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General Discussions

As a survivor, do YOU consistently lead killers directly to the only survivor working on a gen?

Are you completely oblivious to the fact that the other two survivors, Claudette and Jake, are crouch walking around the map and searching through a chest?!

At absolutely no extra cost to you, you can try BOND now! This perk is 100% free!* Shipping and handling? Nada! Zip!

Don't be THAT survivor, don't hand the killer free pressure. TRY BOND TODAY and see what EVERYONE is raving about.

*BOND costs no real money, only a small bloodpoint deposit. Results may vary.

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  • Yes. Get them, not me.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Yeah that 90% of the time is what Bond helps with. That's the whole point of this post lol

    That's a fine strategy tbh, I support it. It mostly triggers me in the very beginning of the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    And me, if I never been hooked, will gladly take a protection hit for you, even the chase.

    I don't mind if a death-hook Survivor runs to me for help if I'm hook-free. But if they were never hooked... I let them doing their chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Ima Claudette main and Bond is usually part of my loadout specifically so I can NOT take the killer to gens being worked on ^^"

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    They likely don't realize it and are focused on just getting away.

    But this is why I run Bond when I'm taking the game seriously. It both allows me to avoid teammates who are doing gens or healing and it warns me if a teammate is coming my way with an angry package in tow.

    More people frankly, should be running the perk.

  • Member Posts: 720

    Kiting is an issue in this game. Which is where a player has BOND and they deliberately lead the killer to a healthy survivor in hopes of them taking a protection hit for them. This really does become unsportsmanlike conduct and a form of Gameplay sabotage.


    The details: If a person is ON a hook. The best thing for them to do is observe the Aura's of their team mates. This means a tactical thought of looking to see where everyone is. if there are FOLKS on the generator. They should NOT run towards those folks! This means that a generator that COULD have been done. Is now, no longer going to be completed. It baits the killer over to the generator and causes a generator that could be at 90%. To now be regressed and endangers the rest of the team.

    Yes, The first place they should NOT run is to that person working on a generator. But getting into a position of being in a PALLET, a point of vaulting, next to a burning barrel OR an engine that is already RUNNING. For the sake of masking the sound of Pain or if they are being tunneled. So the team can do a "pallet slap" and rescue them from being tunneled again. And certainly NOT next to a hook.

    All too often I see survivors make this mistake (or they do it on purpose) and run to that person on the generator and then thats it. It ruins the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Just wanna make sure we all get out ;_; If I'm being chased hommies better be doing them gens.

  • Member Posts: 550

    I do sometimes. It might be unintentional. Maybe I can't see the gen is there. If I can see the light tower, I might not know it is being worked on. Sometimes I do it intentionally. If I'm on death hook because I have been taking aggro all match because of my stealthy teammates and I see the person on the gen still has hook states, I'm bringing them to you. Don't be THAT survivor and not take the aggro.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Massive ups. 👍️

    I do that too in my solo games, I just wish my teammates would instead of focusing on running in front of me though.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Its not like everyone run bond i expect my team to be able to run a killer if i get the killer to them by accident

  • Member Posts: 411

    I have done this accidently several times when Im looping killers.

    Not at Gens but they kept self caring at loops and i dont see them till i get there XD

    They go down and sometimes but not always they DC.

    Not my fault though i dont carry bond to see baby survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,719
    edited August 2021

    I always run Bond (it's my one absolute go-to perk, I go out of my way to avoid playing any characters that don't have it yet) so I do avoid people that I can see working on gens but I HAVE occasionally led the killer towards someone who wasn't, yes. It's a cheap play and I don't feel good doing it but if I can tell that it's the difference between my death and someone else's first hook, it's something I need to weigh when someone's bearing down on me. I also know that most survivors use the so-called "crutch" perks whereas almost all of my perks are information-based, so I'm almost always going to be the weakest member of the team in terms of a direct chase. Does that make it okay? No, not necessarily, but I'm not playing to sandbag anybody, I'm just forced to make the occasional sacrifice for the overall longevity of the team. You can be guaranteed that if the other person gets hooked, I'm gonna be right there to pop back up and rescue them.

    I know, it's kind of a sleazy play. I try not to do it unless it feels like the game will go south for us if I don't. Even then it's rare, I don't like playing cheap.

  • Member Posts: 321

    I have literally ended up shouting "FFS, RUN BOND OR SOMETHING YOU IDIOT" at my screen so much because of survivors like this 😂

    I even tried running better together so that they know that gen is being worked on. They still led the killer to the gen....😑

    Run bond people.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Bond is honestly a profoundly awesome perk. I can't believe that it's not considered god-tier. It is SO useful to be able to see where your teammates are, halfway across the map, as well as which ones are healing, running, being attacked, looping, or doing gens. So much information for just one perk.

    Then again I hope it DOESN'T start getting considered god-tier because then some content creator will say it's OP and the next hour everyone will be begging for it to be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I do not care if you are on a gen, I need the killer to go after you instead because you could probably actually loop him. If not, I will honor your work and finish your gen for you. That is just the type of nice and humble survivor I am.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    This actually brings up a legitimate point that I forgot to address: I can't loop. I can't loop for #########. I have tried, and tried, and tried, and TRIED. I've had a friend try to show me how to "learn the tiles". I've watched some videos. Maybe I'll get there eventually, but I'm not there yet. I try to do what I see everyone else do (including juking, spinning backwards at the last second, etc.) and it doesn't matter. It works for others, it does not work for me. I say all the time that I DESPISE looping in this game, and it's just because I think it's lame that so much of the game revolves around the practice (which I do). It's also because, as hard as I try, I do not seem to be very effective at it. Maybe by 1000 hours I will be. At 600, no.

    So, despite my attempts, I know that as soon as the killer starts taking off towards me I'm pretty much guaranteed to go down. For better or worse that's sometimes going to have a bearing on whether or not I try to get him or her to chase someone else, since so many other people seem to have this looping thing down.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    You can hear a gen long before you approach the gen, people aren't actually as clueless as they'd like you to think they are.

    That or their audio setup is crap.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Most of the time I go down is because I didn't want to lead the killer to a generator and scatter the other survivors, especially if Ruin is up. The downside to my strategy is sometimes I'll be chased to the far end of the map with no generators and my team will either be hit by the bystander effect or they'll all run across map to come get me.

    I'm sure there's a balance there but I'm usually too tired when I'm playing to really worry about it.

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