One Final Demogorgon Buff

An idea i came up with for Demo:
Instead of having to walk over to a portal so you could teleport to another one, you simply look at which one you want to teleport to and start traveling to it without having to place one down or walk over to one closet to you. It saves a lot of time and should make him a huge threat to survivors. Also, his footsteps should be completely silent when he exits a portal. Let me know what you guys think….
Demo is in a perfect spot right now. No changes needed
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Agreed, Hes the perfect mid tier killer. Good mobility. Good chase. Good addons. Hes just "Good." nothing about him is particularly lackluster or OP. I think he's great as he is
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Yeah he’s one of the few killers where my only reaction to losing a chase is just “nice shred”. Actually feels fair for both sides without being annoying
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Yeah he’s in a perfect spot…for now…you dont know when he’s going to underperform all of a sudden. This buff would make him a great killer for now and the future of DbD.
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I doubt he’ll get worse over time. This game’s meta has always been pretty stagnant and the only killer who has gotten substantially worse over time is Myers but he hasn’t been changed in 4 years so that makes sense
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He can be adjusted after the cutoff date.
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Really? Well thats a relief…they should still take that buff idea into consideration tho….
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Ghostface, Pig, Trapper, Legion? What about them? They use to be good (except maybe legion) but have gotten worse overtime.
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Ghostface has always been add on reliant but decent
Pig has been nerfed multiple times and has since stayed in lower brackets. She was never really that good anyway
Legion was never good. He went from being cheap to just being bad after his semi rework and has stayed that way since
Trapper has actually got a lot of buffs but has again always been bad
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There is one change that is needed: the option to destroy your portals yourself. I mean, besides a brown add-on that just does it as you travel through it. Considering portals are limited and only survivors can destroy them right now. You literally depend on survivors to recycle part of your power.
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He's in a good spot power/add-on wise. But he's still bugged and needs to be fixed. Tired of doing a basic strike when I opened up for a shred.
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Thank god. I had this horrible idea in my mind too, that he probably cant get a balance patch after they leave DBD.
Man this is pretty bad for the people, who cannot buy them anymore after they are gone :(
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he can still be changed balance wise and bugs and whatnot
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Honestly I just wish they would make him quieter when he comes out of his portals. Yeah his undetectable is nice and all if you have good portal placement. But its kinda immediately ruined by his random noises and thundering footsteps. Definitely doesn't remind me of the demogorgon in the show that is basically an almost silent predator until hes right upon someone.
The only explanation I have for him being so loud constantly is a psuedo lullaby effect because he can whip around a corner and throw himself like a hatchet.