Adept | " It Needs More Than a Trophy "

I think doing adepts should be rewarded and frankly some people just don't give a ____ about trophies. We want in game stuff.
Doing an adept should award you Iridescent shards or a large sum of blood points.
OR perhaps a new cosmetic? ;) Wink-wink. We love unlockables.
For those who don't know what adepting is, it's playing a character and ONLY using their three base perks they come with.
Considering the constant stream of complaints about how trash killer adepts are to get, I'd rather they get deleted altogether.
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Some people like a challenge. They're a choice. You don't have to do them.
For people who want to do them there should be a fitting reward.
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No, because then you're going to frustrate the people that want the reward. Considering how jank the killer adept is (sometimes even a 12 hook 4k apparently doesn't count), the less weight put on it, the better.
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I think you're probably just blanking because there's a lot of other games besides Dead Rising that give rewards either directly for doing achievements, or as a bonus alongside achievement conditions. (Dead Rising was one of the rare ones to go absolutely crazy with the concept, though.)
Anyway, while I think rewarding players for achievements is fine and dandy, Adepts are the exact wrong kind of achievement to provide those kind of rewards to IMO. They're extremely frustrating, badly designed achievements that essentially only exist for tradition's sake.
A lot of multiplayer centric games struggle with this issue, because their achievements usually either rely heavily on random people in public lobbies doing what you want them to do, or end up being really grindy. DbD suffers heavily from both problems. (eg. you can't JUST get an achievement for protecting an unhooked survivor... do it 250 times!!!)
As a result, I think it'd be for the best if DbD's achievements remained as solely for bragging rights, as I can't think of that many I'd really be satisfied with having specific rewards.
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I think a charm associated with said killers adept would be good. You could throw it on your hook as a message to the survivors that you're experienced with this killer.
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Uhm that is why it's called a C H A L L E N G E. It's why games HAVE challenges. I'm sure SOME people want the TROPHY already, as is. So your argument doesn't really have a point. It'd push people to try and get it. Sorry if you don't like it but your point CENTERS around the fact you want everything EASY without trying.
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Forgive me for treating Dead by Daylight as a game, rather than an olympic discipline.
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A++ for Dramatization. You realize for most people a game isn't fun unless it has SOME challenge.
You on the other hand seem like you'd be more happy with " I pressed X and won the whole game. All unlockables included. "
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So if the challenge is so important to you two, why can't you do the challenge without having a carrot dangled in front of you?
Apparently the challenge isn't enough of a motivator anyway, so I question how much 'fun' you're really having with these challenges.
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Because there - should - be - a - reward - for - the - challenge. THAT'S MY POINT. People don't want to do things without incentive.
and an incentive can help people play the game and try things they normally wouldn't have which can be fun for them.
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The challenge is the reward. That's what you wanted, isn't it? The trophy is the reward.
I don't want to do adepts. Most people don't want to do adepts. But they shouldn't be locked out of cosmetics for it.
Besides, why would BHVR waste time building cosmetic rewards for inflammatory challenges when they can monetise those same cosmetics via shop or rift?
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and I said those rewards weren't good / special enough. The trophy doesn't do anything for you in game, it just exists.
Dude I LITERALLY gave other freaking options. Such as extra blood points or Iridescent shards.
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Leaves you with the same problem though. Either the reward is too little and you'll be back here, or the reward is too much and everyone else will complain.
It's best to not bother. It's an achievement. It's the challenge you apparently like so much, so just enjoy it for its own sake.
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Quit trying to put words in other people's mouths. I don't do adepts. I'm saying there should be an incentive if there isn't an incentive people don't do them and realize the fun they could have or the challenge.
If you want more blood points or Iridescents you can get them from playing the game regularly but if other people like a challenge well you can opt to do it or not?
Just piss off already.
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If they want to do the challenge, they will. Don't muddy the water with external motivators. Why bother herding players to completely pointless dead-ends?
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BHVR ought to change the Adept Achievement so you can use another perk WITH the 3 you have to use.
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How is that a completely pointless dead-end? You literally make zero sense.
Getting Adept is FAR easier than getting to Prestige 3. You mad about that too? THAT had incentive. Why not adepting?
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P3 is just 'play the game'.
Adept is 'win the game with handicaps'. Killer adept is 'landslide win with handicaps'.
P3 is grind. Adept is challenge.
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Yeah, but you can get Adept within 1-5 games.
P3 is a chore and takes forever. It's what? I guesss 6.5 million blood points?
Say you get 20k a game . . . 5 games = 100k points. So 50 games = 1M. So if 50 equals 1M BP then . . .
50 x 6 = 300 games. + the remaining games left for the 500k.
So it takes about 325 games to get to P3, of you playing decently well. THAT is more of a challenge to me than a handful of games to Adept.
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I love the adepts for a challenge and don't mind achievements being the only reward. I've been on a grind to adept all my killers after adepting all owned survivors. Honestly before any reward gets talked about the system needs to be fixed. Ive scored 31700 BP on Demo and gotten Ruthless killer (made a thread about it). I've played Bubba since release (first killer I P3'd) and cant get adept on him because either I get insanely good survivors who know how to play or the game ends so quickly I get brutal killer at 17k BP while all survivors are around 10k.
Adept needs to be fixed for killer to allow 3 iri 1 gold to reach adept before rewards come into the conversation.
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That's your problem.
Sure, P3 is a grind and a half, but you can't avoid making progress towards it. Unlike with a challenge.
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You actually can. Plenty of people don't want to have to waste time getting skill on a character so they never prestige. That's what I do, because the incentive isn't enough for me.
and you don't have to make progress with Adept. You do it, it's done.
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Yes, but until it's done, you're playing with three perks. And in some cases, trash perks.
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For 1/5 games.
You play with poop perks trying to get perks on characters anyway.
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I don't. I just play a fully realised build to farm BP until I have the right perks.
If Leon doesn't have a sufficient build, I'm playing Jake, or David, or Felix.
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It doesn't need much.
Like a 50% increase in bp (after trial, like bbq) when using all the perks from that killer/survivor would be a godsent for the grind too