Lady Dimitrescu Legendary for Nemesis

Just think about it.
- Nemesis' whip becomes her extending her nail-claws and slashing forward with them.
- The Zombies become her Daughers, or generic Moroaică enemies
- The T-Virus just.. stays the same, or is changed to a new virus.
They shrunk Nemesis to make him fit in DBD, no reason Lady Dimitrescu can't be shrunken down as well.
It would be Off-putting to hear Nemesis Theme against Dimitrescu
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nah, it should go to either plague or freddy if that’s the case
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They've been wanting to make Legendaries different from the standard people, and as far as I know, no Legendaries exist (the current Legendaries were converted to Ultra-Rares) so the Chase Theme could change, just like how Survivor Legendaries (Chris and Claire at least) change voices.
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Nah, OG Nemesis is knocking down the Entity's door.
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I don't know about Plague, she holds the incense lantern and Dimitrescu doesn't really hold anything like that, plus she never throws up on Ethan. Freddy it just wouldn't work, given that he's another Licensed Killer.
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OG Nemesis wouldn't be a Legendary though, it'd be an Ultra-Rare as it's not a brand new character.
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I agree with this, I think it would be sick, give her a theme and voice what's the problem? It's more work yes but God knows the skin would sell.
I still think legion should get a legendary skin as being Nea as we all know that bish is a killer in secret. 👀👀👀
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I can confirm, I'd break my DBD Boycott to buy a Lady D Skin.
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Honestly, og nemesis looks better than the remake version, I would've loved if on t3 the nemesis we have right now would've cut a part of his clothes like in re3 and have the extra tentacles, that would've been much better than current t3.
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Yeah I love the head of the OG Nemesis better than the remake.
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I remember they said something about skins not being able to affect how powers look, but then again they also said they couldn't get hallucinatory Doctors to be wearing the cosmetics the doc had on and that's been a thing for a while now...
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I mean, when they're not flying, they walk towards Ethan pretty slowly. I also did say they could be replaced with the Moroaică instead.
I think they definitely could/should make an OG Nemesis skin, but that type of model manipulation would probably be too difficult for DBD to handle. The way the Mutation currently works is it's just an extra mesh that enables on the model.
They also said they want Legendaries to be unique characters. Changing the power itself (in a model that can have a different looking power, aka not Huntress and Doctor) would help make it unique.
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The Legendary could be pink, but there would need to be special things come into play. Prob like her own voice and music and stuff which is a lot lol
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What do you mean it 'could be pink'?
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I love this idea if we also got an Ethan Winters skin.
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It's too much of a stretch.
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I don't think Ethan is a possibility since we never canonically see his face. I could see Rosemary being added, though.
How would it be too much of a stretch, exactly?
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Its a stretch cause unlike other legendary or ultra rare killer skins, a Lady D skin would require more work than making an entire killer without the power.
Entire new mesh, new animations for walking, new animations just for the power, new voice lines which still not a thing for Killer skins, and the hassle of making sure nothing from Nemesis conflicts with the Lady D skin.
There is also the fact the Devs have never have made new animations and Mesh powers just for a linked skin. Then also the voices which again is not a thing that killer skins have.
Would be much easier and less painful for the Devs to do an alternate form of Nemesis or use the Original design on Nemesis.
Also why Lady D exactly? All she does in the game is complain, chase the player in the castle and a boss fight. She got the popular cause of memes and people becoming more unholy than the Entity herself, which is scary.
So that is why its a Stretch. Why go all this work for an overworked skin when they can just do a Skin of an alternate Nemesis or a more Iconic Resident evil Character from the Series which would be bit more simple for the devs.
[Edit] Also to use your earlier comment "I think they definitely could/should make an OG Nemesis skin, but that type of model manipulation would probably be too difficult for DBD to handle. The way the Mutation currently works is it's just an extra mesh that enables on the model.
This would also apply that making a Lady D skin would be difficult since that too would mess around with the model.
Post edited by Mr_Madness on0 -
i dont see lady D whipping survivors with a virus infected tentacle either 💀
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And this is why DBD “boycotts” are a waste of time.
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springtrap should be legendary skin for nemesis
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Did... you not see the initial post? Where I said the tentacle is replaced with her claws?
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You do outline some very interesting points. I will bring up the fact that BHVR themselves have stated they want Legendaries to feel unique, and giving them new animations and voices is definitely something that'd make them unique. Also, the newest Legion Skin has new voice lines. They're the same ones just with a filter over them, but the voice changes nonetheless.
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The infection part of the power wouldn't change at all. It could be argued that Lady D infects you with the Mold (E-series bioweapon).
Just would need to give her a new theme and animations, which I don't know if BHVR would go that far. Either way I simp for Lady D so I wouldn't mind (although Heisenberg is still #1!)
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If it's part of the licensing deal they have with Capcom, they'd have to or Capcom could pull the license for not following the contract.
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A claw taking the place of a tentacle.
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Keep the tentacle, after what happened with Pinhead's voicelines I wanna see the community implode