A light update to trapper to modernize him

  1. Have the five traps start armed in front of each totem on the map.
  2. The trapper should be able to hold a maximum of three traps by default.
  3. Bags now just give you extra starting traps up to three.

Now, the breakdown why:

Trapper is the mascot and starting killer for most new players. Totems are an aspect of the game that new players seem to have difficulty with. Totems are difficult to find for new players, and there doesn't seem to be a reason to go after them at first.

The trappers traps starting in front of the totems on the map affects new players and skilled players differently.

For new players:

a. Minimizes the trap randomness and keeps new trappers on the parts of the map where survivors are likely going to want to go.

b. Teaches the killer where totems generally spawn on the map.

c. A trap and a totem next to each other make it easier for survivors to find totems and learn where they spawn on the map.

d. This gives a bit of protection to totems. New player trappers will likely run NOED. New players will get accustomed to trappers running NOED, and learn to actively cleanse totems.

For Older players:

a. Minimizes trap randomness. Traps are immediately useful as you unlock hex perks from other killers.

b. Picking up a trap early is now a decision. Is my trap more useful in front of this totem, or should I grab it for later use?

c. Makes the killer have more choices in how to play. Do I run a hex perk build where survivors will have to disarm my traps? Or do I run little to no hexes so I can pick my traps up quickly for loop shut downs?

d. Fits thematically. The trapper has given bait for the survivors. Do they disarm a trap to reveal themselves and work on a totem? Do they take the bait? Or do they decide the totem isn't worth the risk?

e. By making the number of traps he can carry 3 by default, the bags are no longer necessary, but good options. This allows trappers to pick other addons besides bags without feeling like they're hurting themselves.

What do you think? Nothing else about the killer needs to be changed, but I think it would bring the killer out of the bottom tier and at least to the middle tier. As well, it makes him more thematic.


  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Having each totem set with an already armed trap is a bit too much.

  • l33t
    l33t Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2021

    Active Totems now show up in pink to show where your totem is anyways a good trapper is overpowered as it is

    Post edited by l33t on
  • Wirius
    Wirius Member Posts: 28

    Why would that be?

    Traps are able to be disarmed by survivors. Further, the traps are extremely unlikely to actually catch any survivors. If a Trapper is playing with few to no hex perks, they'll be grabbing them to use.

    The only time it comes into play is if there is a lit totem, or if survivors want to clean regular totems to prevent NOED. At this point, they have a choice. They can trip the trap, then get rid of the totem. If the trapper is on the other side of the map, its not going to matter except for a small delay in tripping the trap.

    When this comes into play is if the trapper is within a reasonable distance. In the case, the survivor might wait until the trapper is in a chase. Or maybe even come back later.

    This just makes trapper's power have some effect in certain circumstances when they start the map. At the least, it delays survivors a bit. At the most, it allows an extra detection for the trapper to protect his totems at the start if he's able to. A trapper is likely to want to grab those traps to shut down loops. I just don't see this as an oppressive change.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Because it means he starts the game with five traps already set. That’s a bit much.

  • Wirius
    Wirius Member Posts: 28

    But these are set in front of the totems. The point is the updated trapper has a layer of totem protection at start. People aren't going to run into these by accident, and they don't shut down any loops. The trapper could leave them there if he wanted, but he's going to want to grab some of them if the has any hope of shutting down loops. Essentially the traps make it more risky/time consuming to get rid of totems at the start or if the trapper decides to leave a trap at a particular spot.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Well not to mention sometimes that can ######### you over and give away totem locations.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    They aren't in locations where you could step on them. If anything its a benefit because it reveals the locations of all the totems.

    Trapper is not that strong. Even when he has all traps set he doesn't have nearly enough to cover the whole map.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    Well, that's not necessarily true. Totems can spawn in places that people just walk by all the time, especially on maps like the swamp. I really think it would just encourage the Trapper to camp totems instead of focusing on gens.

  • Wirius
    Wirius Member Posts: 28

    While there are spots that a survivor could walk past at times, the traps would not be hidden in any grass and clearly visible. This could potentially be a downside for the killer, as a newer survivor will see a trap, and if they go to disarm it, find a totem they might not have been looking for.

    I don't see how this makes trapper camp totems. It will mean that the trapper will be likely to visit a totem to pick up a trap, but that's it. If survivors are snapping them and the trapper is nearby, its an indicator of where a survivor is. This may mean survivors avoid totems and do generators, in which case, the trapper won't worry about totems. If survivors are doing a concerted effort to get rid of totems, this gives the trapper a slightly better chance at protecting them, but serves mostly to waste their time.

    It gives more meaningful decisions for the trapper without altering his core gameplay loop.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    I love the idea to reduce Trap spawn RNG, but starting them on Totems is incredibly strong for Hex builds. I also agree that he should start with 3 traps. Here's what I'd suggest for Trapper though:

    • Increase starting number of traps and trap capacity to 3. Rework related add-ons:
      • Debuff Trapper Bag to increase starting number of traps and trap capacity by 1.
      • Debuff Trapper Sack to increase trap capacity by 1.
    • Change trap RNG to 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, and 100% escape odds. This lowers the likelihood of escaping early on, but increases the likelihood of escaping before the 6th attempt.
    • Make trap colour dependent on the map (snow = white/grey, grass = green/brown, etc.). Change the darkening add-ons to increase this camouflage effect.
    • Increase rescue time to 5s. It’s unfair to allow survivors to escape so quickly.
    • Gain a 5% Haste effect while a survivor is caught in a trap. This will help make sure Trapper can get to survivors before they escape, or empower him in chase temporarily.
    • Do not allow Dead Hard to go through traps. This makes it less overpowered against him.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Trap RNG already functions like this now. The first escape is less than 5% and it increases with each attempt.

    And its been like this for a while so I'm surprised you don't know.

    Its like the people suggesting buffs for Trapper don't play him. He really isn't that strong and even if Trapper has a Hex Build most of his traps would be dedicated toward Totems. Which means he's an M1 killer with no power because all his traps are on totems.

    And if survivors can't outmanuver an M1 killer then idk what to tell you. The problem is you.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    If he's camping totems, then he isn't focusing on gens.

    Thats an easy win for Survivors.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Trapper is one of the worst killers in the game. He suffers at red ranks, and literally cannot win at extremely high MMR.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    Agree 100%

    Over all the trap color on different maps. Now you can use an addon to make trap darker and go to a snow, white floor building so that addon is hurting you because now trap is more visible xD

    And the dead hard one, i always hated that, surv DH on a trap, free scape because you cant walk over your traps.

    I would like that the die addon give the trap the color/texture of the ground or make it a little transparent as lazy fix.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021

    1. For someone so arrogant about their opinion, it's funny that you're telling me I'm wrong when I have it from the devs and the code itself that I'm right. Every attempt had a 1/6 chance of escape, and the 6th is guaranteed. 1/6 is 16.67%, and it's a flat rate, not an increasing one, and definitely not 5%.

    2. As someone who extensively watches Otzdarva, one of the most popular Trapper mains, plays Trapper, understands Trapper, and has a friend who mains him, plays pubs, and plays comp, I daresay I'm qualified to give a rework.

    3. I have no idea how to even follow your train of thought for your Totem bit, because it doesn't track with what I or the OP said, but here goes...Spawning traps on Totems isn't the end of the world, but I still don't think it's a great idea. It takes no skill and gives some of the best Totem defenss in the game. Also, if you are ACTIVELY using all your traps for Totems, you are playing Trapper horribly, horribly wrong.

    4. Yet another part I cannot keep up with at all...Never once did I say he's strong. He's one of the weakest killers in the game if not the weakest. He's not just an M1 killer though, all your traps should not be on Totems lol. I never said struggled to loop one either, so I'm not sure why you're throwing shade at me

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Glad you agree, I spend a lot of time figuring out reworks lol. Even got a massive Doc here if you care to look (commenting allowed) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nUxBRomb77siSwDWkoD6fDjIbfiWKOU6uKLjS58MV34/edit?usp=drivesdk

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    Can you form your arguments in a different manner rather than numbering them because if I have to address every point in this manner posts are just going to get longer and longer.

    If the traps don't function in this manner, then they must have reverted it, because the last change I witnessed to Trapper was an increasing value to traps in order to reduce first-attempt escapes without entirely diminishing its chance.

    I also watch Otzdarva, and that alone doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about Trapper. Hell, I'm still learning things about Trapper, and I love Otzdarva. But it doesn't take a genius to know what Trapper needs. The problem is when we have all these suggestions that give him useless 'buffs' that don't do anything. For example, what does starting traps on totems do to change his gameplay to something more reasonable? It doesn't. It just shifts this to a bandaid fix, because it doesn't benefit the Trapper unless he's running an All-Hex build, and even then, Trapper isn't the best with those kinds of builds.

    My criticism here, is that the OP is trying to 'modernize' Trapper but most suggestions are usually involving giving him a bag addon by default or doing something like this, where its pretty pointless. My pointing out that the weakness of this 'buff' is pointing out the flaw in this suggestion. It does nothing for Trapper, his gameplay will still remain the same, and remain outdated. A bag addon would give him some nice buffs, yes, but its not that which makes him outdated, its his power in general.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Okay, let me stop this here. You're criticizing the OP but you quoted me, not them. And the 16% was implemented a long time ago

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    You addressed me. So I explained exactly what my posts were stating.