Why do we still have Syringe and Brand New Part in the game?

Seriously why? This is nothing but a "get out of jail for free" card for survivors and they can have 4 of them, one each. It's ridiculously insane just how fast survivors can finish a generator with the help of a Brand New Part add-on, not to mention if there is more than one using it on the same generator.
Chases with syringe survivors become a complete waste of time because you cannot even anticipate that a survivor has the syringe add-on. You think you are investing in a down for the price of a generator or two, but BOOM, at the last second before you get a chance to down a survivor, they heal back to full health right in the middle of a chase. And again, each survivor has the potential to have one of these...
I play both survivor and Killer equally, and even I can see these add-ons are outdated. Huntress Add-ons went through a rework not too long ago, so did several others who were deemed too OP, how about some work on Survivor's side, hm?
These are pretty mild now compared to their old effects, and still existing broken killer ultra rare add-ons.
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mild or not compared to whatever, they still OP.
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The thing is bad players using these would still lose. So it doesnt matter, if they cant use their full potential. The problem with strong things is when good player use them.
Bnp or toolboxes in general are stronger for the last gens. You cant defend all gens anyway, so losing one early bc of bnp is not even that bad.
And i think the styptic syringe (purple) is better than the iridescent syringe.
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For being ultra rare, should they have no chance to turn the tide? Huntress and Clown get practical free instant downs all match with their ultra rares. These are one-time use per match add-ons we’re talking about.
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Something that is ultra-rare but still OP enough to break the flow of the game to an unfair proportion is no excuse. With this kind of logic BHVR might as well introduce an item that spawns a hatch for the survivors at the start of the match, but hey... It's ultra-rare, so there is no harm.
Besides, I am in favor of removing Clown and Huntress ultra-rare add-ons, they are still OP, always have been. One-down add-ons are just stupid in my opinion.
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I mean, the Survivors need SOMETHING in their Bloodwebs what is somewhat good. Most of the Stuff in the Bloodwebs is just crap you dont want to have. Survivors have over 60 different Items and Add Ons in their Bloodwebs, having a handful of them being actually good should be fine.
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The syringe is completely fine
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The same reason we still have a vast collection of insta down addons
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Syringe is completely fine as is BNP. Especially compared to how they were just a short time ago.
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They aren't op. Syringe can be quite risky to use and a single BNP does almost nothing and can also be wasted entirely, just like syringe.
Look at Old Old BNP or even the second version, that was op as well as the old Syringe and Styptic.
But now they still are decent in strength for being Ultra Rare.
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I think the syringe is in a pretty balanced state right now.
The BNP can be questionable at times, especially if you run it with several other teammates and a green toolbox.
I think the BNP is a problem of just the bigger picture, being a lack of a 2nd objective for survivors and gen speed being pretty fast in general.
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Compared to other items and addons, I'd say they are, yes. "Useless" if you're playing a good killer that won't swing on you or a bad one that just ignores you and you used it at a bad time because you're also not that good. And yeah, it isn't as bad as it used to be, so they're fine, right?
I don't think with how quickly gens can go, or how many second chances that exist, that these two really should... but at the end of the day the problem with that statement is that some perks are stronger than temporary items and addons, and stacking it all together, though rare, is pretty gross.
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Syringe ain't instant and you have 16 seconds to down them (more or less time depending on perks and addons), besides killers have plenty of instadown perks/addons/powers that can be used multiple times throughout a trial, so seems fair survivors get one too.
One BNP is countered by a single kick of Pop (if the survivor hits both skillchecks) or can get deleted by Ruin. Though I get the annoyance if all survivors are running Commodious with BNP and charge addon, but I haven't seen that one single time as either killer or survivor in all my time playing.
Killers have plenty of strong and some few game altering addons, seems fair that survivors get two.
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BNPs are most problematic if they’re stacked. A team of 4 with good toolboxes, BNPs and Prove Thyself can end the match insanely fast. But a team of 4 stacking anything kind of breaks balance a bit, so I don’t think nerfing BNPs would address the real problem there.
That said, if they were nerfed or removed I wouldn’t be upset because I don’t think that kind of add on design is very healthy or good for the game. Delete BNPs, and then delete all killer cooldown/recovery add ons as well. 🙂
Syringes are fine IMO, they heal one health state in the time it would take to heal anyway, they eat the medkit, they can be denied altogether if you spot their use and counter it. I think they’re mostly balanced and really not game-changing in 99% of cases. Good, but not unfair.
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They are powerful, but that is the point. Ultra Rare add-ons are expensive in the Bloodweb, but can turn the tide of a match.
Besides, they used to be way stronger in the past, BNP in particular. Though I miss the old Insta-Heal, I would say they are not in a bad spot right now.
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And plenty of "I can see your Aura clearly through walls all of the time" add-ons
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Some people here need to understand that I am not in favor of insta-down add-ons on Killers, nor do I find OP add-ons charming which grant aura vision through walls or whatever. This is not an argument of me trying to get rid of syringe and BNP while leaving Killer red and some purple add-ons intact. If I had the power, I would remove syringe, BNP, and every Killer add-on granting BS aura vision or insta-down. These are not something that make Dead by Daylight fun, they are a nuisance to deal with that only makes what is already an unbalanced unfair game even more unfair and unbalanced.
I know DBD is not supposed to be E-SPORT level balanced, but clearly everyone can agree that there is a point where players should expect some form of balance and fair game when it comes to add-ons.
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I don't find BNPs to be that bad honestly. The item rework they did was a decent job at balancing things. If you have 4 Survivors communicating on the level of all bringing BNPs, you're going to have issues anyways. You probably won't see that outside a sweaty 4-man, and those games are already rough for most Killers. 1 or 2 in a match isn't going to sway it too much, and I've rarely seen more than 1 personally since they did the rework.
There are a lot of ways to counter a BNP, Ruin, Pop and any other gen regression perk can make it a complete waste to bring into the match. Keeping pressure on the gens, something you should do anyways, can also lead to a BNP being wasted if the gen starts regressing and the Survivors can't get back to give it a touch.
As far as the aura reads and insta-downs, eh. There are limitations to those items, and while I don't use them myself, I can see the desire to have a less stressful match every now and again. It is pretty fun to break out the OP stuff and go at it after a sweaty match or two. They do have to justify the cost of the item in the Bloodweb though, and 7k BP is a pretty hefty price for a single add-on.
The syringe... I avoid these as much as I can. Wasting a medkit + UR add-on for a single heal is ridiculous, and you might not even get that heal if you get hit. Personally, I think the time on it is a bit high. 12 seconds seems more reasonable considering the price of the add-on and the fact you lose the medkit as well. I would rather bring in a green medkit with some charge add-ons and stay healed, and help heal faster, the whole match than waste a medkit and an add-on that you will lose anyways even if you don't use it.
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Have the nerfs not been enough? I guess clearly the answer from you is no.
I have literally never seen a game in more than 1500 hours where all four survivors brought in BNPs or syringes, before or after the nerfs. Syringes aren't instant anymore, so that argument that they're get out of jail free cards is invalid.
Why do killers still have exhaustion add ons when the exhaustion mechanic has been changed?
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I’m a heavy killer main, but I think we need to work on some killer add ones before survivors. Myers Iri add ons are far more powerful
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I'm fine with the Add-Ons on their own. I appreciate that they're one-time use add-ons that have the possibility for a major effect, but they don't give you a free gen/health state anymore, and require you to think ahead if you want to get decent value out of them.
Idk, I think they sit in a really good spot as ultra-rares. They're not absolutely useless like some Killer Ultra-Rares, and they're a really fair amount of game changing for what they are.
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The syringe is not that problematic anymore. It's simply good stuff, as it's supposed to be. It can be annoying because it's used in-your-face style, but
Bnp needs looked at because it can be stacked in certain ways that it shouldn't.
Other than that, survivors don't really have broken stuff, not even the styptic. If anything, they have a lot more clutter than killers do. Even killers who don't have many good add-ons.
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Same reason a lot of broken killer add-ons still exist.
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I don't see them nearly as much as I used to. Compared to their original design, these are MUCH more manageable and fair. I personally don't even notice it unless EVERYONE brings a Toolbox and a few or all bring a BNP, then I just run Franklin's Demise and hope the best.
Keys on the otherhand I still absolutely do not like at all. Not as a item you can just bring in, much rather Keys to open the Hatch be a rare chance to find in a Item Chest, or have Keys overhauled entirely.
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Are we seriously complaining about syringes now? Syptics are stronger anyway
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Hello, ultra-rare killer addons would like to have a word with you.
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Huntress constantly having to reload at lockers when using Iri head really negates that add on. Personally, I hate that nerf. But I understand survivors being upset about the previous Iri head/utility belt combo. Problem is the majority of Huntress players use the Iri head while practically riding a survivor, which is what the problem was before the nerf.
What they should have done was made Iri head skill based and by that I mean it only downs in one hit when it hits from 24 meters or more. This effectively eliminates the cheap 2 feet away instadowns and allows it to be combined with Utility belt. Even Clown's pinky finger add on requires the killer to have some skill in aiming and predicting the movements of a survivor.
And I still think they should make Iri head a skill based add on. Allow it to be put with utility belt again. If you're getting hit and downed from 24+ meters with one hatchet, can you really complain? Like seriously? If you're getting down from that far, that means your running was very predictable, you weren't aware of your surroundings, you sat stationary out in the open, or you simply just got outplayed.
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Without wanting to go too off topic: I agree with adding a skill-based requirement and allowing more hatchets. But 24 meters is a rather steep requirement for an iridescent add-on I think. Would 18+ meters be viable?