Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

DCing out of control

Master Member Posts: 10,200
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

Survivors go crazy DCing at the moment. I was jsut trying to do my daily quest to open a gate, first game iridescent hutnress - DC, next game someone steps into a trapper trap - DC, next game cannibal reving his chainsaw - 2 DC, then a complete potato team (no DCs surprisingly), then a doc game, ya know what happened.....

Please can the ratio of DCs needed for punishemnt be lowered, I cant play a game anymore lol :|

Edit: 7th try I managed to open a gate, the DC only happened in the end when the killer was about to get his first kill....


  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    i saw a lot of that last night.  
  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    If they DC 35% of their games, they get temporary banned.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    @guest602 said:
    If they DC 35% of their games, they get temporary banned.

    I can confirm that this is not the case, ratio most be higher than 50%

  • Juhonna
    Juhonna Member Posts: 23

    I have noticed that it has been happening alot lately. -_-

  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    @Master I saw somewhere that it was 35%, but I'm not suprised to hear a such thing. I know a streamer who DC all the time to stay low rank and not to wait 3 years to find a lobby, he never ever got banned.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @guest602 said:
    @Master I saw somewhere that it was 35%, but I'm not suprised to hear a such thing. I know a streamer who DC all the time to stay low rank and not to wait 3 years to find a lobby, he never ever got banned.

    I admit, I have done that too at some point, but now I just derank by protecting the basement while watching some streams :wink:

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    zoinks!  master, the one who said he wanted to get me banned over my video...has dc'd?  oh, how the righteous do fall!
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I've had a rash of survivor dc's playing both sides and killers have been dodging both lobbies and games way more often lately too. It reminds me of when they did the free weekend how bad it was.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    zoinks!  master, the one who said he wanted to get me banned over my video...has dc'd?  oh, how the righteous do fall!

    Yes because at that point I didnt even know there was a DC ratio etc.
    However, I didnt post public videos about it, ya know :wink:

  • guest602
    guest602 Member Posts: 149

    @Runiver I completely agree with you.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Runiver said:

    @guest602 said:
    If they DC 35% of their games, they get temporary banned.

    a 35% D/C rate is enough to ruin an entire game tho. And as far as I'm concerned, you need to have that ratio over a GOOD NUMBER OF matches to eventually get a 1 day ban, which leaves plenty of room to actually ruin HUNDREDS of matches before getting actual punishments.

    D/Cing should just have more penalties atm.

    Just sad that we have no casual mode, if we did then they could introduce hard punishments in ranked mode
    But then they would have to fix their own gamebreaking bugs/exploits and get a proper anticheat engines, devs are like: nah not now, game sells quite well so why change sth

  • No0bPleb
    No0bPleb Member Posts: 3

    When im in game im always dc eventhough my ping is fine..

  • Silas
    Silas Member Posts: 307

    DCs should definitely result in more than just a depip. A bloodpoint penalty would deter many of those butthurt rage quitters, especially if it could pull you into a negative amount.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    a study needs to be done to find out what happens prior to a rage quit.  wouldn't that be interesting?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Runiver said:

    @guest602 said:
    If they DC 35% of their games, they get temporary banned.

    a 35% D/C rate is enough to ruin an entire game tho. And as far as I'm concerned, you need to have that ratio over a GOOD NUMBER OF matches to eventually get a 1 day ban, which leaves plenty of room to actually ruin HUNDREDS of matches before getting actual punishments.

    D/Cing should just have more penalties atm.

    I have a friend who disconnected over half of his matches. If he found a killer he disliked = dc, if he was downed first = dc, if he got camped = dc, etc.

    He never got a ban.

    They really need to up those numbers.
    Hackers and disconnecters are ruining the game right now. No way to report them, and they stay unpunished.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tsulan said:

    @Runiver said:

    @guest602 said:
    If they DC 35% of their games, they get temporary banned.

    a 35% D/C rate is enough to ruin an entire game tho. And as far as I'm concerned, you need to have that ratio over a GOOD NUMBER OF matches to eventually get a 1 day ban, which leaves plenty of room to actually ruin HUNDREDS of matches before getting actual punishments.

    D/Cing should just have more penalties atm.

    I have a friend who disconnected over half of his matches. If he found a killer he disliked = dc, if he was downed first = dc, if he got camped = dc, etc.

    He never got a ban.

    They really need to up those numbers.
    Hackers and disconnecters are ruining the game right now. No way to report them, and they stay unpunished.

    Yes the ratio when the system kicks in must be way above 50%, probably 70 or 80%....
    Its kinda ridiculous if you think about it, but on the other hand if you look at the game itself.... :wink:

  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105

    The problem is ranking is pointless, so people don't care about it. If there was some kind of reward for ranking up each month, dc's would substantially drop.

  • lallen
    lallen Member Posts: 3

    Why not add a debuff for players that DC. Maybe reduce the amount of perks they can use, which increase the more it happens. Or even reduce the amount of points that some one can earn? And for major offenders a dunce cap that completely removes all perks. It could be a way of encouraging players not to DC. The cap could be quite tall so prevent survivors from climbing through windows and getting in lockers and could easily be spotted by the killer. Plop it on their heads for an hour or so.

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56

    Okay I had a similar topic up on steam when I was newer to the game.. Now I completely understand why some people dc.. I will dc if, two or more survivors do, it is not fair for 2 survivors to work on all 5 gens.. Well I don't dc i wait till im hooked and then kill myself lol.. I will dc however if the killer is lag switching because that is just wrong.. I have also seen a lot of killers dc on the entire team because they are doing bad.. I know a lot of people use dcing as a way to depip or because they hate the killer they are facing.. I notice the top times I see people DC is with Pig, Doctor and Michael Meyrs killers.. I want to dc so bad when i face the pig but dont lol I think for people that dc there should be a punishment but only when certain things are fixed... A ban for killers who lag switch, (I don't think it's fair for people to be in an entire game with this) I think that the way they can fix dcing a bit would be this.... You know when you play kill your friends and you play x survivors vs the killer and they load in the gens based off of how many survivors there are.. Maybe when someone dcs, the killer gets all the points they would have gotten if they hooked them 2 xs and sacrificed them to the entity, and one gen would be completed per person that dcs.. That way it doesnt effect the survivor team or killer as a whole.. I also notice a lot of times people troll by coming into a team and the minute the game loads they back out so there are only 3 people lol.. I know it's super annoying especially with rank and such but i can say the higher the rank the less dcs happen.. It mostly happens with low rank players that get pissed off because they are not good at the game yet.. Maybe also a coop vs ai would be a good place so people can get better at the game.. Also maybe the devs need to make it so you can only depip so much, it gets out of control when rank 1s are doing rank 17 because they depip and troll lower ranks.. Maybe you can only depip 2 times until rank reset or something. I also feel rank reset shouldn't happen as soon as it does, other games usually wait a few months or even a season to do this.. I feel that there are too many high level survivors vs low rank killer or visa versa so people have to learn too quickly.. Just some thoughts though..

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @esn23 said:
    Okay I had a similar topic up on steam when I was newer to the game.. Now I completely understand why some people dc.. I will dc if, two or more survivors do, it is not fair for 2 survivors to work on all 5 gens.. Well I don't dc i wait till im hooked and then kill myself lol.. I will dc however if the killer is lag switching because that is just wrong.. I have also seen a lot of killers dc on the entire team because they are doing bad.. I know a lot of people use dcing as a way to depip or because they hate the killer they are facing.. I notice the top times I see people DC is with Pig, Doctor and Michael Meyrs killers.. I want to dc so bad when i face the pig but dont lol I think for people that dc there should be a punishment but only when certain things are fixed... A ban for killers who lag switch, (I don't think it's fair for people to be in an entire game with this) I think that the way they can fix dcing a bit would be this.... You know when you play kill your friends and you play x survivors vs the killer and they load in the gens based off of how many survivors there are.. Maybe when someone dcs, the killer gets all the points they would have gotten if they hooked them 2 xs and sacrificed them to the entity, and one gen would be completed per person that dcs.. That way it doesnt effect the survivor team or killer as a whole.. I also notice a lot of times people troll by coming into a team and the minute the game loads they back out so there are only 3 people lol.. I know it's super annoying especially with rank and such but i can say the higher the rank the less dcs happen.. It mostly happens with low rank players that get pissed off because they are not good at the game yet.. Maybe also a coop vs ai would be a good place so people can get better at the game.. Also maybe the devs need to make it so you can only depip so much, it gets out of control when rank 1s are doing rank 17 because they depip and troll lower ranks.. Maybe you can only depip 2 times until rank reset or something. I also feel rank reset shouldn't happen as soon as it does, other games usually wait a few months or even a season to do this.. I feel that there are too many high level survivors vs low rank killer or visa versa so people have to learn too quickly.. Just some thoughts though..

    You DC if someone else DCed, well if noone DCed then this wouldnt be a problem
    Laggswitcher? encountered 2 laggswitchers in 600 hours, dont confuse laggspike with laggswitch
    Fun fact, but you are banned for laggswitching (not for laggspike though)

    AND NO the killer is punished if survivors DC. Take the extreme as an example. all 4 survivors DC, then the killer gets 2500 BP and loses ALL addons and offerings, how is that fair? Not to mention that DCing also takes away BBQ stacks

    It is already ridiculously easy to pip, piping especially as survivor is more a participation reward than a "ranked" thing now. If players want to derank instead of upranking, then there is something completely wrong with the ranked system, yes the issue is that you are actually punished for ranking up (especially as a trashtier killer who has to face the SWF then)

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56

    No I am saying if 2 survivors DC and there is 4 gens left, I will let killer hook me and die.. I also said killers should get points for dc like they hooked them the 3 times and killed them, I also think survivors should get one less gen for each person who dcs, unless it is toward the end of the game, but if it's at the start of the game with full gens or almost full gens then it should adujust.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    I do agree that DCes need to be punished and harshly for repeat offenders. I can understand and accept that sometimes people have a good reason to leave a game. PC crashes, internet goes out, they have to leave for something that requires there immediate attention, they get stuck from a bug, etc. ######### happens in life but the repeat offenders and the ones that DC if they are found first, miss their D strike, get caught after being cocky OchiDo wannabes need a stiff penalty applied to them.

    Honestly i think there is two things that can be done to both lessen the impact of DCing and punish people effectively. First things first if a survivor DCes from a game that match should be an auto safety pip atleast for both the killer and remaining survivors regardless of how the match played out. In addition to this the killer should be granted 1500 sacrifice points for the DC and should not lose his addons for that trial. The survivors should be granted 1500 altruism points and have a genny auto pop when someone DCes to help even the odds.

    As far as punishment goes i think a system should be implemented that acknowledges that people can have valid reasons for leaving while also punishing the repeat offenders. I think a sort of token system should be allowed. Every week each player is given 3 free DCes from a match where you can straight up just leave the game no questions asked. You still forfeit your points, items and rank for that trial but you can leave without the threat of a ban. This is for people that have an emergency and HAVE to leave the game immediately. It will also be used by salty players but they can only use it three times a week. After that they need to suck it up or suffer a 48hr ban from the game. This would encourage people to save there DC tokens for when they really need them in an emergency and remove the filth from our game that cant handle playing it when it goes south for them.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    This was always a thing here sadly, if i play with low tier killers like clown, leatherface no one dc, and when i use my nurse i got dc eventually and i waste my addons and offerings..

    Someday.. someday maybe the devs will introduce a cooldown penalty for dc like many other games as it should be.

  • Cypraz
    Cypraz Member Posts: 136

    somebody hook farm me i dc
    killer camp my hook i dc
    if somebody else dc 50% i dc depends.
    killer lag switch i dc
    team mate try to BM and bring killer i dc.

    this is why survivors need swf!! solo is too toxic.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    I only DC if the survs gen rush. Sorry but I want to play an actual game and not just waste a perfectly good match

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Irisora said:
    This was always a thing here sadly, if i play with low tier killers like clown, leatherface no one dc, and when i use my nurse i got dc eventually and i waste my addons and offerings..

    Someday.. someday maybe the devs will introduce a cooldown penalty for dc like many other games as it should be.

    Thats the good thing playing nurse, you are not dependent on addons so you cant lose them :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Cypraz said:
    somebody hook farm me i dc
    killer camp my hook i dc
    if somebody else dc 50% i dc depends.
    killer lag switch i dc
    team mate try to BM and bring killer i dc.

    this is why survivors need swf!! solo is too toxic.

    gotta love guys like you
    Ever thought about playing killer? No teammate will "BM" you then :wink:

  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187
    edited June 2018

    Why can't they just introduce instant time penalties? If the system is able to recognise if a DC was intentional or not as they claim, then what's the problem in locking players out of the game for like 30 minutes when they DC?

    Also, they could introduce a 1 day ban if someone intentionally DCd more than 3 times in a day. But don't let that build up as in resulting to a permanent ban. Let them be banned for a day over and over again if they keep DCing over and over again.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ComelyStar said:
    Why can't they just introduce instant time penalties? If the system is able to recognise if a DC was intentional or not as they claim, then what's the problem in locking players out of the game for like 30 minutes when they DC?

    Also, they could introduce a 1 day ban if someone intentionally DCd more than 3 times in a day. But don't let that build up as in resulting to a permanent ban. Let them be banned for a day over and over again if they keep DCing over and over again.

    Because there are countless bugs in the game that actually force you to DC. I had a day where I had to DC three times in a single day (long session though) because several survivors were holding me hostage.
    Fix those bugs, then introduce casual and ranked and have strong punishments in ranked

  • JayDoesGames
    JayDoesGames Member Posts: 264

    Happens a lot on the survivor side especially. It's annoying when your team gets punished for it though. Most killers dgaf and still act like it's a full game when it's only 2 of you.

  • Spectruss
    Spectruss Member Posts: 14

    I have a Ritual (Kill a survivor by my own hands using the Doctor) I used a Ebony Mori, when the first survivor saw I was The Doctor, all survivors DC, In the next trial, I use the Yellow Mori (Let me kill the last survivor by my own hands) I've manage to kill 3 of them, and on the last one I press the M1 to kill the survivor, he DC. Didn't get the ritual and lost a Ebony Mori and a Yellow Mori.... GG Devs pls fix the game so we dont lose the Offering if all of the survivors DC!

  • mistressdiana
    mistressdiana Member Posts: 56

    Had at least 10 people DC last night in about 5 games, almost always after I would down them. I was Freddy in all of these games and I've never had so many people DC against me in one night even when I've been playing Doc. Also on the survivor side I've had people DC as soon as they get on their first hook (almost always the obsession, almost always has decisive strike) and people need to just stay in the game.

  • lostllama
    lostllama Member Posts: 1

    I very rarely will ever dc, i don't see a point in screwing over my team unless. i figure if i can waste the killer's time thinking i'm getting saved if i'm on the hook then so be it. DCing for being downed or hooked immediately is one think i can't stand. It's not even trying. If I'm killer and and i get gen rushed then so be it. it happens. everyone has those crappy games. I'm not going to take your points away because i happened to suck that game. Live, learn and kill better next game. DCing just always screws someone, isn't worth it imo. Maybe i'm too nice.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,896
    edited June 2018

    @guest602 said:
    If they DC 35% of their games, they get temporary banned.

    I don't think so. I know someone who is constantly DC'ing on campers, and he is well over 35%. Has been for a long time. He's never been banned.

  • ComelyStar
    ComelyStar Member Posts: 187

    @Master said:

    @ComelyStar said:
    Why can't they just introduce instant time penalties? If the system is able to recognise if a DC was intentional or not as they claim, then what's the problem in locking players out of the game for like 30 minutes when they DC?

    Also, they could introduce a 1 day ban if someone intentionally DCd more than 3 times in a day. But don't let that build up as in resulting to a permanent ban. Let them be banned for a day over and over again if they keep DCing over and over again.

    Because there are countless bugs in the game that actually force you to DC. I had a day where I had to DC three times in a single day (long session though) because several survivors were holding me hostage.
    Fix those bugs, then introduce casual and ranked and have strong punishments in ranked

    And here I am, playing almost the entire day, every day and I never have any bugs or hostage situations forcing me to DC, not for many many months.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @JayDoesGames said:
    Happens a lot on the survivor side especially. It's annoying when your team gets punished for it though. Most killers dgaf and still act like it's a full game when it's only 2 of you.

    If a survivor DCs ingame, then I will show no mercy to others, same is if some doucebag dodges my mori.
    If someone accidently DCs in loadingscreen though, then I wont play like a tryhard killer :wink:

  • JayDoesGames
    JayDoesGames Member Posts: 264

    @Master said:

    @JayDoesGames said:
    Happens a lot on the survivor side especially. It's annoying when your team gets punished for it though. Most killers dgaf and still act like it's a full game when it's only 2 of you.

    If a survivor DCs ingame, then I will show no mercy to others, same is if some doucebag dodges my mori.
    If someone accidently DCs in loadingscreen though, then I wont play like a tryhard killer :wink:

    Why punish the few that stick around though? It's just bad sportsmanship honestly. You both could just farm and get double the points so everyone's happy. Survivors get punished for stupid things already like killer DC or killer ping spikes

  • BOSS242
    BOSS242 Member Posts: 171

    I only DC if the survs gen rush. S moorry but I want to play an actual game and not just waste a perfectly good match

    What do you consider gen rushing? Basically you're saying you DC if you are losing. If youre losing, here's an idea use the rest of the game to get better and maybe you won't get "gen rushed" anymore.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @JayDoesGames said:

    @Master said:

    @JayDoesGames said:
    Happens a lot on the survivor side especially. It's annoying when your team gets punished for it though. Most killers dgaf and still act like it's a full game when it's only 2 of you.

    If a survivor DCs ingame, then I will show no mercy to others, same is if some doucebag dodges my mori.
    If someone accidently DCs in loadingscreen though, then I wont play like a tryhard killer :wink:

    Why punish the few that stick around though? It's just bad sportsmanship honestly. You both could just farm and get double the points so everyone's happy. Survivors get punished for stupid things already like killer DC or killer ping spikes

    I stopped caring for survivors about 3 months ago. I realized that they dont give a ######### about the feelings of the killer, so I mostly stopped caring about theirs.
    If a survivor DCs, then I consider this as toxic as clicking at me/tbagging and if the survivor team BMs me, then I wont play a "friendly" killer.
    Survivors dont get punished if the killer DCs, they get free 5k BP, keep items and get a blackpip at least. If I play survivor and the killer DCs I am like "wow thanks, appreciate the free points".

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
    edited June 2018
         Maybe we should all take a look at ourselves? “How do I personally get my joy from playing survivor?”. For example, (early (or late) in a trial) if I am hooked, or put in the dying state for an extended period of time; “Do I accept the fact that a killer is not partial?” 
         This is not a simple epidemic that can be cured, no. What we need is healthy players.
         If a player simply doesn’t want to play Dead By Daylight, why bother staying in a “boring” match? -as these players my view it.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    Master said:

    @ComelyStar said:
    Why can't they just introduce instant time penalties? If the system is able to recognise if a DC was intentional or not as they claim, then what's the problem in locking players out of the game for like 30 minutes when they DC?

    Also, they could introduce a 1 day ban if someone intentionally DCd more than 3 times in a day. But don't let that build up as in resulting to a permanent ban. Let them be banned for a day over and over again if they keep DCing over and over again.

    Because there are countless bugs in the game that actually force you to DC. I had a day where I had to DC three times in a single day (long session though) because several survivors were holding me hostage.
    Fix those bugs, then introduce casual and ranked and have strong punishments in ranked

    i have seen this as well.  those with vast spans of time to spend can and will trap survivors in corners.  i saw a survivor just last night who had bond and empathy working with the killer.  neither experience is worth more than 5 seconds of my time after discovering the truth