Legion is the new worst killer in DBD



  • SpongeBob420Pants
    SpongeBob420Pants Member Posts: 118

    Frenzy should down with 3 hits at base and the add on that makes it 3 should be removed.

  • xllANDRESllx
    xllANDRESllx Member Posts: 20

    Frenzy have to be more fast , sprint burst just counter frenzy so easily

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Legion worse than freddy? really?

    i think you people are exxagerating way too much, dont get me wrong, legion is bad but his power is not a total liability like nightmare.

    give me any valid argument to say such barbaric statement

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    Just refunding him.

  • BestGamerMemes
    BestGamerMemes Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2018

    I win most of my games 4/4 kills with legion almost 8/10 games I play. The other 2 are 1 person escaping through hatch. You don't know how to play Legion correctly and probably use the wrong perks for a killer like him.

    Barbecue and Chili
    Hex: No One Escapes Death or Hex: Haunted Ground work extremely well for me.

    I know where at least 1-2 survivors are at any given point in the game with Tinkerer and Discordance alone, and they can't pallet loop you I hit them once before they run to loop, then I just jump a pallet and deep wound them when they are injured and they run away from the pallet and then switch back to down them. It's easy to mind game survivors with him.

    I get almost a +2 to my rank every game with him, he is now my favorite killer next to Doctor or Nurse. No pallet looping makes a bad game for survivors.

    Just use his power to stop pallet looping and you are pretty much guaranteed a kill on anyone unless they are in a cornfield cause I have trouble seeing them with his height in cornfields.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    @Leatherbilly said:

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Legion worse than freddy? really?

    i think you people are exxagerating way too much, dont get me wrong, legion is bad but his power is not a total liability like nightmare.

    give me any valid argument to say such barbaric statement

    Freddy stalls survivors. Legion stalls himself.

    Have you at least given him a chance?

  • aarongai
    aarongai Member Posts: 155

    Legion is garbage, no matter how you think the "optimal" way to play them is.

    Tunnel one Survivor, and it takes you literal minutes to down them since you move at 110% move speed and can't use your power (because frenzy hits don't down anybody).

    Spread out the damage, and everyone's injured, but nobody gets downed. In fact they just ignore being injured since Legion gets first hits easily, but virtually never gets last hits.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @aarongai said:

    @Theluckyboi said:

    @Leatherbilly said:

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Legion worse than freddy? really?


    i think you people are exxagerating way too much, dont get me wrong, legion is bad but his power is not a total liability like nightmare.


    give me any valid argument to say such barbaric statement



    Freddy stalls survivors. Legion stalls himself.


    Have you at least given him a chance?

    Legion is garbage, no matter how you think the "optimal" way to play them is.

    Tunnel one Survivor, and it takes you literal minutes to down them since you move at 110% move speed and can't use your power (because frenzy hits don't down anybody).

    Spread out the damage, and everyone's injured, but nobody gets downed. In fact they just ignore being injured since Legion gets first hits easily, but virtually never gets last hits.

    I do want to point out with Frank's Mix Tape you can reliably use your power to end chases at a medium pace (definitely not quickly, but it's not literal minutes like trying to down without your power). But again, a killer so damn reliant on one specific add-on when survivors don't need items to stack up to most killers with most add-ons is insane, and is a poor balancing mentality.

  • BestGamerMemes
    BestGamerMemes Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2018

    @aarongai said:
    Legion is garbage, no matter how you think the "optimal" way to play them is.

    Tunnel one Survivor, and it takes you literal minutes to down them since you move at 110% move speed and can't use your power (because frenzy hits don't down anybody).

    Spread out the damage, and everyone's injured, but nobody gets downed. In fact they just ignore being injured since Legion gets first hits easily, but virtually never gets last hits.

    My man, you don't know how to use him, it is about how you play him. I win almost every game I play with him.

    Just because you are bad with a particular killer doesn't mean he is bad. People like me are very good with him. He is definitely Top Tier Material.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    @Thadius said:
    Just played legion and I can say for sure that the power is not used to down a survivor. Think of it like the pigs trap, it is used to slow survivors generator speed by making them worry about things like healing.

    Since survivors are most likely to be separated due to discordance, unable to hide in lockers due to iron maiden, and unable to save each other before one is hooked due to mad grit, then the only move for them is to heal (by themselves mind you) and waist time. If you want to down then simply chase a survivor closing distance with your power until that moment when your power runs out but they are next to you.

    And may I just say the blood point mountain I am on after a game is just fabulous, you max deviousness, brutality, and hunting pretty much simultaneously. Just use an escape cake and you won't need to buy a copy of a teachable from the shop pretty much ever.

    This of course is my opinion, and he may not be "top tier" but he is not worse that Freddy (cause he can hit survivors at will without his power).

    You should also note that freddy is also one of the highest BP farmers in the game.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    @aarongai said:
    Legion is garbage, no matter how you think the "optimal" way to play them is.

    Tunnel one Survivor, and it takes you literal minutes to down them since you move at 110% move speed and can't use your power (because frenzy hits don't down anybody).

    Spread out the damage, and everyone's injured, but nobody gets downed. In fact they just ignore being injured since Legion gets first hits easily, but virtually never gets last hits.

    As a side note, not that I like to admit....

    The legions biggest counter is resilience. You can literally guarantee you escape the initial chase and run him into another survivors gen, he then chases them, you mend then go rush gens with resilience and a toolbox......most Legions are not running thanatophobia to counter this because they cave into the perception of the numbers, which means.....free gen speed stacking....

  • NoobX3
    NoobX3 Member Posts: 1
    Maximus7 said:

    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    Maximus7 said:

    Most loopable killer in the game, cannot down people with his power unless you use Frank's Mix Tape (a purple add-on by the way, and still need to hit people 3 times with it), mending not being a healing action ruins any good perk builds you can make, the power doesn't recharge fast enough and doesn't last long enough, too slow to chase people without his power, do I need to go on? This killer is a joke, nobody's afraid of them. This killer is a literal door mat even for the worst of survivors. Even at what this killer is supposedly good at (injuring multiple people at once), it does nothing in the long run since good survivors always split up. This is a terribly designed killer and nobody should spend money on them.

    Well I would agree with you but allow me to tell you my side of this

    I actually believe Legion is a good killer(s) and here's why. You see the fact that you can chase down survivors and cause them to waste perks like Sprint Burst or Lithe. Now I don't want to say you shouldn't use his/their power to try and down a survivor but if you want to play him/them right then only use your power to chase them and maybe get a hit in or two. But always try to down them without your power. Cause they are more then likely injured and have already used perks that can be used to escape you easily. So downing them is nothing more then getting up close enough and using your lunge. Just hope they aren't smart enough to dodge ya.

    But they main reason I say this is cause the legion got me to rank 10 when I'm usually stuck around rank 20 so I actually believe the killer(s) is pretty good but you can believe what you want cause its your opinion not my opinion.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited December 2018

    @Dehitay said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    @Dehitay said:
    When you start your post by saying the most difficult killer to loop is the most loopable killer in the game, you kind of invalidate any credibility. Saying he's the most difficult killer to down survivors with would have made sense. But the most loopable killer? Obvious close minded bias is obvious.

    How is he not? His power doesn't down, so you have to chase without your power at 110. You won't catch any good survivor with that slow movement speed.

    Because he invalidates the gap increasing from pallets and windows. Doesn't matter how crap he is at downing survivors. He still counters looping better than any other killer except maybe Nurse. You wouldn't say cheetas are slow because they can't fly. Likewise, it doesn't matter that they can't fly; they can run fast as hell.

    man, just because he can vault pallets and windows does not counter looping, he ca'nt down you if he uses his power, it's simply stupid too say he counters looping.
    Also cheetahs don't have a stupid ability to make them not kill ther prey, they just kill it so that's a dumb compariosn to say the least.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @Soronith said:
    and the changes on live are much better than ptb, deep wounds going down while mending, not overshooting pallets, longer lunge, and no double stun meaning you can chase more with frenzy, so either you cant read or refuse to learn the changes and adapt

    meant nothing at all when the mending still stops deep wounds at 99%, funny that you did'nt mention that.

  • StigWH68
    StigWH68 Member Posts: 22

    Yep, the Legion was a totally waste of money, ######### weak ass killer.

    imo the weakest in the game.

    In despereate need of a serious buff

  • Leatherbilly
    Leatherbilly Member Posts: 384

    @Theluckyboi said:

    @Leatherbilly said:

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Legion worse than freddy? really?

    i think you people are exxagerating way too much, dont get me wrong, legion is bad but his power is not a total liability like nightmare.

    give me any valid argument to say such barbaric statement

    Freddy stalls survivors. Legion stalls himself.

    Have you at least given him a chance?

    Yes. He's absolute trash and not fun to play as or against. His chapter came with 6 million bugs and nobody likes him. All six perks are very average at best.

    This chapter is the worst ever released and it's egregious it was published in this state.

  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    .... guys... you know you could literally stop his power at WILL right?

    you also know that if you smack a survivor once with frenzy, chase them still in frenzy to stop that moment of sprint burst by the survivors, end frenzy then smack them again, you literally just downed the survivor... right?

    on top of that, using fire up, play with your food, bamboozle, and noed -if you want noeds expose just run for the survivors and break from frenzy after you find them- you could literally have so much speed that even NORMAL walking or frenzying is complete insanity. Vaulting is faster, chases are faster, your walk speed increases for normal, and literally stoping loops is possible. Sprint burst? dead hard? laugh in its face. they wont matter.

    want some reading auras? go for it. you got aura reading abilities to help you.

    Want that terror radius? cool! add in coulrophobia.

    want to smack people around like rag dolls? you can! thana is going to be helpful with this too.

    seriously guys. you act like he/she needs to be a m1 kill all survivors better than hillbilly/nurse thats a P2W when all you need to do is play not only smart by NOT repeatedly hitting the same person in frenzy OVER AND OVER AGAIN but to actually play effectively.

    they are not as loopable as you think they are just because your probably playing them so badly your hindering your own killer by acting like they are EVERY other character when they arnt. they are so much faster than surviors in general too. not even balance landing or lithe can match frenzy since they catch up so much

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    .... guys... you know you could literally stop his power at WILL right?

    you also know that if you smack a survivor once with frenzy, chase them still in frenzy to stop that moment of sprint burst by the survivors, end frenzy then smack them again, you literally just downed the survivor... right?

    on top of that, using fire up, play with your food, bamboozle, and noed -if you want noeds expose just run for the survivors and break from frenzy after you find them- you could literally have so much speed that even NORMAL walking or frenzying is complete insanity. Vaulting is faster, chases are faster, your walk speed increases for normal, and literally stoping loops is possible. Sprint burst? dead hard? laugh in its face. they wont matter.

    want some reading auras? go for it. you got aura reading abilities to help you.

    Want that terror radius? cool! add in coulrophobia.

    want to smack people around like rag dolls? you can! thana is going to be helpful with this too.

    seriously guys. you act like he/she needs to be a m1 kill all survivors better than hillbilly/nurse thats a P2W when all you need to do is play not only smart by NOT repeatedly hitting the same person in frenzy OVER AND OVER AGAIN but to actually play effectively.

    they are not as loopable as you think they are just because your probably playing them so badly your hindering your own killer by acting like they are EVERY other character when they arnt. they are so much faster than surviors in general too. not even balance landing or lithe can match frenzy since they catch up so much

    1. Stopping his power at will still depletes the whole bar and slows you down in fatigue, ending the power prematurely isn't that good and doesn't save you much time.
    2. All the perks you named with the exception of Bamboozle suck on Legion, and NOED is the only one of those you named that's any good at all. And Bamboozle is ONLY good enough to run on Legion, no other killer.
    3. Your power cannot down at base. That means you have to M1 them at 110 movement speed. That is the definition of loopable.
    4. Asking for killers like Billy and Nurse does not equal pay to win, that equals wanting killers who are STRONG. Because against GOOD survivors, they are the only two killers who stand anywhere close to a chance.

    And before you question my credibility, I have over 1200 hours in this game and play every killer at any rank I'm at (I always hit rank 1 eventually because pipping is too easy, so rank doesn't mean anything). You can check my Twitch or YouTube channels to confirm that.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    edited December 2018

    @Theluckyboi said:

    @Leatherbilly said:

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Legion worse than freddy? really?

    i think you people are exxagerating way too much, dont get me wrong, legion is bad but his power is not a total liability like nightmare.

    give me any valid argument to say such barbaric statement

    Freddy stalls survivors. Legion stalls himself.

    Have you at least given him a chance?

    Yes. He's absolute trash and not fun to play as or against. His chapter came with 6 million bugs and nobody likes him. All six perks are very average at best.

    This chapter is the worst ever released and it's egregious it was published in this state.

    Don't diss my man Jeff, they designed him and his perks super well (even if Distortion is broken). Hell, Jeff might turn me into a survivor main for the last few days I play this game before Last Year comes out.
    But other than Jeff, yes, this patch is terrible.
  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    @Maximus7 said:
    annonymous said:

    .... guys... you know you could literally stop his power at WILL right?

    you also know that if you smack a survivor once with frenzy, chase them still in frenzy to stop that moment of sprint burst by the survivors, end frenzy then smack them again, you literally just downed the survivor... right?

    on top of that, using fire up, play with your food, bamboozle, and noed -if you want noeds expose just run for the survivors and break from frenzy after you find them- you could literally have so much speed that even NORMAL walking or frenzying is complete insanity. Vaulting is faster, chases are faster, your walk speed increases for normal, and literally stoping loops is possible. Sprint burst? dead hard? laugh in its face. they wont matter.

    want some reading auras? go for it. you got aura reading abilities to help you.

    Want that terror radius? cool! add in coulrophobia.

    want to smack people around like rag dolls? you can! thana is going to be helpful with this too.

    seriously guys. you act like he/she needs to be a m1 kill all survivors better than hillbilly/nurse thats a P2W when all you need to do is play not only smart by NOT repeatedly hitting the same person in frenzy OVER AND OVER AGAIN but to actually play effectively.

    they are not as loopable as you think they are just because your probably playing them so badly your hindering your own killer by acting like they are EVERY other character when they arnt. they are so much faster than surviors in general too. not even balance landing or lithe can match frenzy since they catch up so much

    1. Stopping his power at will still depletes the whole bar and slows you down in fatigue, ending the power prematurely isn't that good and doesn't save you much time.
      1. All the perks you named with the exception of Bamboozle suck on Legion, and NOED is the only one of those you named that's any good at all. And Bamboozle is ONLY good enough to run on Legion, no other killer.
      2. Your power cannot down at base. That means you have to M1 them at 110 movement speed. That is the definition of loopable.
      3. Asking for killers like Billy and Nurse does not equal pay to win, that equals wanting killers who are STRONG. Because against GOOD survivors, they are the only two killers who stand anywhere close to a chance.

    And before you question my credibility, I have over 1200 hours in this game and play every killer at any rank I'm at (I always hit rank 1 eventually because pipping is too easy, so rank doesn't mean anything). You can check my Twitch or YouTube channels to confirm that.

    have you even tested his speed with these perks? i have. if you test them out even with 1 friend in KYF, youd see the major speed boosts you get. NOED is good in general and on legion is very nice. His base CAN kill. Again, you act like its impossible to down people when you literally can down them. Frenzy for the speed boost, you can smack once, the survivor sprints. chase them for a bit longer till that sprint ends, boom. smack them outside of frenzy. you have not just caught the survivor once but caught up to them a 2nd itme and downed them.

    his ability recharges/replenishes. who cares if it ends and it depletes it all? at least you CAN get it back and its pretty damn fast how much it does. how does play with your food suck if you are literally looking for and chasing survivors ALOT, bound to run into your obsession and able to have your speed be increased?

    you got your fast vaulting from bamboozle, and fire up which you can damage, break, and vault at faster speeds. how can that suck in itself? if all 4 gens are up, last gen pops, your noed now activates, you got 3 tokens on play with your food and you want to get from one exit gate to the other quickly. your going to literally tell me that boosting legion from 110% to a bit higher than a normal killers base speed at normal walk and increased frenzy speed/vaulting speed is terrible? especially if you can close in on survivors while controlling your speed.

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

    This entire paragraph is hilarious. You keep thinking whatever, dude. It's obvious you wouldn't listen to what I have to say anyway.
  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    @Maximus7 said:
    annonymous said:

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

    This entire paragraph is hilarious. You keep thinking whatever, dude. It's obvious you wouldn't listen to what I have to say anyway.

    because you, like many others, think you have to be in frenzy to down people and you dont. frenzy is for closing in large gaps, hitting multiple people, and locating them. when its over, the survivors will have to still mend. mending is brutal compared to PTB due to the update that happened on top of no more double fatigue. theres alot of potential for him but people like you keep acting like he SHOULD be on par with hillbilly, nurse and myers with tombstone who can 1 hit kill as healthy. that is absolute insanity.

    not every single person is a pro playing survivor. legion is fine honestly and finding a playstyle is what you need. not another character who can 1 hit every single person in 30 seconds and kill them all. if you want that, might as well beg the developers for a map thats 100% chance to hooking and killing all survivors immediately and getting 60k bloodpoints while survivors loose a rank. thats essentially what killers want.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited December 2018

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    annonymous said:

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

    This entire paragraph is hilarious. You keep thinking whatever, dude. It's obvious you wouldn't listen to what I have to say anyway.

    because you, like many others, think you have to be in frenzy to down people and you dont. frenzy is for closing in large gaps, hitting multiple people, and locating them. when its over, the survivors will have to still mend. mending is brutal compared to PTB due to the update that happened on top of no more double fatigue. theres alot of potential for him but people like you keep acting like he SHOULD be on par with hillbilly, nurse and myers with tombstone who can 1 hit kill as healthy. that is absolute insanity.

    not every single person is a pro playing survivor. legion is fine honestly and finding a playstyle is what you need. not another character who can 1 hit every single person in 30 seconds and kill them all. if you want that, might as well beg the developers for a map thats 100% chance to hooking and killing all survivors immediately and getting 60k bloodpoints while survivors loose a rank. thats essentially what killers want.

    Legion is fine. Use PWYF.

    How are you this bad, and somehow oblivious of it? Also, using the "YOU WANT FREE WINS" argument. Bias confirmed. I give this bait a....2/10.

  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    annonymous said:

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

    This entire paragraph is hilarious. You keep thinking whatever, dude. It's obvious you wouldn't listen to what I have to say anyway.

    because you, like many others, think you have to be in frenzy to down people and you dont. frenzy is for closing in large gaps, hitting multiple people, and locating them. when its over, the survivors will have to still mend. mending is brutal compared to PTB due to the update that happened on top of no more double fatigue. theres alot of potential for him but people like you keep acting like he SHOULD be on par with hillbilly, nurse and myers with tombstone who can 1 hit kill as healthy. that is absolute insanity.

    not every single person is a pro playing survivor. legion is fine honestly and finding a playstyle is what you need. not another character who can 1 hit every single person in 30 seconds and kill them all. if you want that, might as well beg the developers for a map thats 100% chance to hooking and killing all survivors immediately and getting 60k bloodpoints while survivors loose a rank. thats essentially what killers want.

    Legion is fine. Use PWYF.

    How are you this bad, and somehow oblivious of it? Also, using the "YOU WANT FREE WINS" argument. Bias confirmed. I give this bait a....2/10.

    considering you as well as many others want hillbilly/nurse power level characters, do you think my reason of killers wanting free wins is far fetched? #########, ive seen people even say the survivors shouldnt even be ALLOWED TO SURVIVE and should only have such a slim chance of getting out that it would be impossible to win any matches.

    so again, killers wanting free wins? VALID ARGUEMENT! survivors do what they need to survive yet the killers want so much power that they want to make it 100% chance impossible for survivors to survive. AT ALL

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @annonymous said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    annonymous said:

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

    This entire paragraph is hilarious. You keep thinking whatever, dude. It's obvious you wouldn't listen to what I have to say anyway.

    because you, like many others, think you have to be in frenzy to down people and you dont. frenzy is for closing in large gaps, hitting multiple people, and locating them. when its over, the survivors will have to still mend. mending is brutal compared to PTB due to the update that happened on top of no more double fatigue. theres alot of potential for him but people like you keep acting like he SHOULD be on par with hillbilly, nurse and myers with tombstone who can 1 hit kill as healthy. that is absolute insanity.

    not every single person is a pro playing survivor. legion is fine honestly and finding a playstyle is what you need. not another character who can 1 hit every single person in 30 seconds and kill them all. if you want that, might as well beg the developers for a map thats 100% chance to hooking and killing all survivors immediately and getting 60k bloodpoints while survivors loose a rank. thats essentially what killers want.

    Legion is fine. Use PWYF.

    How are you this bad, and somehow oblivious of it? Also, using the "YOU WANT FREE WINS" argument. Bias confirmed. I give this bait a....2/10.

    considering you as well as many others want hillbilly/nurse power level characters, do you think my reason of killers wanting free wins is far fetched? [BAD WORD], ive seen people even say the survivors shouldnt even be ALLOWED TO SURVIVE and should only have such a slim chance of getting out that it would be impossible to win any matches.

    so again, killers wanting free wins? VALID ARGUEMENT! survivors do what they need to survive yet the killers want so much power that they want to make it 100% chance impossible for survivors to survive. AT ALL

    No one wants that. Only idiots who don't want survivors to be nerfed, or adjusted cuz god forbid you actually try to do something. I forgot it's 2018 and you can't play a game without it holding your hand.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @annonymous said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:
    annonymous said:

    sorry, idc how many hours you have on this game. if you cant even understand how beneficial his ability is on top of how to utilize it without smacking people 1000 times in frenzy, then your a bad as monto who used good add-ons yet kept frenzying people to down them. frenzying once, chasing then stoping his frenzy after 1 hit to down them with the 2nd hit as you would a normal killer is a much more effective way to down people.

    This entire paragraph is hilarious. You keep thinking whatever, dude. It's obvious you wouldn't listen to what I have to say anyway.

    because you, like many others, think you have to be in frenzy to down people and you dont. frenzy is for closing in large gaps, hitting multiple people, and locating them. when its over, the survivors will have to still mend. mending is brutal compared to PTB due to the update that happened on top of no more double fatigue. theres alot of potential for him but people like you keep acting like he SHOULD be on par with hillbilly, nurse and myers with tombstone who can 1 hit kill as healthy. that is absolute insanity.

    not every single person is a pro playing survivor. legion is fine honestly and finding a playstyle is what you need. not another character who can 1 hit every single person in 30 seconds and kill them all. if you want that, might as well beg the developers for a map thats 100% chance to hooking and killing all survivors immediately and getting 60k bloodpoints while survivors loose a rank. thats essentially what killers want.

    Legion is fine. Use PWYF.

    How are you this bad, and somehow oblivious of it? Also, using the "YOU WANT FREE WINS" argument. Bias confirmed. I give this bait a....2/10.

    considering you as well as many others want hillbilly/nurse power level characters, do you think my reason of killers wanting free wins is far fetched? [BAD WORD], ive seen people even say the survivors shouldnt even be ALLOWED TO SURVIVE and should only have such a slim chance of getting out that it would be impossible to win any matches.

    so again, killers wanting free wins? VALID ARGUEMENT! survivors do what they need to survive yet the killers want so much power that they want to make it 100% chance impossible for survivors to survive. AT ALL

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

  • BestGamerMemes
    BestGamerMemes Member Posts: 13

    I think the power shouldn't have a fatigue animation at the end and it would be okay and make him a solid killer.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @BestGamerMemes said:
    I think the power shouldn't have a fatigue animation at the end and it would be okay and make him a solid killer.

    This would be too strong. The right buff for him was to NOT have the DW bar go down during mending but make mending a healing action. Like everyone asked for after the PTB. Unlike what BHVR did.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Legion is garbage.

    I shouldn't need purples and pinks in lower ranks, should I?

    Survivors don't stay bunched up for all 4 getting hit.
    They know to keep distance so you waste your stamina trying to catch up. They know to separate. They know to save their exhaustion perks to further waste legion's stamina.
    m1 attacks only hurt legion, destroying their stamina.

    People know legion's powers. Why else would a group of survivors work 2 on a generator on one end of the map, split long before you're there, then work 2 at a time on a gen across the map almost immediately after?

    Legion is a ######### to create pressure with.
    Mending is way too easy, and Legion doesn't have the speed to create pressure with because walking across the map takes too damn long, and using frenzy doesn't take you far enough, and leaves you gassed when the chase is on.
    Then all you can do is m1, which keeps you gassed. If your slow ass can catch them in a timely fashion that is.

    Survivors have pallet throwing perfectly timed. You can't lunge through it, and it ######### frenzy over.

    It is dumb.

    Sad part is I'm some kinda goddamn idiot masochist and I want to keep playing as Legion. when I could do leagues better as a Huntress, or Spirit.

  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    @Maximus7 said:

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

    idk why i wasted so much time doing this, but looking for 1 specific post from oct/nov of the guy who claimed he would "balance the game in favor of killers and make it near impossible for survivors to win and should be a blessing if they do" is in itself.. impossible. the devs on the steam forums banned/deleted posts from people left and right and atm i cant find the thread that far back sadly. -if it still exists-

    btw, the proof of free 4ks is in the fact killers want hatch removed. but here you go. one about a balance someone mentioned they would do, one about the ptb hatch


  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

    idk why i wasted so much time doing this, but looking for 1 specific post from oct/nov of the guy who claimed he would "balance the game in favor of killers and make it near impossible for survivors to win and should be a blessing if they do" is in itself.. impossible. the devs on the steam forums banned/deleted posts from people left and right and atm i cant find the thread that far back sadly. -if it still exists-

    btw, the proof of free 4ks is in the fact killers want hatch removed. but here you go. one about a balance someone mentioned they would do, one about the ptb hatch


    2 screenshots, oooweee damn. Also, hatch is a problem so, not sure why it's a problem to close it? Why should you get a free win for being beaten?

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

    idk why i wasted so much time doing this, but looking for 1 specific post from oct/nov of the guy who claimed he would "balance the game in favor of killers and make it near impossible for survivors to win and should be a blessing if they do" is in itself.. impossible. the devs on the steam forums banned/deleted posts from people left and right and atm i cant find the thread that far back sadly. -if it still exists-

    btw, the proof of free 4ks is in the fact killers want hatch removed. but here you go. one about a balance someone mentioned they would do, one about the ptb hatch


    The first one, while it looks like a reddit killer main user who has no idea what actual balance is like, never mentions anywhere that he wants free 4k's.

    The second one is talking about hatch, and he is 100% correct on that one. The hatch is a broken mechanic. But that's a different argument. Also completely out of context and doesn't say they deserve to 4k every game, more like they deserve a 4k if they bring it down to a killer vs 1 survivor scenario.

  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

    idk why i wasted so much time doing this, but looking for 1 specific post from oct/nov of the guy who claimed he would "balance the game in favor of killers and make it near impossible for survivors to win and should be a blessing if they do" is in itself.. impossible. the devs on the steam forums banned/deleted posts from people left and right and atm i cant find the thread that far back sadly. -if it still exists-

    btw, the proof of free 4ks is in the fact killers want hatch removed. but here you go. one about a balance someone mentioned they would do, one about the ptb hatch


    2 screenshots, oooweee damn. Also, hatch is a problem so, not sure why it's a problem to close it? Why should you get a free win for being beaten?

    why should you get a free kill with no effort? the survivors are screwed once 1 person dies/disconnects/doesnt load in. on top of that, survivors have 0 chance to live if the hatch closes. not unless your somehow a god. if the gates were to close permanently -which ALOT of people would apparently love to have as killers with no other escapes-, your literally asking for free kills with no escape. in alot of horrors btw, someone usually escapes. asking for no one to escape without a 4 man SWF group is going to make the game 100% impossible to beat. especially without items to use.

    asking for a killer to be on the same level/more powerful than a tombstone myers, hillbilly or nurse is again, ludicrous. and saying that the guy on the reddit forum doesnt know balance? guess what? ALOT OF KILLER MAINS ASK FOR RIDICULOUS ONE SIDED KILLER BUFFS LIKE THIS! both are asking for 4ks without an effort by having such buffs/escape routes taken away.

    if your going to want more powerful killers, not only will no one play as survivor exept SWF groups but your going to have a higher ratio of killer than survivors as it is now since the 2.3 update.

    on top of that, alot of people also ask for ds, adrenaline, sprint burst, deliverance and nearly all of the perks for survivors to be removed as well as items and pallets in general for them because "too op" yet heres a killer, legion, who is your guys's saving grace of EVERYTHING killers ask/beg for between vaulting pallets to closing in on survivors and stoping loops is now suddenly "garbage" because most people dont want to find a set up that works for him and you. you, like many others, want another nurse and hillbilly. are you TRYING to make the game nearly unplayable by survivors?

    good job btw on saying that "no fatigue after frenzy is too strong" CONSIDERING NURSE BREAKS EVERYTHING IN THE GAME! or did you FORGET THAT

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    @annonymous said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

    idk why i wasted so much time doing this, but looking for 1 specific post from oct/nov of the guy who claimed he would "balance the game in favor of killers and make it near impossible for survivors to win and should be a blessing if they do" is in itself.. impossible. the devs on the steam forums banned/deleted posts from people left and right and atm i cant find the thread that far back sadly. -if it still exists-

    btw, the proof of free 4ks is in the fact killers want hatch removed. but here you go. one about a balance someone mentioned they would do, one about the ptb hatch


    2 screenshots, oooweee damn. Also, hatch is a problem so, not sure why it's a problem to close it? Why should you get a free win for being beaten?

    why should you get a free kill with no effort? the survivors are screwed once 1 person dies/disconnects/doesnt load in. on top of that, survivors have 0 chance to live if the hatch closes. not unless your somehow a god. if the gates were to close permanently -which ALOT of people would apparently love to have as killers with no other escapes-, your literally asking for free kills with no escape. in alot of horrors btw, someone usually escapes. asking for no one to escape without a 4 man SWF group is going to make the game 100% impossible to beat. especially without items to use.

    asking for a killer to be on the same level/more powerful than a tombstone myers, hillbilly or nurse is again, ludicrous. and saying that the guy on the reddit forum doesnt know balance? guess what? ALOT OF KILLER MAINS ASK FOR RIDICULOUS ONE SIDED KILLER BUFFS LIKE THIS! both are asking for 4ks without an effort by having such buffs/escape routes taken away.

    if your going to want more powerful killers, not only will no one play as survivor exept SWF groups but your going to have a higher ratio of killer than survivors as it is now since the 2.3 update.

    on top of that, alot of people also ask for ds, adrenaline, sprint burst, deliverance and nearly all of the perks for survivors to be removed as well as items and pallets in general for them because "too op" yet heres a killer, legion, who is your guys's saving grace of EVERYTHING killers ask/beg for between vaulting pallets to closing in on survivors and stoping loops is now suddenly "garbage" because most people dont want to find a set up that works for him and you. you, like many others, want another nurse and hillbilly. are you TRYING to make the game nearly unplayable by survivors?

    good job btw on saying that "no fatigue after frenzy is too strong" CONSIDERING NURSE BREAKS EVERYTHING IN THE GAME! or did you FORGET THAT

    Reeeeeeee is all I read.

  • annonymous
    annonymous Member Posts: 7

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Caretaker said:

    @annonymous said:

    @Maximus7 said:

    Please give me a screenshot of someone saying they want 4k's every game. Please, do that for me.

    idk why i wasted so much time doing this, but looking for 1 specific post from oct/nov of the guy who claimed he would "balance the game in favor of killers and make it near impossible for survivors to win and should be a blessing if they do" is in itself.. impossible. the devs on the steam forums banned/deleted posts from people left and right and atm i cant find the thread that far back sadly. -if it still exists-

    btw, the proof of free 4ks is in the fact killers want hatch removed. but here you go. one about a balance someone mentioned they would do, one about the ptb hatch


    2 screenshots, oooweee damn. Also, hatch is a problem so, not sure why it's a problem to close it? Why should you get a free win for being beaten?

    why should you get a free kill with no effort? the survivors are screwed once 1 person dies/disconnects/doesnt load in. on top of that, survivors have 0 chance to live if the hatch closes. not unless your somehow a god. if the gates were to close permanently -which ALOT of people would apparently love to have as killers with no other escapes-, your literally asking for free kills with no escape. in alot of horrors btw, someone usually escapes. asking for no one to escape without a 4 man SWF group is going to make the game 100% impossible to beat. especially without items to use.

    asking for a killer to be on the same level/more powerful than a tombstone myers, hillbilly or nurse is again, ludicrous. and saying that the guy on the reddit forum doesnt know balance? guess what? ALOT OF KILLER MAINS ASK FOR RIDICULOUS ONE SIDED KILLER BUFFS LIKE THIS! both are asking for 4ks without an effort by having such buffs/escape routes taken away.

    if your going to want more powerful killers, not only will no one play as survivor exept SWF groups but your going to have a higher ratio of killer than survivors as it is now since the 2.3 update.

    on top of that, alot of people also ask for ds, adrenaline, sprint burst, deliverance and nearly all of the perks for survivors to be removed as well as items and pallets in general for them because "too op" yet heres a killer, legion, who is your guys's saving grace of EVERYTHING killers ask/beg for between vaulting pallets to closing in on survivors and stoping loops is now suddenly "garbage" because most people dont want to find a set up that works for him and you. you, like many others, want another nurse and hillbilly. are you TRYING to make the game nearly unplayable by survivors?

    good job btw on saying that "no fatigue after frenzy is too strong" CONSIDERING NURSE BREAKS EVERYTHING IN THE GAME! or did you FORGET THAT

    Reeeeeeee is all I read.

    yeah, coming from the one who wants a game breaking killer and refuses to actually consider that theres people who indirectly state they want to get free kills by making these "if i was a dev this is how i would balance the game and screw survivors" or "these things should be removed by survivors but killer stuff is going to be A-Ok!"

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    You know, is he really worse than freddy? I've had several matches now where Legion did just fine (with me playing survivor).

  • Hakikomori
    Hakikomori Member Posts: 1
    I dunno what you kids are on about. Sounds like you just don’t know what you’re doing when it comes to using Legion. I’ve had no problem getting Merciless back to back most of the time with worst being Brutal with me being a rank 8. It’s perfect just the way it is. When they have to mend and you end up catching up to them so they’re forced to finish up the process or risk bleeding out is the best feeling. Too quick to judge or too quick to hop on the bandwagon. Too difficult of a character for you to have the patience to play? Try a different killer or better yet stick to survivor.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    I dunno what you kids are on about. Sounds like you just don’t know what you’re doing when it comes to using Legion. I’ve had no problem getting Merciless back to back most of the time with worst being Brutal with me being a rank 8. It’s perfect just the way it is. When they have to mend and you end up catching up to them so they’re forced to finish up the process or risk bleeding out is the best feeling. Too quick to judge or too quick to hop on the bandwagon. Too difficult of a character for you to have the patience to play? Try a different killer or better yet stick to survivor.
    These kinds of responses are the ones preventing progress and change from being made. You can try to tell me I don't understand how useful a pile of ######### is because I don't "have the patience to play" it and it would be just as good of an argument as what you just tried to say. I've played literally every killer at rank 1 (like rank even matters lmao) and am a killer main, stop assuming anyone who thinks he's ######### (and rightfully so) is just bad at the game, because people WAY better than I am fully agree with me that he's garbage.
  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441
    Morfedel said:

    You know, is he really worse than freddy? I've had several matches now where Legion did just fine (with me playing survivor).

    All Legion can do is rush down one survivor and tunnel the hell out of them while everyone else rushes gens. The dead opposite of how he was designed.
  • Pierre
    Pierre Member Posts: 31
    edited December 2018
    According to dennisreep legion is in 11th place with trapper, cannibal and nightmare being worse than him. So it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that he's worse than freddy. He's in a bad spot at the moment but with the right buffs he would make for an excellent killer.
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited December 2018


    Post edited by Acromio on
  • Rem
    Rem Member Posts: 13

    I don't post here very often. And I do what I can to support the devs, as I'm a dev myself and I know what it's like... but in case of Legion, I hate to say it, something's not working. He's way too weak. Great design, cool killer and all... but please make him STRONGER! Rank 1-10 there's just no way you can do good with Legion.

  • Ghadente
    Ghadente Member Posts: 3
    I just started playing with Legion. I main Trapper and after maxing him to P3 level 50, I decided to spend my shards on unlocking Legion bc the new Killer seemed more appealing than the new survivor.
    After about 10 matches using Legion, with just his/her 3 perks and mostly common items, some uncommon, I managed to win 5 matches as merciless killer, gained 2 pips in 3 of those, and didn't lose 1 pip until the last match I had. Also unlocked Adept trophy on the 4th match, so it can definitely be achieved.
    Overall they have been fun matches, even the ones without managing to get any sacrifices, still gained some decent BP. Does the killer have flaws? Absolutely. Slow movement when not in frenzy, and the recovery after frenzy are tough handicaps. I feel like if you end frenzy early that the recovery should be much less if none at all. 
    Even with my experience with the Killer has been mainly positive, I do agree that it is in need of some tweaks. I certainly don't think Legion deserves all this hate nor should it be considered "the worst"... Especially since it has not been long since its release. Every Killer isn't for everyone either, obviously some will fit better with different play styles and tastes of players. The Trapper is another example of this, many don't like him but myself and I know others that love playing the Trapper. Legion seems to be a divisive addition to game.
  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    I was one of the few saying give him a chance, maybe he will turn out ok. And he didn't seem so bad in the ptb.

    Yeah using him properly he's absolute garbage. Exhaustion perks really hurt him. I see a gen turn yellow with discordance, I dash to it, meg sees me and uses sprint burst to evade me, so I turn around, Nea sees me, drop off some debris about an inch but manages to hit balanced landing somehow and leaves me in the dust, I stand there and take the stun like a useless pile of dirt as my frenzy ends.

    So you can't afford to use your power close to a gen. You need them to waste their exhaustion perks first. Which means walking up to the gen at 110 speed in which case they have plenty of warning.

    When it comes to loops I had this nea run to the shack. I've got no bamboozle, but also legion doesnt have traps/hatches/phase walk....so im forced to use my power to tackle the shack but nea is already injured so its useless lol survivors can do this, hit the big loopd and force you to use your power but your powrr is no good.

    Then I got a claudette on the double bus loop. That was not pleasant at all.

    I did ok in the second game and got a 2k but they were playing extremely bad.

    I stayed low rank this month to have fun with bottom tier killers and try out monto style perk builds. So I'm only purple ranks at the moment but I can feel this guys limitations. I wouldn't dare try him at high rank.

    Discordance is really good though. That's the perk I most wanted. It will be nice to have it on a real killer.
    "Dash to gen" well there's your problem. His power is not one that should be used for getting from point A to point B. It is purely for use in the chase. And if you wait to use it until you are close to them, you can easily catch a sprint burst, lithe or balanced landing.
  • Thadius
    Thadius Member Posts: 17

    Just going to add to the conversation with a screenshot, sums up how my game went. Two people with flashlights whom are pretty good at blinding in my opinion. One Generator left by games end.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Thadius said:
    Just going to add to the conversation with a screenshot, sums up how my game went. Two people with flashlights whom are pretty good at blinding in my opinion. One Generator left by games end.

    Wow, rank 15, very impressive.

    Oh so now rank means something yet it doesn't mean anything unless it's to your advantage. You killer mains are hilarious since it's always well get to rank 1 before your opinion holds weight.

    The person gets to rank 1 and post their 4k etc and it becomes well rank is meaningless because the pip system is bad.

    So which is it then, is it rank is meaningless or that rank means something because the comments about rank 15 have also been applied to rank 1.

    Now you'll probably come back with the next usual excuse which is the survivors were all potatoes probably or that Legion is still new and people are getting used to him.

    It couldn't be that the killer actually played well since that'd mean that your excuses I mean arguments wouldn't be valid.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @powerbats said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @Thadius said:
    Just going to add to the conversation with a screenshot, sums up how my game went. Two people with flashlights whom are pretty good at blinding in my opinion. One Generator left by games end.

    Wow, rank 15, very impressive.

    Oh so now rank means something yet it doesn't mean anything unless it's to your advantage. You killer mains are hilarious since it's always well get to rank 1 before your opinion holds weight.

    The person gets to rank 1 and post their 4k etc and it becomes well rank is meaningless because the pip system is bad.

    So which is it then, is it rank is meaningless or that rank means something because the comments about rank 15 have also been applied to rank 1.

    Now you'll probably come back with the next usual excuse which is the survivors were all potatoes probably or that Legion is still new and people are getting used to him.

    It couldn't be that the killer actually played well since that'd mean that your excuses I mean arguments wouldn't be valid.

    Here's a fact for you, legion will have a killrate similar to freddy. I don't care if you 4k every game, if you play cheesy as ######### then yes you will 4k, fact remains that the only survivors that will get downed in a regular chase against legion are potatoes. I brutally suck as survivor because I never play them but even I can kite a legion for 3+ gens until I inevitably bleed out.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @MhhBurgers said:

    Here's a fact for you, legion will have a killrate similar to freddy. I don't care if you 4k every game, if you play cheesy as [BAD WORD] then yes you will 4k, fact remains that the only survivors that will get downed in a regular chase against legion are potatoes. I brutally suck as survivor because I never play them but even I can kite a legion for 3+ gens until I inevitably bleed out.

    You just proved my point about making excuses for everything, it can't ever be that the person playing them did well, it's always the survivors are potatoes. I can kite some killers around the map forever including Nurses but that doesn't make them weak.

    What that means is that the person playing that killer is just plain bad and if you're kiting a Legion around that long the player is just bad.

    Just because you can't play Legion well doesn't mean he'll have awin rate similar to Freddy and you also don't have to play cheesy to 4k. Those are all facts and it all boils down to whether you or the person playing him just plain sucks.

This discussion has been closed.