BHVR, this perk has been broken for 4 years already. I don't wanna be exhausted on the ground every single time, FIX THIS PERK. And I'm talking as a Killer main. I play survivor once a day for the daily EXP and every single time I have to play with a non working dead hard. You implemented that useless thing where if I hit a survivor as a killer on a pallet I hear the survivor getting hit but he doesn't. Why don't you fix dead hard instead since pallets are broken already for both survivors and killers and you could leave them as they were???
It works fine, even better than intended. If you get "exhausted on the ground" - it means you just messed up the timings and pressed too early, or the killer just outsmarted and outwaited you.
But I agree with that they should fix dead hard: it must be nerfed since right now it's an unlimited second chance perk giving survivors several extra lives per trial. It should be "once per trial", and/or grant no dash and no collision disabling.
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Why do so many people run this perk if it's broken?
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Broken? What lmfao
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Exhausted on the ground is something people say when they use Dead Hard and get downed mid-dash. It's a result of the poor server stability, not your mistake or the killer waiting.
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This is correct, the servers and/or latency cause the down not any skill or lack there of, in either side.
Many will argue it should only be used for distance, but it's also hard to agrue that using it to say dodge a hatchet or spear, not to mention when the killer is all up in your bunghole, is a dubious bet at best these days.
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You must be joking
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Why do people even use DH? It usually only delays being hooked and their are better options out there.
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Yes, it delays being hooked by a minute, totally worthless perk!
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Asking something on dbd to be functional?
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I've had chases extended WAY more by Lithe than DeadHard...or as I call it: FailHard
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How is suffering an unjust down due to poor servers messing up timing? Explain, please. I'd like to hear this logic at work.
Getting caught because you messed up or the killer waited? Fine, fair play.
Getting caught because your perk failed to work when you used it? Not cool.
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If you got exhausted - it means perk activated. It doesn't last until the end of the trial, the dash is about a second long. If you got hit after your dash has ended - it has nothing to do with the servers.
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Either you're assuming that I don't know how the perk functions (and is supposed to function), or you misunderstood my question. Could you tell me which of those happened so I can respond? Thank you.
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I think Dead Hard is perfectly balanced right now, with the exception of the Lack Of Server Hit Validation causing me to end up exhausted on the ground when I use it sometimes. It can easily be countered by walking up behind the person instead of swinging from a distance, and it is only useable while injured (unlike every other exhaustion perk, which can be used whether you are injured or healthy).
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Sometimes when I go for a single tap instead of a lunge they still somehow avoid getting hit, even though they are not supposed to. So yeah, DH actually works much better than intended.
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Well, that's good for them then... I usually try to use it last second and end up exhausted on the ground (and it's been confirmed as a bogus happening, because the exhaustion is immediately refunded signifiying that you never used it on the Killer's end). Wasn't having this problem when they tried out server-side hit validation last year...
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Yeah your just bad at killer if dead hard is a problem for u. Git gud
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Dead hard users are a myth
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Yeah your just bad at survivor if dead hard is broken for u. Git gud
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I dont use Dead hard. But as killer it has never once cost me the game in red ranks. Its a mediocre perk
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I have actually seen what this person is talking about, from both killer and survivor perspectives. It's not the perk itself, it is strictly a latency issue. The same thing goes for the pallets. I've literally had downed screams from survs just before they hit a pallet, but latency appears to prioritize the pallet stun before the drop, letting the survivor get away.
I personally run double exhaustion perks. Not ideal, but it gives me options depending on map and chase. Right now I am running Balanced Landing and Dead Hard. This has been working fantastically for me, but it does limit my build a bit. I personally consider BT and IW a must, so running the double exhaust limits my fun a bit, like Blast Mine.
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You... really don't know what Dead Hard is or how it works, do you?