Welp guess demo isn't going to get buffed anytime soon

they nerfed demo dog and now they won't be able to touch demo dog again.
at least give us a last second buff give us a reason to buy the DLC lol
is bhvr at least allowed to give buffs/nerfs to licensed killers with no license?
Nerf? All they did was nerf their oppressive add-ons, their base-kit is great.
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Cruel limits
That's the reason
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+ you hardly notice the Nerf.
(Let alone that in this Patch there were also Buffs to his other Add Ons...)
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Yeah I don't really use their pallet and cooldown add-ons, their base-kit is enjoyable enough and they have a nice variety of add-ons atm.
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Doesn't need a buff. Solid b-tier killer.
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Legacy 2.0 Demo X-clusive
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Imagine only buying dlc bcuz you want the character to be broken
Do u have no respect for stranger things/the characters?
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(dont take this seriously)
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Probably not lol
I'm confident most people (on this forum at least) don't even care about what this game is anymore and they just want to win.
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Demo is balanced enough. Actually he's probably the best example of a balanced killer in this game. Strong chase and strong map pressure with portals.
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Demo is fine the way he is, he doesn't need buffs. He can shred his way through most survivor teams. He may not be able to deal with the elite swfs you go against every round, my liege, but honestly who cares
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Was there a nerf I missed? Or is this referencing the Barbs glasses/lifeguard whistle nerf from a while back?
Because if we're just talking about that old nerf (which i was quite salty about, not gonna lie. favoritism at its finest) then that's fine, Demo is in a decent spot. As long as I have my Leprose Lichen idc.
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I think he's actually alright. Feels like his base has enough, with some actually decent and fun addons to go on top.
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A) Demo is probably the most balanced killer in DbD right now.
B) Just because he won't be sold in the store anymore doesn't mean his perks won't be tweaked, nor does it mean his perks can't be accessed.
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I think the perks will become general perks so they can still be tweaked and out on the shrine. They'll probably update the icons for inner strength and baby sitter to be non-specific (like unbreakable before bill was added to console).
I'll be very disappointed if they aren't able to tweak demo anymore. He doesn't need to be busted, but he never really hit a fun sweet spot for me. Some of his add-ons are still quite bad too and it's a bit depressing to have that potential locked away forever.
Also curious about the trophy situation. Are there now 6 trophies that new players just can't ever get. It's not the end of the world, but it's messy.
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Rip nancy and her messed up face.
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I haven’t been on these forums in a while and it’s nice to see Lord_Tony is still at it. Don’t ever change.
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Since the devs won´t be able to make any changes after he gets pulled out of the shop, i´d like them at least to take a look at his current stats, do some small reworks, QoL changes while they still can.
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his add-on weren't oppressive. he couldn't compete at higher-level. why weaken a killer that was already under-played for no reason.
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All below A Tier needs buffs for be competent in High Ranks.
You literally said here: "Doesn't need a buff. Solid Weak Killer"
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Every Killer can compete in High Ranks, when you talk about Red Ranks.
Against very high skilled Survivors, only S-Tier Killers can compete. But this is a Level 99,99% of the Community (including those who complain about it) will never reach.
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It is sad... But at least they can't Nerf him as well (I know that isn't as good as keeping him)
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The beautiful, top tier elite SWFs who run that dreaded infinite, the L-T wall.
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To be fair there are a grand total of 3 maybe 5 killers that can deal with elite SWFs so you can’t really hold it against Demo
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I play exclusively F-B tier killers at rank one and I do alright. Legion, clown, doctor. Not everybody needs to be the best killer in the game.