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General Discussions

Console is starting to feel like a cheat sometimes

So, two examples of being in a console probably looking ridiculous on the other end.

Survivor game, against spirit. I'm getting absolutely destroyed because it's rotten fields, but I manage to run a chase for another 30 seconds because my game stutters and completely denies the killer a hit.

Killer game, playing wraith. I'm chasing a Jake to a pallet and decide to go for a risky lunge to try and get them. They dead hard, which totally throws my game off and then proceeds to rubberband them back into my already in progress hit. On my screen it literally looked like he was forced backwards.

10/10 game

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  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Idk I played on console for a long time and of all the performance related BS I'm pretty sure none of it gave me an advantage

  • Member Posts: 96

    It's rare, but both of these examples happened yesterday, so it might just be a recent thing.

  • Member Posts: 163

    For me it’s the opposite, I get hit because the game stutters, and I can’t hit anybody or track them because of it.

  • Member Posts: 324

    Yeah, I play on PS4 and don't see any advantages to all the freezing and stuttering.

    When a PC survivor dead hards while I'm chasing them, my screen freezes and they move forward just fine.

    When I use dead hard, I get rubber banded and don't actually move.

  • Member Posts: 50

    Im playing on ps4 and every time someone use DH my game freezes badly ! It's awful ... Lots of freezing and lags ...

    Unplayable in both sides killers/survivor ...

    I only play to farm points anyway can't win as a killer neither as a survivor ... I'm making 15/20k bp per match =/

  • Member Posts: 21,139

    Essentially, game is still broken on Console fix it.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Every time they try and fix it the next patch will break it again, this is the sad fact of dead by daylight

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Console DbD was never and will never be an advantage.

    Only thing we get are serious performance issues that can completely throw the game for you.Especially on the killer side.

    Also,there's a possibility that the Jake you were talking about was a console player aswell,which would explain why his dead hard got him nowhere

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