General Discussions

General Discussions

What is currently bothering you about the game?

I’ll go first, I have 2 actually.

The Twins. Victor getting a 5 seconds stun after a SUCCESSFUL ATTACK, is way too much. I don’t think there is a killer that gets punished for using their power correctly, it’s a shame really.

If the Devs really want to keep it this way, at least make the animation less clunky and make Victor un-kickable after a successful hit, this would fix their main issue against coordinated teams and make them better overall.

The Second is the Crotus Prenn Asylum maps. They are so ugly, the gray and the unnecessary structures on the map really ruined it for me. Father Campbell Chapell used to be one my favorite maps on both sides and it is a horrendous map to play on last gen console.

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  • Member Posts: 954

    Yes! I still have teammates run to the corner to self-care. It’s always a 50/50 on teammates though, there is always that God tier Ace or Nea player running the killer.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "thought I am the only one who does not like the Maps after the Rework"

    Forgot about me, my dear friend?

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited August 2021

    That the developers are trying to balance out two different games and pretend they're the same.

  • Member Posts: 227

    That I have to play against PC players ( turning off cross play is the queue too long )

    The grind is boring as hell and potatoes in my team. Probably carried in SWF groups 💁🏼‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    The game is just loosing taste for me. I am already down to 1-2 games a day and thats mostly rituals. Before I bought the Series S it was performance figured the game would be more fun if I could play without performance issues. Still the same repetitive grindy game as before just works better now.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    not being able to see the killers ping in lobby

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    edited August 2021

    You dislike every reworked Map. But most people like them, and I have never read that someone does not like the reworked Crotus Prenn Maps in particular.

  • Member Posts: 822

    2+ Gens getting Pop at the Beginning of the Game

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Lack of new maps or even variants. Cod get new maps quarterly, we've had 2 in 2 years and both are hated. Id rather they;

    * paused chapters to make new maps/variants

    * made a chapter primarily focused on releasing a bundle of maps

    * stopped making cosmetics in order to add more maps

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Well, at least you know one soul who dislike the reworked Crotus Prenn :)

  • Member Posts: 366

    Maps. I’ve had a lot of games wear me out because of their poor design

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    Too many things. It'd take too long to list them all so I'm not sure if it's even worth the effort, lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    Self-care and Urban evasion in my matches (when im survivor, love it as killer)

    As others have said, optimization. (it does not directly affect me, but it affects everyone else which has an affect on the outcome of the match)

    Twins is horrendous when solo.

    Slow churn rate of balance changes. Why does it take at least 1.5-3 months for less than a handful of perks to be updated? Who is looking at Hoarder or Vigil and goes "oh yeah, this is perfect."

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Hit Validation absolutely cucking killers and letting survivors get free escapes.

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    map design is in my opinion been the thing that plagues this game the most and is the source of many of the largest grievances on both sides. I've held this opinion for a long time now and with each new map they add it only further solidifies my belief in it.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Indoor maps. I really don't think any killer is so awful to go against as to be completely unfun, but the fact that there exists 5 maps that just practically eliminate the power of all non stealth killers is incredibly frustrating. Doubly so because you can be sent there deliberately by people trying to abuse it.

  • Member Posts: 954

    Honestly, same. I get titled a few times, leave and come back.

  • Member Posts: 954

    Its pretty sad honestly. It’s been the same on the Xbox one s (my current platform). It been 4 years since the game came out on console and it still has issues that Devs continue to ignore. Not sure why they bothered releasing the game on other platforms.

    The game has not been the same since the Resident Evil chapter release.

  • Member Posts: 954

    I usually don’t mind playing against PC players but some use crosshairs and stretch res which is unfun (usually the sweaty gamers). As for the grind, I don’t think people would continue to play if it wasn’t for something to grind. It should be toned down a bit and some offerings should be reworked.

  • Member Posts: 878

    The errors. Lags, stutters, disconnects, etc.

    Team mates who are either useless (hiding in lockers while I die on hook) or stupid (charging straight at the killer like they’re going to knock them over).

    Killers who slug all the time. Yeah, yeah, legitimate strategy, but it’s still boring.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    That they aren't going to reskin Hawkins. That decision is almost worse than whatever contract they agreed to.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Theres a new perk for that. Pinheads perk whatever its called

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Performance issues.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Constantly going against red rank killers in matches that last less than 5 minutes

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Fps drops and lag.

  • Member Posts: 2,719
    • Survivors who camp the hatch, especially if there's another survivor left and a reasonable chance of both survivors escaping if the camper would bother to just help out
    • The Wraith - too boring and frustrating to play against due to his easy cheesy basekit. I get literally zero enjoyment whenever it's a Wraith match
    • The massive emphasis on chases and loops. I get it, it's what the game has become all about. That's fine. I just don't enjoy this aspect and never will.
    • Sweaty players on either side
    • Intentional DCs
    • Survivors who work with the killer

  • Member Posts: 139

    Getting a hitmarker but it doesn't connect. (hitting someone with a hatchet then they dead hard through it somehow.)

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    A certain developer who seems to make the wrong choices a lot, if you know you know.

  • Member Posts: 2,803
    1. The total lack of QoL for solo survivors. They’ve made maybe one or two changes in the last 5 years to make solo survivor less bad, which is honestly pathetic. No, extremely poor effort things like adding a totem counter to Small Game aren’t a buff to solo queue.
    2. Most maps remain significantly unbalanced one way or another, mostly in favour of survivors. The fact that they updated the Coldwind maps and yet Cowshed remains as broken as ever is frankly sad. Haddonfield stays Haddonfield, which is just… lol.
  • Member Posts: 233

    map RNG and the designs of itselves is a huge problem. if u have a bad RNG killer is lucky if u get a good RNG survivor is lucky. Not much skill based thing is out there but luck based system implemented in game also haddionfield,midwich,suffocation pit etc. exist imagine all of these combining with a solo queue claudete that selfcares in a corner for forever or having a ace not getting out of pallets in gideon meat plant

    DBD the luck based kinda horror game

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    Lately I'm just burnt out on playing the game. I feel like there's no reason to advance in the rift. Going against aggressive players makes me not want to play as often.

    It doesn't really feel like the devs are all that invested in listening to player concerns either. These forums are set up so bizarrely for that kind of thing and only really serve as a place to argue freely until you strike a nerve with a mod.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Besides optimization

    Breakable walls these bad boys unironically have made me consider quitting the game

    There being like only 2 or no perk buffs in updates really annoying at this point how so many are left in the dirt

    Map reworks these are definitely the worst literally none of the reworks improved gameplay it was just "hey let's make it pretty and slap up those breakable walls"

  • Member Posts: 1,380

    The underwhelming content additions. Blight is quite literally the only decent content addition we have had in nearly 3, soon to be 4, chapters. No new maps, no new interesting environments to play, basically no new interesting perks, the game is INCREDIBLY stale. This is significantly worsened by the fact that the bugs are becoming worse than they've ever been, which is making everybody grumpy.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Game performance and optimization. The RE chapter came the closest yet to just killing off the prior gen consoles, and negatively impacted all platforms.

    And the patches after it only partially fixed the issues, so right now performance is actually worse than pre-RE for almost everyone. How can any developer be ok with that?

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    Let's see, for starters, the devs making 4 separate patches over the last year to prevent mixing set cosmetics, while barely attempting (and mostly failing) one patch to fix console performance.

    The devs "updating" various maps, models, animations, and UI in a rushed fashion, mostly ignoring any negative feedback, and declaring said reworks a success.

    Unnecessary and dysfunctional chat filter that has no option to be disabled if you don't want daddy gaming company to save you from scary words.

    Getting pallet hit rollbacks when playing killer every other match.

    MMR that only matches me against Blight and Nurse players with 4 slowdown perks, leading to burnout and boredom from lack of variety in survivor gameplay.

    Continually creating and reworking killers to be strong 1v1 in chase but terrible 1v4, making games boring for both sides. Survivors hold W and M1 to counter oppressive anti-loop mechanics and no one has fun.

    I'm sure there are other things but these just came to mind.

  • Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2021

    A lot of things. But I won't list them all.

    I don't like killer designs and powers anymore, and I feel the game has lost its way in terms of design. Ever since Spirit, it feels like killer powers have been on a decline of being increasingly complex, and sometimes the playstyle encouraged by these powers don't even reflect that. I miss early killer powers where it's just 1 interesting idea, and you can use it however you want. No cooldown, no meters, no tons of status effects, no built in killer instinct or aura reading or crap. I blame the community that wants this balanced like an Esport. The game was never meant to be competitive, and it hampers novel but prickly ideas, like Old Freddy.

    And does no one remember the thematic tone of the game? This dark take on folklore monsters, and slashers? Survivors running every day, hiding from killers. and living with hope through fear? Not a single thing about the game feels connected to that anymore. All these flashy bright clean cosmetics ruin the atmosphere. We're running around maps in the Wild West, Feudal-style Japan, and Old Babylonian-temples. The joke cosmetics are, just that, a joke. Killer designs now can just be a slightly altered human like Twins and Trickster. It's all really sad to see.

    Even something as simple as characters being blank slate horror archetypes. Now that's ruined. Every character needs a 14 paragraph long backstory, leaving nothing to the imagination with terrible writing. The game is stomping on it's past, which I used to have massive respect for. And in the end, no one else seems to mind it. In fact a lot of people praise DBD's new direction. So oh well, what can you do. I hope for more than anything, that a competitor comes to DBD, that tries to capture DBD's old design methods. Maybe I'll make it myself.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    I'm seriously glad xbox messages don't have filters it's like the Devs borrowed the pc chat filter from roblox lol

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The lack of a proper wincon to balance the game around.

    Also game performance/frame rate issues. :(

  • Posts: 537
    edited August 2021

    Bugs, cheats and rubbishy new chapters' quality

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