List of things that STILL make the game freeze on console

Legion using frenzy
Nurse blinking
Huntress throwing a hatchet
Dead Hard (when anyone uses it)
Smash Hit
(Balanced and Sprint Burst seem to be okay, I don't know about Head On)
Does anyone know if Lithe and Smash Hit also make the game freeze for all console players like Dead Hard does, regardless of who uses it?
Help me out with the rest, I'm sure I'm missing a ton, especially since I rarely play killer.
Sloppy Butcher.
Nemesis using his power.
Getting hit by a zombie.
ADS with Deathslinger.
Wraith uncloacking and applying a status affect.
Someone getting unhooked.
Missed skillchecks.
Fast vaults.
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Some of those things make me freeze on PC as well, like Sloppy and Freddy. Its especially bad with Sloppy tho. I get a few seconds freeze when somebody else gets hit by it across the map...
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Playing on Midwich ALWAYS messes me up. I swear picking up a Survivor at the same time when a Gen gets finished or if a skillcheck is hit freezes things up.
I've had multiple instances of when picking up a Survivor or even hooking them freezes things, but I think it's that + something else happening elsewhere on the map that triggers it.
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I just had a Nemesis game and wasn't sure if I was crazy or not that his Tentacle was making my game freeze
Also, what with Freddy makes it freeze? Him teleporting or putting down snares or traps or just everything? I've barely had any Freddy games lately.
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Are you going to make a feedback thread and/or bug report with as much information as possible later so the devs can try to fix these issues?
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When he hits someone and they get put into dream state. At least thats what causes a freeze for me (and like I said, I am on PC...)
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Ah gotcha.
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Interesting. I get Midwich a lot lately but I haven't noticed anything being particularly worse on that map for survivors.
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I'd like to, but I'm not sure how much of a difference it will make. I just don't want people to settle for this "fix" because the game is still in a sorry state. I also want to know what things I can avoid so I don't make it worse.
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For me as Killer it is constantly a headache with the issues. Every single time I've gotten the game it ends up like this. To clarify, I've played multiple games on other maps the same day I took this footage and had none of these issues, or not even close to as frequent or bad as when I get Midwich. This type of stuff happens when playing as multiple Killers and without Sloppy Butcher while on this map (just in case people wanted to point to those as the culprits).
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Daaaaamn. I wonder if those things are causing lag on everyone's end and not just yours. Not trying to be like, uwu don't complain, killer main. I just mean there are times I don't know why it lags and I'm wondering if I'm on a gen and all of THAT is going on that I don't know about which is what makes it lag for me too.
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I wonder what it was like on their end as well and wish I could see. I did not enjoy that match, even if I came out of it with a 3k.
I had a small opportunity when I faced a TTV Survivor on a different Map, while as Legion and I froze while vaulting a pallet, when I viewed the VOD, they had zero performance issues at the moment that I had issues with the pallet. Far as I can tell off that anecdotal evidence is possible the Survivors on Midwich didn't have the same issues that I did. I didn't notice them confused or running into anything or standing still. But again, not way to verify, as I know Dead Hard can mess with Survivor teammates too.
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Yeah Dead Hard I know screws everyone over. I'm assuming it's the same with Lithe. I need to figure out of Head On also freezes the game, just for science.
Midwich seems normal to me as a survivor. Bad, but normal bad, but unless we got into the same game there's no way to know for sure. HMM. And I have noticed that Legion is one of the worst. I'm at the point where the game will freeze for me right at the start and I'm like, I bet it's Legion and they just used their frenzy, and sure enough, someone needs to mend shortly after.
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-Hooks and unhooks
-Any status effect
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Just had that happen. I didn't know until later when I got hit that it was Sloppy.
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- Nemesis as killer
- vs Nemesis in RPD as survivor
- when Blight slams in object near you as survivor
- Wraith uncloaking
- Hag can not set trap early in game
- Hag freeze when teleport
- Do 360 or quick U turn when you are near killer
- Freddy stuck in casting illusion pallet animation
- Doctor when playing a bit long (I think it's buffering problem)
- Random freeze on skill check
- And many other random freezes
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Adrenaline too! Just found out.
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I'll try to name one's others haven't.
Exposes status (NOED, Mikey tier 3, Ghostface mark, Haunted Grounds, Devour Hope, etc.)
Sloppy when anyone on map is hit - worse freeze for person hit but everyone experiences a freeze even if across the map.
Ghostface going in/out of shroud
Entering into Freddy's Dreamworld - will freeze even if others are going into it. Really bad freeze if he hits someone in while using sloppy.
Cleansing totems - dull are tiny freeze while hex are bigger freeze, freeze is worse if it's Haunted Grounds.
Notification bubbles - gen complete, hook, exits, madness tier 3 scream, etc. It's the worst when there's multiple at once.
Flashbang and Blastmine going off.
Oppression - will cause freeze in skill check that pops up, worse if more than 1 person on same gen.
Anytime the additional perk status show up like Leader, Thanatophobia, Prove Thy Self, Dying Light, etc. Freeze will happen when they get activated for you.
Legion Frenzy - going in out and hitting survivors during Frenzy will cause stutters and freezes for the survivors
RPD, Ormond, Dead Dawg, Cronus Prenn, Coldwind Farm, Autohaven, Indoor maps all have terrible performance issues on their own. Mix with killers/perks that increase the performance issues and its a bad time.
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How does Ghostface and Myers lag they literally just stare at people for their power. How does you make that lag?
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I just had YET ANOTHER Legion game. I don't think I'e ever had so many as I am right now, and it's weird since he's one of the biggest offenders in causing lag. Like, 1/3 of my games are Legions right now.
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You'd have to ask the Devs why all these things are broken for console players. I imagine it's when Myers goes into Tier three and when Ghostface is exposed or exposes a survivor.
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It's probably the status effects that they are causing (exposed,undetectable on ghost face)
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Back when I play on a base Xbox I remember balanced landing being really bad for stuttering. Halloween skins also impact frames pretty bad from my experience
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These are a lot of issues. I'm surprised it's not a bigger thing by now and applying to all consoles.
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I played as survivor yesterday and my game didn’t freeze with sloppy butcher I was hit by the perk and the game didn’t lag.
I played against Doc and the game didn’t freeze once.
Played as and against nemesis and game never froze.
the rest I didn’t test yet. I know the game still freezes when you unhook a survivor and when dead hard happens. But the rest like fast vaults and missed skillchecks never froze my game
on my console 5 out of the 10 things you listed never froze my game
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Yesterday hooking survivors was causing my game to freeze on ps4
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Is it a next gen or last gen console though?
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Xbox one S
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Do you mean in the optimization forum? There are lots of them in there. Eighteen pages worth from March 2020. Most of them are in a pending status.
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List of things that make the game freeze on console!
1. Playing the game
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Getting hit as a survivor. And dead hard is super op on last gen
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Problem is though that most console players are still on those "last" gens. So.
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I don't know if this is still the case, but back before my PS4 broke and I moved to PC, my game lagged hard whenever I was hit by one of Huntress's hatchets. It's been a long while since I've played on PS4 now though, so maybe that was one of the, like, five things that got fixed.
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lol, no it's still a thing. I play on PS4 and when she throws a hatchet, the game freezes. It's kind of exciting though! You get to wonder for a second what's going to have happened when you get back!
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Kind of like a little mystery mini-game! What fun!
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As killer just before Bloodlust kicks in I get a massive freeze, which lets the survivor gain massive distance because I've ended up walking in a straight line away from them. Anyone who Dead Hards or Lithes seems to freeze me up. I also seem to get random lag if someone across the map heals up too. Deathslinger seems to cause lag when I try aim, and Demo also freezes the first time I try a lunge attack too. As survivor I cannot use Dance with Me at all. Not sure if it's the lag issue but anytime I attempt to use it, the game decides to do the vault animation twice on the window and I end up grabbed or hit because of it. The same issues happen as killer. If someone else uses an exhaustion perk, I'm lagged, if the killer is using Sloppy and hits someone I get lagged. I also get minor lag if someone is unhooked or hooked.
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I didnt know about any Dance With Me issues. I don't want to be a turd but I'm also curious about it now.
I got a freeze a few games ago when Demo used his portal.
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I have no idea why it happens. At first I was using Lithe with it and just assumed it was that. I took it off and still got the issue so I don't know if it's bugged or it's linked to the lag. It's just super frustrating to have it happen mid-chase.
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Everything I guess.
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My game freezes every time Ghostface swings. It has nothing to do with his ability.
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Yeah it's a lot worse than I thought.
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Wraith has been a pretty big contributor to freezing for ages now, whenever he does his omega lunge after uncloaking the game will freeze for like 5 seconds