Do you smell it?

Yes, its all the sweaty goblins coming to say that Pinhead is OP even though he's only been out for a day.
Hes weaker than clown atm though
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I don't think its been long enough to make any judgements.
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He's a clown that doesn't move while throwing bottles.
He's got a bit more than that, but not very noticeable.
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When the environment and even pinhead himself can destroy hooks instantly then it makes his anti-loop worse than clown. Clown forces slow vaults, has a huge gas clown that doesnt really need to aim and doesn't get remove instantly.
It's a fair and easy judgement to see, tweak to that and I'd probably be happy. Great chapter from design and playstyle, just needs some tweaks to make him good
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He's a killer that requires to change up the tactics. of course they hate it
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I've not seen a single complaint yet, and streamer not playing him much.
Usually thats a sign of weakness, but I guess we'll see.
I doubt we gonna have "PinHead OP". More like "PinHead boring".
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The problem is that nobody is complaining. that is a terrible sign for a killers viability.
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The problem is that he's fairly buggy on the PTB. That's to be expected of course. It is a PTB after all. Still, it's difficult to estimate a Killer's potential when bugs occasionally give him a huge advantage or alternatively, are a huge detriment to him.
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But the sweaty goblins that started demanding buffs after less than one hour since the ptb started are fine, right? Not biased at all. The amount of hypocrisy is something else.