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Upgrade to Myers!

Member Posts: 1,985

Well, my last game with Myers was all good, but as one more Main, I am getting tired of continuing to leave its power at 99% every time and that the dedicated server activates Tier 3 by mistake and that I cannot access multiple times to its true power. Leave a survivor dying with just one hit and be a stealthy killer at the same time. I estimate that Myers can activate Tier-3 up to a maximum of 5-6 times until the stalking is completely depleted.

I am tired of the game determining that I am stalking a single survivor when in reality I have 2 or 3 in my line of sight. That little detail they had to nerf long ago made him weak today today.

He and Pig are the only killers whose primary power is completely depleted. Tier-3 and the Inverted Bear Traps.

For the love of god, Developers, if you read this, give me a sign of life that we will see Myers reworked for the first time in October.

5 years and its power is very basic. He is not as mobile, not immune to Spine Chill or other killer auras or detection abilities. His power runs out.

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  • It does run out. But that's what makes the duration add-ons very valuable.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    So what you are telling me is that Pig needs more reverse bear traps? Hard agree.

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    Agreed. More than 1 year waiting for a rework but the devs don't say anything about this topic..

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    As a Mikey main, yes dedicated servers suck for him. Yes Spine Chill should not work against (at the very least) his T1. This would give him more grab/sneak potential.

    All his balance discussion aside though, I hate that we have to talk about it from an angle where the game itself is making his experience more miserable. Like, it’s really sad that we have gotten to this point in this game where our criticism for how killer’s perform is being diminished by the game’s performance itself.

    I really hope they consider a health patch. Then we can actually see more than just Michael’s stalk resolved, but also Plague’s vomit, grabs and other significant issues that plague the game currently.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Feel strange to see Oni has speed ,instant down, can be saved by picking one up, and unlimited use. And Shape has limited instant down without speed. The only upper hand is low TR.

    While I feel the 99% is annoying for Killer but needed. That 1% stalk can give enough time for Survivor to react and drop a pallet/vaulting. I dont want to get sudden instant down out of nowhere (if T3 can be activated anytime when full bar).

    That can be fixed at when stalking at 95%, you're unable to stalk anymore until pressing another button to continue. This will stop the accidently activate T3 for Killer, but also give react time for Survivor.

    Beside, I would reduce 3s stalking time from T1 to T2. And increase 3s stalking time from T2 to T3 for the first time. Makes him easier to get out of T1, but not let him reaching T3 faster.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    What about changing Tombstone piece for something that would reset stalk meter on all survivors each time Tier 3 is reached?

    I know there can be situations where one bad teammate can feed him stalk multiple times but its still a purple add on and Myers in Tier 3 is still just M1 killer that can be looped into oblivion.

    I would like them to slightly buff his power too but have no idea how exactly.

    From his add ons I think Tombstone piece needs to go, others are pretty alright

  • Member Posts: 416

    "I estimate that Myers can activate Tier-3 up to a maximum of 5-6 times until the stalking is completely depleted."

    Actually, It's eight times with no modifiers

    I would have quoted that properly, but I'm on mobile and don't want to mess around with this interface, sorry.

  • Member Posts: 208

    this post is a nightmare for myers haters ;(

  • Member Posts: 668

    I would say he is pretty powerful. Perhaps the strongest killer in the game given the right addons. Look what he did to these 4 survivors. Those poor people.

  • Member Posts: 208
  • Member Posts: 544

    Myers is very weak on certain maps especially coldwind, I usually run duel memorial add ons to get to T3 faster from stalking, I don’t have an issue 99ing my power and sneaking up on healthy survivors with monitor and I’ll moonwalk to gens sometimes to not trigger spine chill gamers.

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