I think pinhead will be unplayable on console

I’m a little worried too
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I've tested him playing wiht a controller and I found it very playable - this was on PC, but the controls were pretty smooth.
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Can you show us your gameplay?
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As long as the hitbox is generous enough I hope it will be ok. If survivors start 360ing the chain I feel like I’ll miss a lot haha
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My concern isn't so much the use of a controller but the performance and framerate issues many of us console players suffer from. For example, I currently have difficulty using Pyramid Head's ranged attack, which causes performance issues.
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On pc you play at 60 fps on console its 30 unless you are on the new gen. I expect the release of the new chapter to bring new bug and fps issue for console just like nemesis did. So i think OP is right the killer will be unplayable on console unless the compagnie can prove they can do a good release for ounce in a while
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Yeah I play nurse, slinger, billy, oni on console and the hitbox to land one of those chains seems 50x wider than any of the other hitboxes, shouldn't be an issue.
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I thought this was gonna be a thread about how the game is just not going to work after the update like the resident evil chapter.
Hopefully they will plug in a few consoles and try it out before the chapter goes live.
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I really hope they have consoles to test on. All I’ve heard is they just use controllers plugged into a pc. Not the same
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I know it's a bit too much to ask but could you show us some gameplay on controller, please? I think it's better to give feedback right now than to wait release so we can avoid another Blight situation.
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You forget console FPS being 10x lower
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That was me testing it on the PTB a short time ago - not that things are not tested on controller internally.
I understand the issues that you're facing on Consoles, I know the situation is still being worked on internally. But I do not have further information than that I'm afraid.
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Appreciate the honesty all the same. Just know many of us still love this game and want to enjoy it despite our own issues with some shortcomings it has had going on.
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We know, believe me we know. I know people see it as empty words coming from me, but genuinely the team are working hard to try to resolve the issues on consoles and I believe they are making some headway but it's sadly taking time - I do feel bad about it, a lot of my friends also play on consoles, so I see the struggles they've had, especially with freezings.
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Much luv to all of ya. It's never a fun situation for either party here when these things happen.
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I think the real issue is that a lot of people think optimization is done by pressing a button, while in reality it can be suuuuch a big pain... I sincerely appreciate the team is working on optimization.
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People aren't used to it yet. It's not as bad as it seems when you actually aim your chain before you fire it. Controlling it when it's already flying it near impossible yet but shooting it is fine.
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I don't really think anyone thinks it is easy to fix. But this isn't something that has only been going on for 3 months. It has been going on for years. They had a "big" campaign to improve performance for consoles and lower end PCs in 2019 and failed. Not only that, they just flat out stopped talking about it. You can't blame people for being frustrated for dealing with the crap performance for years and not accepting their lack of communication about the issue. It's great that Mandy is able to say they are working on it, and hopefully they really are, but that isn't enough to completely dissolve the distrust they have built in the community that have felt unheard and left behind for years.
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I can't blame people for being frustrated, but I can blame people when they never think what work goes behind certain things.
You release something, people buy it, but it is not working as good as intended. To fix that issue, you have to spend tons of money and lots of time to first diagnose the cause, then other lots of money and time to fix ths issue.
If they can't simply diagnose the issue, of course they can't solve it.
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Yeah, this.
I still haven't even gotten to have a fair try at playing Nemesis, it's the first killer in a long time I didn't play all the time for several days after release. I always want to get a feel for them, and can't when the game is robbing me of chases anyways. I won't play Pinhead either if it's still bad.
When I do play killer I have to use the most boring and sweaty crap to make up for it and it feels so bad.
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I think most peoples problem is lack of any kind of communication. We're working on it can be they no there's a problem but don't know what it is to they have identified the problem and a fix is on the way. I personally don't plan on spending any more money on a game that is almost unplayable. Survivor doesn't seem to bad but when I play killer using powers seems to freak it out and I lose chase because I am now looking at a wall for no reason
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Please enable mouse and keys on console.
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How much it costs them is purely speculative on your part. If they are using the people that would be working on an new chapter, then the cost is the delay of future sales assuming it postponed a chapter release. If they delay a non essential project, like SBMM or "Auto Ban", it wouldn't really cost them anymore assuming those people wouldn't have been laid off once their original project was completed. If they hire a completely new team to tackle it, sure there is extra cost, but in my opinion, money well spent to fix the issues on the systems they (BHVR) CLAIMS the game works for. Most likely though their management doesn't think it is an issue that will lose them money so they don't prioritize it over new content.
If they can't fix it then they should say so. Then people waiting and begging for a fix will know to quit putting their money and time into a game that is no longer compatible with their system. They should also stop advertising the game as PS4, and Xbox One compatible and also increase their recommended computer specifications for the game. Again, this isn't something that has only been happening for month, it has been YEARS.
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So basically like most fun killers.
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Console is still a complete mess.
We're talking console, not pc. Playing on console is absolutely appalling. Unacceptable.
I'm seriously considering retiring from DBD once I've finished the current pass (at level 36). Might not even bother with Pinhead either.
I spend far too much time on this with sadly little in the way of rewarding enjoyment.
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I've seen pinhead game play and there is so much going onscreen I'm afraid it will melt my ps4. I'm not spending any money untell it's enjoyable again
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Do you have any vague estimation of the amount of time required?
Are we looking at Chapter 22? Chapter 23? Or are we thinking more in 2022?
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I main nurse on console
0 problems.
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this is good to hear. Hope the team can fix the issues.
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Yea but i started maining nurse long before getting a next gen and i didnt had any problems on my day one PS4 either.