For those who have posted to Bug Reporting and Feedback

Have any of your threads resulted in a change being made in-game?
I posted about the Ashy Slashy puppet being busted months ago and it was acknowledged, but never fixed. It's never even made it to the Known Issues section of the patch notes.
It makes me feel like those subforums are more fluff to give us the illusion of feeling heard than anything. What are your guys' experiences?
I post 2 time in those bug reporting feedback with video evidence and picture and both of the time i never had a comeback that one of the reason i strongly believe they dont care about our feedback on bug because they know better
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In the past, my bug report got acknowledged and fixed.
(Yes, that was an alt-account)
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Nice to hear. Glad something was done about it.
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I posted about steam achievements not working when Plague came out. It was acknowledge and fixed pretty fast. I think a lot of bugs we deal with are known. They just choose to delay fixing many of them to focus on content if it doesn't affect game play that much.
Recently they disabled Dead Dog Saloon map because of community feedback and have other maps in the past.
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I'd rather not think that they choose based on priority, or else I have to assume that a broken cosmetic that affects how items are held that's been acknowledged for months is less important than Pyramid Head's ass.
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More people post about Pyramid Head’s ass then they do about sideways items with Ashy Slashy. Sometimes you have to give the people what they want.
Yeah it’s definitely not first come first serve. Sometimes it’s what is getting the most attention. Sometimes it’s what’s easiest.
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You'd think if it were acknowledged, they'd at least consider it a known issue though right? This system is really something lol
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I think acknowledging it is saying it is a known issue. If you mean saying so in patch notes, I think that is for new bugs that come with the patch that they want to let us know they already are aware of them. They would have to write a novel if they tried to write down all acknowledge bugs in every patch note.
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That's a good point. Still a crap system imo and not remotely as involved with the community as they make it seem. But without better channels to communicate through, there isn't a whole lot we can do. Oh well.
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Acknowledged means the team is aware of the reported bug, however, not everything is an easy instant fix and can be hard to fix, too. Especially if repro steps are missing. There is no deadline or whatsoever given for when a bug might be fixed, as it is impossible to tell really most of the time.
The forum is the best way to report bugs and they are being forwarded either by us or the QA Team themselves check out the bug reports forum - it is the official place to report bugs.
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Is there any way updates can be given on reported bugs? The forum rules don't allow us to bring up issues that haven't been seen or touched on in a while without trouble, so having some idea where things are would be nice. Even if it hasn't gone anywhere, it'd be better knowing it's still on the backburner rather than assuming it's been ignored.
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Yes, the reason why I've made this account in the first place, was to make sure Clown's Bottles are fixed as fast as possible, back when the Hindered status was bugged, because nobody was talking about them and there wasn't a single post in bug reports either. So after every single patch, I'd go test them again immediately, update my bug report and pester some of the mods. Three patches later it got fixed, the most interesting part was that so few people play Clown, and even less of them play him consistently, that majority of people didn't even notice until they've been told his bottles don't do anything most of the time.
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Nice to hear. I'm thinking of doing that with the Ash puppet. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all.
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yes iv reporeted bug of rocabilli top for kate lieke 2 weeks ago and on ptb its fixed