[Rant] Killers also have toxic killers to blame for the game being forgiving to survivors



  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Honestly it takes one toxic swf to set a killer up to play toxic their very next game. I play nice usually (no camping, tunneling, etc) but i find that the favor isnt ususally returned. The amt of times ive played "fair" and had 3 survs tbag at the gate is too damn high. Frankly a lot of survivors lack self awareness for when the killer is playing nice.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 107

    Keep in mind I'm not saying toxic survivors aren't to blame, only that toxic killers are ALSO to blame. I acknowledge that survivors do play a role in killer toxicity as well.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Yeah its a vicious cycle. Logically in my eyes theres more toxic survs cuz theres more survivors than killers. I play both sides and I get the appeal of f cking with the killer a bit. If im messing with them and they smack me for it tho ill take the L

  • Inspire
    Inspire Member Posts: 123

    You can't guarantee pips while getting tunneled because the emblem system cater towards doing generators, not getting chased.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 107

    You might want to read the post again I'm not talking about killers with dailies, even provided an example

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, I had a daily and challenge to get two sacrifices (as Pig). I tunneled right from the start. Nothing in your post really exonerates me. At that point, the people trying to stop the tunnel were already slugged, so I just hooked them for the 4k and got a salty message about how trash I was.

    Two challenges in one game that lasted like 3 minutes, though. I can't complain.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 107

    Fair, but again I'm mostly talking about killers who're toxic about it, you can tell by the way they spam hits on a hooked survivors, and again they abandon an ongoing chase, even when the person being chased is injured to go find the very person they hooked first and get them back up again.

    What I'm mostly trying to say is that anti camp and tunnel perks exist because toxic killers abuse tunnelling and camping even when it doesn't benefit them, they just want to be toxic. If people want to be comfortable with camping and tunneling at the very start then they can't complain about the powerful perks survivors use, but it's not healthy for the game and for those who play casually around those perks. Which is why people tend to flock towards playing survivor.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    That’s not true though - if you hook the DS person, they get unhooked don’t heal or interact with anything, you in that time have already hooked someone else and find them again - they’re going to DS you. Not tunnelling, that’s their bad luck, or wanting to use DS to waste a few seconds. Same as those who bodyblock with BT when you’re actively trying to avoid the person who’s been unhooked.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    not clicking, blinding. that ######### hurts my eyes. can't turn brightness down or I'll lose people in coldwin even. take your gotcha moment back and use the context clues of blind, blind, blind, blind to figure ######### out

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    it was out of blind, back into blind. i couldn't see my surroundings after the first one

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 107

    Someone doing that is a detriment to their team though, because they're spending all that time doing nothing to progress the game just for a 5 second stun.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Bro the game has been survivor sided from the start what are you even saying it's forgiving to survivors lmao. No entity blockers, can fast vault in directly in front of the window, infinites,etc.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 107

    Bro read the post again I'm not saying the game is killer sided 😩

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    This is incorrect and you've just basically admitted you have never played Killer at high MMR.

    If your first chase takes THREE MINUTES then you are now at 2 gens, not 4 gens.

    So someone having a 3 minute chase and only having 1 gen pop is just not even close to a realistic scenario against good survivors.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Alright, SWF with full Head-on builds? I am pretty sure you can get close to minute or two... so much fun

  • Clowning
    Clowning Member Posts: 886

    For every post in this thread I will facecamp a Survivor. Their blood is on your hands. They have you to blame.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    It's a negative feedback loop. The blame isnt on killer or survivor specifically, it's the game as a whole that brings out the worst in us

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Also something to really take into account, playing either side is stressful against a good opponent. It seems like this game has a heavy problem of "it wasn't my fault" when losing, but if you look at really good killer mains, why don't they ever really say that? A huge thing a lot of streamers advocate for is rewatching games and trying to improve yourself but you never see anyone actually do it, I did it for a long time and you come to realize a lot of problems have easy or super simple solutions by just staying calm and playing good.

    Most meta perks aren't a hassle if you don't play heavy in what they counter, and almost every meta perk is a one time use, bar BT. If you hard tunnel and get hit by DS, what did you expect? Meta perks for survivors are all second chance perks, why wouldn't they be? A survivor is literally supposed to survive, of course their best perks will be ones that make that more likely. Killer meta perks are way stronger because they are an almost every situation/game use. Ruin Undying always does the same thing, slow their objective, same with pop etc, but if I as a killer play very hard and good but I don't go out of my way to hard tunnel, slug, and facecamp at every opportunity, they basically have 0 perks.

    You are right, killers can't really act mad that survivors are using meta perks if they act like the only way to play the game is to tunnel and facecamp.

    Slugging and tunneling are perfectly fine strategies to win, but it is just that, strategies and playstyles, not the only possible way to do it.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    A few thoughts:

    • There is indeed a nasty little feedback loop here. When you first start the game as a killer, camping is quite intuitively the best way to secure kills because otherwise it's very easy to just get 4-outed game after game.
    • This is a fallacy known as 'false equivalency'. There is a difference between a killer using a cheesy but legitimate playstyle (proxy camping) and a survivor being BM.
    • There is a world of difference between 'tunneling' and 'facecamping'. Tunneling is simply removing a survivor from the game ASAP to slow things down to a more manageable level. Facecamping is something the game actively disincentivizes with a hefty BP penalty for doing it. The only time I'll facecamp is when I'm BMed.
    • Similarly, 'genrushing' is a perfectly legitimate playstyle. The issue comes with tuning - it should not be possible for a group of survivors to abuse BNP and PTS to pop multiple generators less than a minute into the game. That's ridiculous.
    • A lot of what gives killers a hard time is less perks and styles and more the maps themselves. More than half the maps are strongly 'survivor favored', and many contain pseudo-infinites that have not and likely will never be changed. In these situations, particularly where every survivor in the game heads to one of these immediately, there isn't much choice but to camp survivors out.
    • It's easy to say 'just abandon chase' - but often that's not feasible when every chase becomes non-viable due to these loops. You are basically saying 'just AFK'.
    • Solo survivors need better tools to communicate, either a robust set of gestures (as suggested by others) or native opt-out voicechat.
  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I am not saying it's often, but you play against it sometimes. It's not even good really, but it's just torture.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    I just hit leave game as soon as Survivors start their crap. if they want to win that badly, I'll let them. This game is Survivor-sided as hell and all the Killers are so badly nerfed that they're not even fun. Sweating for one kill is miserable.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    This whole thread is composed of taking the game to personally.

    None of what's being complained about here is toxic.

    Flashlight clicking nope, stuns nope, camping nope, tunneling nope, hitting people on hook nope, BM'ing nope.

    You'll find that most times the person upsetting you is YOU. BM'ing can't hurt you unless you let it because it doesn't matter its a game. Getting camped at 5 gens doesn't matter because its a game. Getting upset about these things and attacking someone else over it that is what's toxic.

    You notice how everyone assumes the motivation for in game behaviour is always personally targeting.

    You have no information, or idea, of another player's motivation... so why assume and create an antagonizing personal scenario in your head that only serves to upset you.

    To make a few things clear...

    If you are a good looper in a strong position it makes sense to get the killer's attention. More so if they are easily distracted by it and make bad decisions as a result.

    It makes complete sense to kill 1 player quickly as a dead player is permanent free pressure for the rest of the game. Tunneling someone out early is probably the smartest play you can make if the opportunity arises.

    If you are getting outplayed securing a hook and camping it can be a great way to reset pressure by having teammates come to you rather than chasing them. You can often get a sense of this very early in the game making an early camp just as legit as an endgame camp.

    If you can save a survivor from a hook by stun or sabotage it makes complete sense to do it, no matter how many hooks the killer has.

    Perks exist to counter these things not because its toxic but because they are in game mechanics that can change the outcome of the game. If you are triggered by these mechanics then run the counter perks. I run lightborn a lot so flashlights and their clicking doesn't bother me at all. If camping concerns you, then play a little more cautiously at the start and run BT, deliverance, open handed, kindred, DS, dead hard.

    Whether or not mechanics are balanced, overpowered, useless or too forgiving for one side or the other is a discussion independent of toxicity.

    Yes I often find survivor perks a lil to forgiving especially when you have an experienced coordinated team but my opinion of the game is that survivor should be tense and scary while killer is oppressive and dominating. Often it feels the other way around which kind of goes against the theme and I'd probably play more survivor if it was more intense to play, but that intensity is often lacking unless you are going up against a very skilled killer.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    It's so funny when people say tbagging and clicking is fair game because you can still hit the survivors. Actually, you can't sometimes. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    But none of that stops you from progressing in-game and achieving your objective, if a survivor is being toxic with those - they are also screwing themselves over by wasting resources.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Do whatever you want as killer/thread.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Dude 1 gen popping for a 3 minute chase isn't bad. Even potato survivors can pop 1 gen in 3 minutes.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 107

    In my defense I got spammed with so many emails of thread notifications and just tuned them out while I tended to IRL, then log back into the forums to see a bunch of notifs I haven't replied to.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985

    I keep bringing up one aspect our community is overlooking when it comes to toxicity, but I never get responses or some sort of acknowledgment- and that is a lot of this behavior is from KIDS playing DBD. Dead by Daylight is a video game, and kids/teens play videogames. We all have this pre-conceived notion that every character we see on screen has an adult behind the controller/keyboard, when that’s not true. I actually think adults just may barely be the majority. There may be just as many kids playing as there are adults. We really need to take this into consideration. I’m on Xbox- whenever I see toxic behavior like ragequitting, and I notice it being a fellow Xbox player- I look at the profile. And what do I see a lot of the times? Red Flags the account belongs to a child or teen: uses full name displayed to the public (Huge Red Flag), No custom gamer pic, Currently now playing Fortnite, Roblox, or Minecraft (I know adults play these as well, but c’mon- you get the picture).

    Don’t get me wrong, adults do partake in toxic play, and there are kids who are sportsmanlike and have skill- but the average little 11 yr old Timmy who makes butt jokes with his friends, plays DBD and can be seen as the camping/tunneling killer type, who ragequits when he’s losing. PC is no exception. 16/17 year old are still immature and will use cheats/hacks as well as camp/tunnel.

    I wish there was a way to know DBD’s age demographic. Friday the 13th had a TON of little kids & teenagers, who pretty much ruined public matches with their cheating, team killing, mic screaming, and ragequitting. There were actual 6 year olds playing that game, and F13 is waaaay more graphic than DBD as we all know. So imagine what we would hear in our game now, if the mics were turned on…