Clown is the "worst killer" in the game but i lose against him a lot

I heard this statement about clown a lot, mostly from popular content creators.
Despite this, a high percentage of my games against him i lose.
It's either his bottle slows me down or he stops our loop in a smart way. i can't hold the chase for more than 6 seconds against him.
Apparently I'm doing something wrong, i wonder if i should play differently against him?
How do you loop him well?
You pretty much don't loop the Clown.
Only thing you do against him is pre throwing pallets,run loops that make it awkward for him to use his bottles (e.g most main buildings) or generally start to run as soon as you know that he will go for you.
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All this time i played wrong..
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Yeah what the other dude said you don't actually loop clown as that's the only thing he does well, you just run early as ######### and throw pallets early. If you make chasing you not worth the time investment then he will lose 10 out of 10 matches as he has no effective way to catch up in long chases and he has absolutely no map pressure.
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I mean, he is not worse than Trapper or Pig. Like, just being bad doesn't mean you are the worst. People say that about Michael too. But, again, he isn't Trapper or Pig. Rofl.
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i feel like any killer that is 4.6 is at least okay. If they are less than that then their power really needs to make up for it. Which is very hard to do because that requires more more balancing.
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I mean sure but all the worst killers in the game are 4.6 since although trickster still isn't really good, he's certainly not even close to the worst killer in the game.
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There are sooo many variables that go into how well a killer performs. With the right perks and someone with knowledge of how to properly play him he is actually a pretty good killer when done right.
If you are higher rank survivor you have a better chance of going against someone who is higher rank clown also and probably has access to the better perks for him. Now if you play clown and you don't have access to his higher level perks or aren't used to controlling him or how to work his power then that could be why you lose more often.
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You need to drop pallet early but even then it heavily depends on teammates as well because he's one of the best pubstomper in the game, he just shreds randoms.
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I lose more to Clowns than I escape them. But that's only because he so boring to play against, my brain literally just turns off. I would rather die quickly than play a long and boring game and escape lmao
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Clown is bad at beating teams as opposed to being bad in chases. It's the 1v1 / 4v1 debate: So while he struggles to kill everyone before the gens are complete he can certainly kill one or two of you, especially those that don't drop pallets and run.
So don't feel bad about losing to him, he probably lost the match.
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Clown is the worst killer along with Legion.
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thats why this rift chapter is almost about clown , BHVR want more people to play as clown wkwkw
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Same here. I got humiliated by one on Hawkins once. Just because he's a low rank killer doesn't mean he is totally useless. In the right hands, all the killers are/can be dangerous.
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The problem with "the worst killer" argument is that even killers considered bad are so relatively to other killers, but not to how actually strong they are against survivors. If you look for statics that the devs showed in the past there is no killer with a kill chance less than 50%.
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He's not the worst killer in the game, so don't feel bad.
Just predrop W as others have said, since Clowns don't tend to use the antidote.
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there's a perception among a lot of people that "worst killer" means you can't do anything with them at higher ranks, which just isn't true. a bad killer needs specific add-ons, perks or leftfield playstyles that usually aren't very fun for survivors. they're more of a pain to be used viably, but every killer can be viable in some way or another.
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Predrop pallets if you're not safe. Only try to loop him if you're in a safe area.
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There are certain pallets you want to pre drop and certain ones you want to leave alone, you want to take him to a area like a jungle gym where you can get one run around it and then throw the pallet earlier than normal, he can't throw over the high loops and he has to get rid of the pallet to make a play giving you the opportunity to make distance, you want to ignore unsafe pallets or short loops that he doesn't have to respect the pallet on because he will 9/10 times just gas you with the bottle while you're in the pallet throw animation and just go right around it for the hit, hes a killer you want to make alot of distance on and continually breaking line of sight.
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Clown is a great 1v1 killer but he lacks in map pressure. Pre dropping pallets counters him massively, even if it’s a boring strategy.
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Trapper can pre-place a trap. Trapper can shut down a loop before someone even goes there. Trapper has the same weakness as Hag: if they know where you've been, they can expect traps there. Trapper has a weaker early game than Myers, but the early game doesnt matter if he can still rake in 4k's due to his endgame.
Pig has insane potential too, bouncing off pallets, fully ignoring windows and other things. Pig is a bit hard to master, but her skillceiling is much higher than both Trapper and Myers.
What does Myers have? A slightly increased lunge+instadown if he has looked at people enough, but any Myers main can tell you that a decent SWF(not even a high tier one) can make it near impossible for you to pull off more than 1 T3 in the entire match, 2 if you're lucky with the map. His best basekit asset is that he can vault faster than other killers.
Even including addons, Myers only has 2-3 viable combinations in public matches, bar none in higher tiers, where both Pig and Trapper still can pull off plenty in high tier play.
People putting Myers higher than Pig and Trapper simply dont understand how to play Pig and Trapper. This coming from a player who has played at least 100 hours in Pig, Trapper and Myers.
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He’s not really the worst he has good anti-loop and if you learn the yellow bottles well it helps in dealing with his weakness pre drop and hold w.
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Killers that shut down loops are typically not usually strong at pressuring generators. You need to spread out and work on generators separately. This will cause him to waste a lot of time walking to find the next survivor to chase. Hook states are a resource too. Sometimes it is advantageous to the team to take the chase if a couple of the others are on death hook to keep the pressure off of them and keep more people working on generators.
Individually, stealth and distance are typically what you need to win against a clown on you. Start running early when he spots you. Try to stealth if he hasn't.
Good clowns should know how best to use the bottles at loops so don't try and extended a loop if you suspect they are good. Throw the pallet early and move away when you can. Depending on loop size and where he throws the bottle, you can sometimes run through the slowdown and get to the pallet before the clown can get around the loop but that just comes with experience playing against him on when that is possible.
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If they don't screw up mmr this will change. Sadly i have zero hope they won't screw it up because they keep listening to streamers and survivor mains who want easy games.
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He is not the worst. He used to be bad because he slowed himself down while throwing bottles and 5 second reload was pain