Why is holding players hostage still allowed in this game?

Devs, help me to understand why these are still allowed or cannot be changed:
- Survivors not working on generators for extended periods of time (say, more than three minutes). Usually only a problem when two survivors are left alive with no key and/or hatch hasn't spawned. They do not progress the game even when the killer is nowhere nearby, and can indefinitely keep from being found by moving in the slightest. Idle crows need to be assigned to survivors who do not touch a gen for 10+ consecutive seconds (maybe even more) after three minutes.
- Survivors keeping other survivors bodyblocked, be it in lockers, in between some rocks, anywhere. Survivors in lockers need to be given an option to get out of the locker while the other survivor is opening it, even if it has to cancel the animation. For survivors stuck in corners, either remove collision completely between survivors or at least allow them to pass through other survivors after a few seconds while in this situation.
- Killers bodyblocking survivors. Same as above, make it so that after five seconds a survivor can slip past a killer while cornered by them. This allows the killer plenty of time to get their hit on the survivor, but not keep them stuck indefinitely. This is only a serious issue if other survivors aren't left and end game collapse isn't triggered, but why leave any room for the possibility?
Isn’t holding the game hostage already a bannable offense?
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Perhaps, but this would prevent the need to even report people for it.. saving both the player and BHVR time with 'reports'. And as we know, this company wants you to take all these extra steps to report outside of the game's own function and there's never even confirmation if action is taken. So what's wrong with my ideas as a built-in counter to these issues?
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I'd increase the time for the killer bodyblock, really just because of Plague. Like 15 or so seconds is fine, I think.
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Options 2 and 3 are already bannable if done for a long time, though option 3 might not always be bannable if the game can end (i.e. the killer blocking survivors to kill them during egc).
Option 1 can be bannable, but it has to go on for a very long time. The problem with this is that both survivors are encouraged by the hatch to wait and hope the other dies.
I do think adding some kind of mechanic to prevent number 1 would be nice (like 5 minutes without any objective work= automatic crows), but options 2 and 3 are too situational for mechanics to likely be fully implemented, except for the locker situation survivors should be able to cancel other survivors animations if they need to be able to move.
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it isnt allowed though?
all 3 of your points are a bannable offense, if done excessively. to report them, record the match, report the players ingame and then send your video as proof to the Support team via this link: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us
your fix idea for 1. wouldnt quite work, as otherwise 3 gen setups would get buffed immensly (which, btw, if the killer defends their 3 gen setup too excessively (as in only chasing people off and not actually committing to chases -> not getting hooks -> not progressing the game) that can also be seen as holding the game hostage)
the locker suggestion is absolutely something that would work and the collision being lost is also something that i can see working, but only if certain restrictions are met. i wouldnt want to have two survivors not have collision while chasing them (so both could loop optimally) and they should also not lose collision as soon as they stand still, otherwise bodyblocking the Killer would get a heavy nerf.
as for the third point, as you already mentioned, bodyblocking someone in a corner can be the right call sometimes. EGC is a prime example, but some Killers will also want to use their powers, which can sometimes have a lengthy charge time, on someone who is bodyblocked to get the best effect out of them (e.g. Hillbilly / Leatherfaces chainsaws or Plagues Vile Purge) in addition to that, this would once again really screw over bodyblocking for Survivors. I could however see it working if they added an extended timer on it - instead of a couple of seconds, why not make a 2 minute timer? that way the Killer could theoretically wait out a sacrifice / EGC without actually holding the game hostage and Survivors had more than enough time to bodyblock the hook for their friend.
though, this idea would still be abusable by the Killer walking up and down in front of the spot without actually ever going far enough to let the Survivor out.
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I here people say that it's not holding the game hostage if it can end, but it is. Example a killer slugs you and let's you bleed out when your the last one left. The killer is holding you hostage because you either wait like 4 minutes or dc out of boredom. It's a big time wasted when you could already be in a different match.
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That's, not, holding the game hostage? Eventually the game will end when you bleed out.
If it's boring, just minimise and watch youtube or something.
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It is because your extending the game for longer than it should be, and no I'm shouldnt be forced into watching a video or grab a drink because of that garbage
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Opinion: I think BHVR is trying to revert the game back to a hide and seek simulator, back to when it was cat and mouse.
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@Elena is correct that it is not holding the game hostage, as boring as it may be for the survivor. That's why I also advocate for an option to speed up the dying state as a survivor if you want to. What I was talking about is a bodyblocked last remaining survivor, hatch isn't closed and gates aren't opened, therefore no EGC to force them to die. Killer can just BM them out of the game.
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Olay, but really, if they just added a forfeit option, I could move on. I do not care if they get banned or not. I just want the game to end, why is that such an issue?
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Only if you go the extra step to record it, then send it to BHVR on their special forum with the proof and the steam ID64.... yeah not many people will do all of that for survivors that hide / locker jump as you also would need like 10+ minutes of recording
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because people keep thinking slugging is holding the game hostage so they flood reports about it and devs can't find the legit reports