Bonus Exp for badges seem kinda low

First off: I don't know if this topic fits more the balance forum but if that's the case pls feel free to move it.
I haven't played DbD the last 4 month so I don't know if this was already the case on the PTB but the Exp gain for how well you played the round doesn't really feel rewarding.
Played a few rounds and got around 550 Exp (or less if the match is over fast) for playing the round itself and then 18-20 Bonus Exp even with 3 Iridescent badges. Since you get the IS only through leveling up now it would be nice to actually reward a good performance like:
Each Bronze Badge gives 5 Exp, Silver 20, Gold 35 and Iridescent 50 for a maximum of 200 Bonus Exp if you played a perfect round.
Might not be needed though since the Exp per level don't seem to aim that high. Maybe someone with a higher level could give some insight if pumping up the bonus would make it to fast. Personaly I'm level 6 now and need 2100 Exp for a level up and getting around 750 Exp with my suggestion doesn't seem to much since there are 94 level to go.
The Exp per time are absolutely ok in my opinion since it helps people even if they don't play good and buffing the Exp for the badges would reward everyone once in a while or good players a lot.
I think the devs were aiming for this however. In the previous system, you got 1 IS for every minute a match lasted, up to 10 shards per match. I think the devs want time played to still be the main factor in shard accumulation which is why it is this way. I'm not saying I agree with it, but that's the only reason I could think of why the system works this way.
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As I said in another thread, I think they left a zero off at the end.
Also AFAIK you get shards based on the highest quality and not the total points. So if I get one iridescent I get +18, which is the same as if I got 4 iridescent. Still +18 because either way iridescent was my highest quality.
Correct me if I'm wrong.1 -
@RagingRealm said:
I think the devs were aiming for this however. In the previous system, you got 1 IS for every minute a match lasted, up to 10 shards per match. I think the devs want time played to still be the main factor in shard accumulation which is why it is this way. I'm not saying I agree with it, but that's the only reason I could think of why the system works this way.Yeah and you get more shards now on average once you level up a bit. It's completly fine to keep time the main aspect for accumulating Exp but rewarding good gameplay would be nice.
@Cetren said:
As I said in another thread, I think they left a zero off at the end.Also AFAIK you get shards based on the highest quality and not the total points. So if I get one iridescent I get +18, which is the same as if I got 4 iridescent. Still +18 because either way iridescent was my highest quality.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
That's a good point. I thought you get bonus exp depending on the qualitiy of each badge, just with low values, but you might be right. I'll keep that in mind.
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They just gave a statement regarding bonus exp in the dev stream. Either they answered my question or someone with a similar one but thank you at the devs for that.
The exp should mainly come from playing the match itself, so time spent. Which is a good point and I agree with that.
They also mentioned that maybe they could buff the emblem exp a little. Since my initial idea might be to high, maybe we could start with giving the current amount per emblem instead of just the highest one.Don't know the values of Bronze or Silver but Gold gives +12 and Iridescent +18. So if you manage to get a perfect game you would get 72 exp max as a bonus. That seems fair, isn't to much of a bonus and still rewards good gameplay a bit more.