behavior and they retain the rights to it. They could absolutely reskin the map itself and release it again. Netflix doesn't own a series of hallways, pallet locations, locker locations, vault windows, etc. That's why they're making generic versions of the perks to put in the shrine, the perks are property of behavior, they just can't infringe upon the netflix copyright of steve, nancy, and demo's faces

  • Member Posts: 99

    Legit question. How can we keep the characters and cosmetics but not the map? Is that really in the contract?

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    They’d have to do more than just change a few textures to remove the Stranger Things associations from the map. Netflix doesn’t own a series of hallways with pallets, but if they’re going to boil down the map to “a series of hallways with pallets” and rebuild it from there, why wouldn’t they just make a new map? It would probably be the same amount of work but less hassle, they wouldn’t have to worry about legal issues, or souring a relationship with a major international company.

    Behaviour already settled a copyright lawsuit with Bethesda a couple of years back so I’m sure they’ve had advice on where the lines are legally. It’s also very likely to be something that was covered in their licensing agreement.

  • Member Posts: 1,495

    The map is free to everyone. People paid for the characters and cosmetics, so it would be very bad PR to take that away, and Netflix and BHVR both know this. It was likely negotiated in the initial contract that way.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    In this case the map is only available until Nov 17th, after which it and the DLC will no longer be avaliable, therefore people who had intended to purchase this DLC can't be confused in regard to its content.

    What you've said here is actually rather vague and could easily cause confusion. The DLC will no longer be available to purchase, but it will still be available to play by those who purchased it. However, only part of the DLC will still be able to be played: the killer, the survivors, and the cosmetics. The map, while listed as part of the DLC, will not be available to be played.

    When it comes to the chapter, no differentiation is made between the killer, survivors, cosmetics, and map.

    As far as we know, the map won't be available to be played in personal custom matches, even for those who purchased the DLC that contains the map.

    Why keep a map in rotation that doesn't work properly?

    I never said they should keep a map in rotation that doesn't work properly. I was stating an observation, not a personal opinion, pointing out a perception many customers seem to have: that they are purchasing access to everything listed on the sales page. That's all. And looking at that sales page, this misunderstanding is easy to predict, because nothing says otherwise anywhere on that page.

    I'm not one of the people who thought the map came with the chapter, though I perfectly understand why other customers would think that; the only reason I know the map isn't part of the chapter is because I'm on the forums.

    In other games I've played, when you purchase a package that includes maps, those maps aren't taken away from the customer when the license expires. DbD obviously doesn't work that way, so their sales page shouldn't advertise it that way.

    Personally, I feel that purchasing the full chapter should come with the map, so that even if it's removed from public rotation it remains available in custom matches. That's not really the point I'm making, though. The point is that if the map isn't included in the purchase, then it shouldn't be listed, and any content that may be temporary and not last the life of the game should be marked as such.

    I think that now is a good time to point out that their sales pages are unclear about what the customer is purchasing. Everyone should want a company to be specific about what their money is buying. It's easy for things that are "understood" to creep beyond the original understanding or just be flat out misunderstood. I don't want to be surprised down the line that something I purchased with real money won't even be available to me for the life of the game. If BHVR's copywriting isn't required to be clear and specific, then the consumer is the one who loses.

    What I've pointed out here may not be considered to be a problem by everyone, but it's best to bring something like this up before it becomes a problem for everyone in the future.

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