

I have a question to the fnaf community (not hate or drama)

Member Posts: 2,495

I'm not saying they won't be a bad chapter, it's a little.. weird. I guess it would be the right word to say, but not a bad weird. I'd like to see how they work, but here's something I realized:

From my own investigation and from a logical view point, Fnaf doesn't have a chance to enter dbd. Unless I'm wrong.

This is not out of hate, this is just from things I've noticed and I wanted to see if I am correct and if someone can CORRECT me if I am wrong, but it comes down to licensing.

So, Scott is the current fnaf license holder, but not for long, see he wants to step down and give the IP away to any company who's looking to buy and use it, but right now as I am typing he currently holds the license.

That means he doesn't plan on doing anything with it, he will not make any partnerships at the moment DUE to him trying to pass up the license, what is there to partner with if you're just gonna leave and forfeit the deal instantly the second you leave?

That puts Bhvr and Scott into a very awkward legal situation when a new company takes the rights and wishes to remove Scott's old licenses on Bhvr's side for the company's own assets or just for them to keep for themselves like Netflix has done.

So... right now, there's nothing that can be done unless one of these three things happens:

1.) Scott changes his mind and keeps his license

2.) A company buys the assets and wishes to partner with Bhvr

3.) Scott sells the assets TO Bhvr for them to make their original fnaf chapter.

Why I made this isn't to gloat or to start anything, I just wanted to bring this up and to see if someone knows more about the situation than I do so that they may correct me. But, from my own investigations, this is what I keep getting. If feels like a less intense Friday situation.

Am I wrong?

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  • Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2021

    if im correct, scott mentioned when he stepped down on his website that he already gave or is planning to give the license to someone he trusts, considering they worked on a fnaf game in the past i assume it's steel wool studios (anyone that knows if that's true, feel free to correct me). it was also said by leaksbydaylight that bhvr is already working on trying to collab with fnaf, but that ofc should be taken with a grain of salt

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    I don't trust LeaksbyDaylight. They queerbaited people with All Kill and stated multiple times that Candyman will be the next killer multiple times. It just feels weird. Dbdleaks on the other hand has been super reliable.

    Either way. Stepping away from the leaks, that's good to know about the company.. I think. I didn't see anything about that. But I kept seeing him as the current license holder so I have no idea

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    leaksbydaylight goes off of a lot of assumptions, and having been in the early DBDLeaks server and seeing what happened to their instagram account, they don't seem too great either.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    What happened to their Instagram? Most of the info on their Twitter has been incredibly spot on

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    the account has been privated but going off of memory, the person running it was subject to homophobia from the other people involved in the project. if anyone has a screenshot please post it, i don't want to spread misinformation, but there was some sort of issue between them iirc.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    I know this is a older post but, I wanted to put my take in here as well. So, honestly, BHVR walks a VERY thin line with any licenses they work with. As we've seen now with Stranger Things, anything can(sadly) happen with a license property. Even with the recent Hellraiser DLC, they've made a deal with Park Avenue Entertainment BUT, as a lot of people know, the IP is going back to Clive this December which could cause complications and, to add even further complications, the international rights for the franchise is up in the air as well and, as of now, it's looking like it could go to the company rather then Clive. I really hope this doesn't become a situation in the future for BHVR but, we'll just have to wait and see. So, again, no matter what, licenses are a very big risk no matter what it is.

    I also just want to make a few things clear, yes, Scott is indeed planning on giving the IP to someone he trusts and it's looking like there's two possibilities with that. Either, he's just going to simply give it to Steel Wool or, if he doesn't want to hand it to a company, he may be waiting on for all the Fanverse initiative games to be released and to see which gains the publicity and respect from people and giving that specific individual the keys to his franchise. Also, I REALLY don't think he's going to be changing his mind, I believe Scott was planning on either retiring later this year or next year anyways because, with his past couple of comments he's made it just had a aura of "I'm kinda tired of this". The biggest thing I should mention though is that, though Scott WILL be handing over his IP to whomever or whatever, he'll still be there. If I was to put it into percentages, Scott right now is 100% involved and working on finishing up things(SB and the movie) but, when he hands it over, he'll basically only be, at tops, 5%. He'll basically be there to be asked "is this straying to far from your franchise?" or "do you think we should go this route or take this deal"?

    Another thing that has been brought up and was even mentioned above is, of course, what LBD said. I won't go into too much detail on that because, let's be honest, a LOT of what they say is complete speculation or just, outright, wrong. That said, though, I'll give them this, whatever source they have that told them the RE chapter was going to be Jill, Leon and Nemesis did turn out to be 100% correct and apparently that's who is giving them this info but, even then, I must agree that they've lost a LOT of trust to the point they have almost none. Even if it is true and they are now actively seeking to partner with FNAF the earliest we'll be seeing it is next anniversary.

    Anyways, I hope this has helped clear up some things and, well, sorry if it does the opposite. Like I said, I know this is a bit old but, just wanted to throw my two cents in and I hope that you have a wonderful day. :)

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    So it's pretty guaranteed that there will be nothing of fnaf until the definitive owner is picked. Which I figured. There are only a few expectations and I believe that's the Clive Barker situation going on, I doubt Scott fits that position as of now, since he stated that he's done with it. Sure, there are movie deals and such. But those MUCH more different than a license agreement.

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