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Will you buy skin(s) for ST chapter during the sale?

-50% off is very good deal since then they will be like a legacy items.

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  • Member Posts: 326

    I might get some since it's the last chance to get them.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    No I don't play any of the stranger things characters

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Considering the Gunkgogorgon skin, but that's about it. I'd maybe consider Ahoy Steve, but I have too many other Survivors that I'd much rather play. Nea, Ash, Dwight, Heather, Jill & Leon I have set to rotate as the Survivors I want to play as.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    I'll get chains outfit for Demo. And maybe Scoops Away for Steve but not sure yet.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    I was missing 3 outfits from steve to get all st cosmetics so that’s great for me, only sad thing is that Demo will become at some point the rarest killer of the game and that’s sad because he’s one of the most fun to go against

  • Member Posts: 454

    I'll buy the characters lol

    I was unsure which DLC I should buy next but I guess they made it easier for me to choose

    I don't know about the cosmetics, I'll have to check the store to see what they have

  • Member Posts: 882

    Yup. Missing a couple of items so I'll try to get them all.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I doubt it, the Nancy one is whatever. I love the Ice Cream Steve, but I don't own Steve.

  • Member Posts: 687

    I mentioned this in another comment of mine but yes I'm gonna buy cosmetics. Maybe the remaining cosmetics I needed for Nancy, some of Steve's and of course... Demo boy. I refuse to let him hunt in the fog naked forever. So one I'm definitely getting is the chains one. That's always been my favorite. :)

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Definitely getting Scoops Ahoy Steve, and probably Last-Minute Babysitter Steve. Not sure about any other cosmetics, though. I wish Nancy's face weren't messed up; it seems unlikely they'll fix her now that the DLC is being discontinued.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    I'm gonna buy the chapter and try to get the Steve cosmetics, but that's it.

    I don't care for Nancy and Demo's default skin is my favorite.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    On PS4 at least, I haven't faced a Demogorgon in such a long time :/. It's always the same 3 or so Killers plus whomever is the most recent one added. Def gets boring as Survivor with the variance of play.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Thought about it, but I have one Skin for Nancy and one for Steve already and I hardly play them. At max Scoops Ahoy, but eh. Nancys Skins all dont look good for me.

    And I have the black Demogorgon-Skin, I think this is the best one, so I wont get any more Skins for him.

  • Member Posts: 305

    Some, not many.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Probably not, I dont even play those characters since I am not a stranger things fan

  • Member Posts: 773

    It would be not out of place if you said something like "no, I won't and here's why:", instead you gave no answer of your own and made it about everyone else who might potentially buy those skins and characters. And you did it in the most patronizing way possible. It's one thing to express and explain your own opinion, and completely another thing when you shove it in other people's faces every chance you get, although the question wasn't about "BHVR's greed" and the comment itself doesn't add completely anything new or valuable to the conversation about it.

    I am not "clearing" BHVR and the fact that there is no specific information on the situation makes your words no less of a "making up" than mine. All I did was give another perspective, which is much more plausible giving Netflix's previous ways of dealing with ST license (and the fact that Netflix is going out of their way to appeal to gaming market by creating a whole new segment for their platform). If they value gaming market so much, they wouldn't be pulling from the literally biggest asymmetrical action-horror game to date, unless they knew that they can possibly make even more money out of their ST product somewhere else. Like, from their own game, where all money will go directly to them.

    But I guess "BHVR greedy" is the only answer some people can think of, firmly ignoring the possibility of anything else being in play. After all, they are so greedy that they renewed every single previous license, yet decided "you know what, this stranger things license which is one of our most profitable licenses to date? yeah, let's get rid of it, too much money to pay. don't even care if in a long term we'll lose even more money bc of it", right? But I am not the one, who recycles the same idea over and over and over again every single time ######### hits the fan with DbD, so I guess it's me who is not ok mentally. I'm sure Vaas would have something to say about this lmao.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    Not survivor skins, because I don't play them. I don't have many perks for them and I don't want to grind to get all the survivor perks for them.

    Demo: maybe, I will see later.

  • Member Posts: 286

    I'm just missing 3 Steve and 3 Demo outfits to have all of the Stranger Things content, will shell out $35 to get them

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Already had all steve skins and one nancy skin.

    Might get a demo skin and jonathan.

  • Member Posts: 882

    Getting every Ultra Rare Steve skin, I always wanted to play Steve but I thought a $10 price tag for a single skin was a big much, but now that it's around $24 for all his skins it's a fair deal. Also getting his ugly sweater, and I might get Jonathan if I get more money before November 17.

  • Member Posts: 459

    I could, I've had the same 1000 auric cells for almost two years which I've used to buy the rift every time. Which means I would have to buy more auric cells if I wanted to continue to buy the rift and buy the ST cosmetics.

    So no, I won't buy anything because that would mean I have to give BHVR money, which they don't deserve because of their terrible communication with the community and console problem ignorance.

  • Member Posts: 628

    How do you know it wasn't Netflix pulling out of the deal, or increasing the price of using their IP's once the agreement was up for negotiation? It could be BHVR, but it could also be Netflix (who could be money hungry and is facing more competition with Disney+, Paramount+, And even Peacock who has the Office).

    Stranger Things is one of the strongest IP's that Netflix owns. The other strongest IP is Cobra Kai. Former is coming to an end so they could be anticipating loss in viewers, so they tried asking for a significant increase in price through BHVR to offset the loss and negotiations fell through.

    I'm not saying this is what happened, but I think there's a lot at play here and we probably won't find out due to NDA's in place.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    I don't usually use auric cells for skins but I almost feel obliged to at least get something since I might not get another chance...

  • Member Posts: 628

    Console Problem Ignorance?

    You know all patches have to be submitted to the respective companies (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft) before being released to ensure the patches that BHVR puts through doesn't break the system itself. They delayed the 5.1.0 patch on the Switch most likely because the fix had issues with the system.

    They compensated with BP and rift shards for the delay. They disabled video capture on the Switch, but it has been running close to perfectly since the release.

    I don't know what system you are on, but they have been doing pretty good on Switch (its too dark, but that's a separate issue)

  • Member Posts: 268

    bhvr has been doing bad the past few months yet we don't have any idea on why the license was lost, we can only guess and my personal guess is that netflix made it ridiculously expensive to keep the license, to either have an enormous benefit or pull back because it's on their own interest. if you want to drop that take and still have a solid point at least talk ######### over how they are letting last gen players to die off in a hole of performance issues and how they're keeping up with content release instead of fixing and balancing their game.

    might get choker demogorgon head since base skin and prestige skin are pretty good. maybe a Nancy skin but I'm not totally sure since I ain't really into survivor skins of characters that didn't convince on first sight, unlike Nea, Feng, Bill, Cheryl or Zarina.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    yes, so that i have something on every slot for every character.

  • Member Posts: 459

    You are a lucky one then if you don't have any problems anymore. But that's not the case with most of the console player base. I'm lucky I got PS5 and don't have to suffer, but I'll still criticize BHVR for such a poor optimization.

    I'm sure you've seen the now 95 paged thread about console optimization problems in these forums. And it's not only last gen consoles, it's started to affect mid/high-end PCs as well. BHVR doesn't communicate and they haven't fixed the problems permanently since the problems come back every other patch.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    This is my life.....Buy this outfit then a sale comes for it. I own all stranger things outfits except a couple of Steve's so I guess I can benefit a little. I have no luck.....

  • Member Posts: 383

    I'm going to buy Scoops Steve and the Christmas sweaters, but I don't know if those are gonna be on sale. Probably not.

    I want the Christmas sweaters for all the characters.

  • Member Posts: 6,556
    edited August 2021

    Doubt it.

    I barely play any of them. But I might get 1. Depending on how much spending money I have by then

  • Member Posts: 628

    I have seen it, but I think that makes it harder tbf. If it was an issue that is common to all users on a certain platform, then the issues would be easier to identify. But since it varies even amongst similar platform users, the underlying factor may not be easily identified

    I do agree that BHVR isn't great with communication (color blind fiasco left a sour taste), but I think they have been better when compared to previous times. I actually appreciated the 5.1.0 delay announcement. When the "next week update" time was coming up, they provided an update almost the same day.

    I'm not defending them at all, I just think their coding across multiple platforms is a hot mess. I think they are splicing new codes into the messy nest which affects another issue since they are all connected (like pallet bugs).

    Its either they need more people to just focus on going through all the coding (they can't afford a health patch and taking 6 months between DLC) or start planning for DBD 2 from ground up.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I will probably buy one Nancy outfit (either the newest or the Ponytail/red jacket one). Actually hoped for Robin and thus I never considered buying it.

    i would also like to have a Steve Outfit (This is not happening for the upper body) but I do like the default outfit already so I guess Nancy has priority.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I own all the killers, but I don't have Steve or Nancy as survivors. So I am sure I will buy them, 2 more people to P3, ugh.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Honestly probably not because behavior won't be updating anything strangers things related in the future, so any skins you purchase most likely won't be patched in any way until the license comes back to the game, if ever.

  • Member Posts: 459

    I agree with you on all of that. I'm also pretty sure it's the spaghetti code that causes all the problems and they just don't either have the knowledge or enough staff to fix them while pushing out new content way too fast.

    Their best dev, who actually communicated with the player base and was a professional programmer, left BHVR last Friday. And now they lost their first license. Every month I get more and more pessimistic about the direction this game is going.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm going to get the sea-creature arms for the Demogorgon skin (I figure that since you can't see your entire Killer in-game, might as well just buy the only part you can see, haha), and maybe something for Nancy. I prestiged her to 3 to cover her cyclops face so I might buy one of her pairs of jeans!

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    I might grab a few things. Most likely the Demogorgon cosmetics, of which I currently have none as I like them but not enough for full price.

  • Member Posts: 472

    Was going to get them all eventually in the future but now that I'm against the clock I'm going to splash out and get them all

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Yeah I'm gonna buy up some skins for nancy

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    I may get the Jonathan skin. Otherwise, I’m not that bothered.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Def getting a demo skin!

    Probably get something for Steve and Nancy too. I dont play them much but 50% sale is good ^^

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Well if the cosmetics are on sale for 50% off from my understanding then sure - To me cosmetics are too expensive in general but that's a price I'm willing to pay.

  • Definitely i've always like these items, but they are too overpriced but if i can get them for 50% off, and it's my last chance i'll definitely be getting them.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    Just the Christmas sweaters. I already have outfits I like for Nancy and Steve, and the P3 for Demo will be enough. I don't play them three enough to buy outfits without shards, even during a sale.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    I forgot about the sweaters. Definitely getting those.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I won't. I got the playable characters, and that's all that matters to me.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    No... I don't see the point

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