If you could make any change to any killer, what would it be?

This forum has a lot of opinions on balance, but i feel like we don't often get a thread thats just about asking one another what balance we personally wish was in the game. This is that thread, im here to ask you guys what changes/balances/reworks/nerfs you'd make if it was guranteed to be added to the game? Personally i'd give deathslinger a lullaby like huntress and trickster, its weird he never had one since it makes sense for huntress and trickster to have one.
Ghostface refilling 50% of his power meter for each "Marked Stab" or "Silent Stab".
Change Slinger name to "The Gunslinger" or "The Outlaw". I love his aesthetic and power, but I can't say "Deathslinger" with a straight face.
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Pyramid Head booty buff.
On a more serious note: Hag can't place traps within trigger range of the hook.
It's bizarre that PH's trail of torment has this failsafe built in for an effect that is so much weaker than a jump-to-target.
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Make trapper bag base kit.
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An addon for huntress that alters her hum, also remove purple belt and put back the old iri hatchets
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Legion not lose Feral Frenzy because of a missed attack. I miss it's original working... just have part of the bar deplete per missed swing. Given how the game (esp on console) is still riddled with performance issues, it can sometimes cause the game to stutter/freeze and poof, your power is lost. It's beyond annoying
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I would probably make it to were the trapper couldn't place his traps directly in front of the exit gates lever.
It can be near and surround the lever just not directly in front of the lever.
Because It can be unfair to be opening a gate for the trap to reopen while standing on it.
Maybe make it to where bubba (the cannibal) can't instantly down more than one person with one chainsaw movement.
Example after the first person the rest just go into a mending state still making them easy to down but still having to work a little for it.
As a measure to help against the insidious camping bubba that a lot of them do
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I've always wanted to see what legion would play like it the pallet break part of iridescent button was base kit
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PH cages count as a hook so you can get points towards bbq.
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I'd tweak Wraith to be more fairly balanced. I'm tired of the non-argument "he's fine" and "OMG he was the worst ever you just hate him because you can't bully him now".
Uh, no. The Wraith has a combination of features that make him cheap, combine to give him TOO much of an advantage (Silent, super fast, AND invisible? All at will? Really?), and make him anywhere between dull and frustrating to play against. My understanding was that his bell was there as a balance to make his invisibility fair, but now he can be silent. My understanding was that he had slowdown when coming out of his cloak to balance how fast he could fly up to his victims, but now he has super lunge. And after getting his guaranteed free first hit, all he has to do is immediately turn invisible again to super-speed over to the fleeing survivor for hit number 2. Or just invisibly camp gens and hooks to catch anyone who tries to actually do what they're required to do in order to compete.
I'm not saying nerf him into oblivion, but I AM saying I would very much like there to be a balance pass. When the actual arguments are "always be by a window" and "always play with headphones" and "always use Spine Chill" it's stupid, it proves that a character can only be countered by very specific means. No one should have to always have a litany of specific circumstances working in their favor in order to stand a chance against a single killer and if they do, then the problem is not them, it's the killer.
To be honest I've said all I want to say because I'm almost certain that this post will be met with yet another permutation of "he's fine, he's only now just barely C tier" or some other dismissive nonsense.
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give trickster 1 more blade
make doctor's electrode basekit (+4 meters)
give legion 10% more speed in his ability. fatigue 3 seconds instead of 4.
spirit lets out a noise when phasing if you're within 12-16m of her
make plague's vomit charge faster, make her cooldown shorter, survivors hindered when they vomit
force nemesis to whip his tentacle if he doesn't manually do it 1-2 seconds into charging it to nerf boring zoning. reduce the speed boost nemesis gives upon infecting survivors even further so holding W isn't insanely effective.
billy's charge time decreased to 2.25 seconds instead of 2.5. make the punctured muffler basekit. 245% in chainsaw sprint. nerf engravings accordingly. reduce death engraving's charge time penalty to 8% instead of 12%.
victor can be recalled in 15-20 seconds instead of 30.
pig's crouch speed increased to 100%. combat straps basekit. make her dash move and charge faster. make it so the last key to the headtrap can be in 2 boxes, so pig cant just bodyblock a jigsaw box and kill you without any effort.
ghostface's cooldown being 15 seconds. addon pass.
give clown 6 bottles basekit. antidote activation delay 1.5 seconds. rework pinky finger to remove your tonics, remove 2 bottles, increase the activation delay to 2.5 seconds, but increase the antidote's speed boost to 17.5% extra speed and give it a 6 second duration.
blight's compound 33 consumes all rush tokens upon slamming a pallet. adrenaline vial gives blight another rush token instead of what it does now. alchemist's ring only recharges tokens on a rush down.
decrease the size of huntress's hatchet hitbox to make it less massive and feel fairer to play against. buff her movement speed while holding a hatchet to 85% (from 77%) and boost wind-up time by 15% to compensate, nerf wind-up addons. controversial change.
hag traps cannot be placed within 12m of a currently hooked survivor. increase the range that hag can teleport from 40m to 52m to compensate and encourage more web play instead of hook camping and creating a web in a very small area. nerf range addons accordingly.
tie dream snares to one iridescent addon, and dream pallets to the other. replace dream snares with freddy's old dream pull ability, reworking it to 2021 killer power standards to ensure it's viable, fun, and not abusable.
remove deer lung's downside for demo. revert the rat tail nerf cause...#########? why? give it the 0.15 second reduction again, hello balance designers??
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Ghostface: faster recovery rate, Addon pass
Micheal Myers: Addon pass, Survivors regain stalk points overtime, Multistalk, make it so you cap at 100% for tier 2 to tier 3 so you can just press a button to go to tier 3.
Freddy: Addon pass, GeneralV rework idea.
Legion: Idk they need a new concept.
Nemesis: Replace his tentacle with a run ability and a rocket launcher.
Pyramid Head: addon pass, Bring back ptb chase music, buff his rear.
Oni: Addon pass, Passive charges much faster, Blood on the map disappears when entering blood fury, demon dash a bit faster startup, Make it a bit easier to see while demo striking, make terror radius a bit smaller while not in blood fury, make ink lion basekit, bring back pov music.
Spirit: make it so you hear her phasing even in chase, small glimps of her while phasing.
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Remove nurses recovery add ons since they literally invalidate the nerf given to her
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Deathslinger doesn't have a lullaby because he has limited range. Huntress and Trickster are capable of dealing damage from any range (although realistically not in Trickster's case) so they have one to make the survivors wary of this. Slinger has an 18m max range so a 40m lullaby would be unfair.
I'd remove the Overheat mechanic on Hillbilly, but assuming that mistake is here to stay, I'd make it so that when all fountains are corrupted as Plague, she can choose when to activate Corrupt Purge for a limited window. Think Main Event activation. If she activates it, it works as it does now, and if she doesn't, one random fountain becomes corrupted.
This is purely because I hate going against cleanse-gamers as Plague. They force you to babysit everybody's infection level and constantly micromanage your fountains to keep from overflowing, which leads to you having to have Corrupt Purge active as often as possible - and although this is strong, it completely eliminates her map pressure and a good chunk of her snowball and tracking potential. If I wanted to play a 4.6m/s killer with a damaging ranged attack, I'd play Nemesis. Playing against cleanse-gamers is just boring, stressful and makes you unable to use a good amount of your Plague skill, which sucks and you're not even really playing Plague at that point. It's much like going against people who hold W whenever possible and don't even try to loop - the gameplay is boring but you'll still probably lose in the end.
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I was gonna say the same thing
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- Stitched Bag as base-kit.
- Traps will take on the color scheme of the floor of the map, though not an exact match.
- Setting tools base-kit
- Remove Bag add-ons and replace with new add-ons that affect survivors who disarm traps. One would reveal the aura of survivors who are 3 meters from traps, another would make Trapper undetectable, and another would cause the survivor become exhausted.
- Fix all the bugs
- Remove the fatigue/screen darkening.
- Increase movement speed to 115%
- Remove one blink, only allowing her to blink once at a time.
- Give the base-kit blink a longer range
- Plaid Flannel as Base-kit
- Updated model with higher definition
- New shirtless cosmetic
- New pink mask cosmetic
- New rainbow daisy dukes cosmetic
- New tuxedo cosmetic with a fancy cane as a weapon.
General Killer Changes
- New taunt animation.
- New point animation.
- New laugh/chuckle animation.
- New follow me animation.
- Customizable basements.
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A simple change that won't fix everything but will go a long way.
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It would still be a great start. Just wish the devs can acknowledge that Trapper is in a horrible spot and needs a lot of buffs.
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Right now i can think of Spirit. while she is using her power, footsteps effect will appear on the ground to give a warning of where she is going.
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Trapper starts with more traps. Devs please.
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Clown - separate bottle counters for yellow and purple gas. Gas incapacitates survivors for same duration as eruption. Charging a bottle throw for a set period of time converts a number of bottles for a stronger lasting effect when thrown. ( longer invigorated / Intoxicated)
Twins - Victor can proc certain on hit perks, reduced successful pounce hit timer back to 3 seconds on an injured survivor, Victor causes the survivor to move erratically while he's attached as if the survivor was in a wiggling scenario with the killer from the killer's perspective.
Hillbilly - Reduced chainsaw charge time
Pyramidhead- Addon overhaul
Plague - Cleansing Only removes the infection and will no longer offer a free heal straight away, timer like syringe addon. Plague get's an aura reveal like nem on people cleansing. Adjust Plague's point scoring system to not hinder her being played correctly.
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I have a few changes lol
I'd find Spirit and delete her code.
Legion would actually be able to do something. What I don't know yet but I'd do something.
Trapper has multiple traps basekit.
Pyramid Head has useful add-ons.
Wraith's all seeing blood gets the boot and Windstorm does something else to make em more useful now.
Billy's overheat is no more.
Nurse can now use her power.
I'd find Deathslinger, and delete his code.
I'd find Trickster, and delete his code.
Huntress now has cylindrical hitboxes, instead of spherical.
Myers now has a substantially better early game, and in return is less awful to face in solo (EW3 can only be gained if someone's actually given you some charge and you haven't just blinked at them once), with a full add-on change.
Ghostface's reveal now actually works.
I'd find Blight's code, and delete Alchemist's ring.
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What isn’t useful about haemorrhage on a purple add on?
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Legion, a 4 man twins 🤣
GF, don't lose NS when landing a attack. NS only broken when missing an attack or broken out my healthy survivor. No more being broken out by slugged or hooked survivors 60m away. Longer recharge for NS subsequently.
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I would rework Freddy to get him as close to his on-release power as possible.
My idea is this:
Power: Dream Demon
Pull survivors into the Dream World
-Survivors who are awake do not see The Nightmare.
-Once targeted by The Nightmare’s power, survivors enter the Dream Transition for 7 seconds.
-The Nightmare’s Movement Speed Penalty for putting a survivor into the Dream Transition lasts for 1 second.
-During the Dream Transition Survivors can see The Nightmare intermittently and they suffer from the Incapacitated status effect.
-When the Dream Transition Lapse, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.
Once in the Dream World:
-Survivor’s auras are revealed to The Nightmare when they are outside of his terror radius.
-Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 40%.
-To exit the Dream World, Survivors can find non-sleeping Survivors to perform a wake up action.
-Failed Generator Skill Checks can also wake up.
-Hooked Survivors wake up.
Special Ability: Dream Projection
-Teleport to a Generator in view. Releasing the button early will cancel the action.
-Survivors cannot interact with the targeted Generator.
-For each Survivor in the Dream World, the cool-down of using Dream Projection is reduced by stack-able 20%.
“You have nothing to worry about. This won’t hurt one… little… bit.” -Freddy Krueger
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He said balance not buff the ######### out of haha.
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Good one. I love playing Trapper, but it's tough!!
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Lots of work..........
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The main one I would want is to delete the hillbilly rework :(
This game isn't the same without you, billy boy
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I would increase the knives trickster takes to down but laceration has to be manually removed by survivors. Kinda like plagues sickness meter. Id make bouncy knives base kit. Also id change his name to something besides "The Trickster" like The Idol or The Popstar idk.
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Legion no longer loses part/all of their power bar on a successful M1 or when picking up a downed Survivor mid Frenzy.
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A little crosshair for ranged killers pleaseeee