Disregarding perk strength, what's your most "fun" perk to run?
Mine's blast mine.
Make Your Choice.
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Iron maiden on killers, diversion of survivors.
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Flashbang is the best perk I've seen in a while. Combo it with Head On and Quick and Quiet you can make some real evil plays.
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Diversion. Nothing in this game makes me more happy than throwing a pebble and see the killer go over there to check.
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For killer Dark Devotion, for survivor probably Deception
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Dark Devotion is such a devilish little perk lol
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FTP and Autodidact are some of the most fun survivor perks. FTP can be a phenomenal playmaker, even if it's rare. I had one instance where me and another Felix were getting chased by Huntress in the badham preschool undercroft. She downed him just as he reached the godpallet, and I immediately used FTP to get him up, after which he slammed the pallet on her. We both got out after that.
Autodidact is pure garbage 90% of the time and helps the killer more than the survivors, but that 50% hit is fantastic.
For killer, I quite like overcharge. The panic pops are excellent. I like Surge too, a well-placed one feels very satisfying.
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As a strategist and randomist, for survivor I enjoy having Deja Vu appear in my setup, because I like the idea of making the endgame even more tricky for my opponent, and it has saved many of potential 3 gen.
For killer, although I'm not sure why, but Forced Penance is always satisfying to use.
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Open-Handed builds are probably my favorite to play with for Survivors.
For Killer I'm All Ears is pretty fun, it lets you get away with some pretty silly plays.
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A Fun Perk is a Perk that lets me find the fun. So any detection Perk is noice.
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Diversion :D
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Any Means Necessary, the only perk I'll never switch out of my perk set.
I like Blood Warden on Killer, especially on Freddie with his Iri add on that blocks the gates for 15 seconds when opened, always a scare for survivors :D
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Lightborn. It is always so funny to watch survivors desperately trying to blind you.
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This might make me seem like a baby survivor but there is nothing more fulfilling than watching a killer sweat when I drop the hook just as they get to it to hook someone. Or the never-ending drops that happen so the killer can chase me down, resulting in the survivor getting picked up. Paired with Breakout... funny as heck especially against a Bubba!!!
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Dark Devotion and Bloodwarden are just so fun when they work
Deception builds are also just tons of fun. And there is something very giggidy about diversion when you succesfully lure the killer to where you throw the pebble
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NOED and Head On
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Head On, baby. This perk singlehandedly cured my burnout and made the game fun again.
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Mad Grit. Taxi build baybee
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Doctors nail bat and save the best for last. The mini game of treat the obsession better than the others is very fitting for all of the doctors maniacal laughing.
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Devour Hope, and when talking about a Perk's fun factor i always say this: To me, it's a GOOD thing that it doesn't always get to 3 Tokens, and certainly not to 5 Tokens.
Disregarding why having it always work would be very bad balance-wise, i just know that if i could 1-hit & kill everyone every Trial, i wouldn't get any fun out of it after a while.
There's no challenge in that.
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More of a build than just one perk.
Blood pact
Iron will
Potential to get someone up and speed away or if the downed survivor is completely left alone, you can heal them and yourself completely... Kinda.
If they haven't recovered and you have 5 stacks.
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flashbang, i like to craft as many as possible, put them all in one place and bring the killer there to use them all at once
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Lightborn is pretty fun. Can be pretty amusing when the majority of the survivors have flashlights and try to use them or flashbangs when carrying someone.
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No Way Out. It is also pretty decent too, but it actually makes end game fun and it's not so unreliable like blood warden. Plus it makes you hook everyone, so that's good for the survivor side fun.
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Devour Hope
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Gearhead for killer and autodidact for survivor
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Lightborn. Watching survivors try to blind you over and over is quite hilarious. It's even more fun when they lose and then try to flame you for using Lightborn in post game chat.
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Any low tier perk. (Twins, Legion, PH especially)
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Survivor is Flashbang, Soul Guard or Autodidact. Thought I do love a good MoM quest or Flip Flop Tenacity Power Struggle build.
For killer, Lethal Pursuer for sure. Eliminates the most boring part of the game.
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I don't really have a most fun Perk but 3 most fun builds.
My favourite casual build for Surv.
- Kindred (must have in solo q)
- Spine Chill (for extra safety, especially against Tinkerer and stealth Killers and I also don't feel like zig zagging my camera all the time to look out for the Killer)
- WGLF (points + the extra healing speed really helps sometimes)
- Borrowed or Botany or We'll make it (for more Altruism or to make sure I get a safe unhook Token)
Aura Build:
- Open Handed (to enhance all the bottom Perks)
- Windows of Opportunity (very underrated chase Perk, no guessing where a pallet might be)
- Visionary (I really like Vis + Open Handed. See gen Auras up to 48 metres)
Kindred or Bond (for general awareness and info)
BP Farming Build: My point of this is to get as many points as possible during a match and not really caring about escaping.
- WGLF (optional, but obvious)
- For the People (Obsession deaths and escapes gives extra BP, FTP makes you the Obsession)
- Prove Thyself (to maximise the Objective category as fast as possible)
- Any Means necessary (slam a pallet and pick it up for free 500 BP. You can also use Sabo, both have a 60 second cooldown and give 500 BP.)
+ Commodius TB with Protective Gloves and Wire Spool for free Sabo points.
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Hysteria is fun.
I like it because it activates on any damage (not just basic attack) and it lasts 30 seconds, with a 30 second CD.
Feels like a well balanced perk regardless of it's strength.
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I always liked deja Vu I think it's a tiny bit underrated. Really helps with randoms and not 3 genning. Hell even helps with my swf bc we just sorta play without taking stuff too seriously.
What else you usually run with deja Vu I'm curious?
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I also ❤️Dark Devotion, although I had to look it up because I always call it "doki-doki artichokey" and had forgotten the real name.
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Devour hope
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Although it's a little cliche the most fun perk to use as survivor is Head On and although it gets me camped and tunnelled most games it's fun to see the killers running around fearing every locker on the map. What's also fun is when some killers literally run the long way around loops making some loops infinites just because they don't wanna get stunned.
The most fun perk on killer in my opinion is A Nurse's Calling and especially on Wraith because you literally just run around the map and if your having a good game your gonna just see a bunch of Claudette's Self Caring (even at red rank this happens) and I can't tell weather I feel sorry for them because I'm gonna kill them mid heal or feel angry with them because they're ruining their teams game (even though everyone else on the team does it).
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Head On and Pebble.
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Fixated. I like to do a walking race when I have it. You can't beat me!
I've forgotten the name of this Wraith's perk, but as I've done his Adept a few days ago, I discovered that the one which makes blood pools more visible is actually quite fun. I liked to hunt Survivors by following the shiny blood. You can't escape from the bing bong!
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I love Head On for Survivor (pretty much always paired with Quick and Quiet), and for Killer, I think I have to say Devour Hope (2nd place is Iron Maiden)
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Every game I play is randomized, so I don't have any setup as such. But I've found any perk that improves toolbox efficiency like Streetwise or Built to Last, or perks like Dark Sense or Alert to help identify where a killer is in relation to these gens has worked well.
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Franklin's and Agitation. Lightborn is also a lot of fun in a flashy squad.
As survivor I don't really have any favorite perks. I do feel naked without Kindred but I wouldn't say it's fun. Probably Head-on if I had to choose since every now and then I'll do Head-on shenanigans in a 2-man. Some giggles are had.
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Fixated it's nice seeing if the killer knows where your trail is
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Autodidact and Shadowborn.
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stbfl or if stbfl is incompatible with a killer, enduring.
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Flash Bang is fun for me.
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Lightborn, I love watching the Hamster in their progressively start working over time to comprehend what is happening to them without their busted crutch item to carry them.
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No One Left Behind - the aura reading lasts even when someone isn't on the hook so you can see where the other exit gate is being opened, where you need to be to take a hit, where you need to run to make someone take a hit for you to get out LUL, so much opportunity.
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Blast mine be slapping. Once killers have it they will never kick a gen again giving them gen ptsd. And for killer probably devour hope if it gets to 5 stacks.
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Devour soap