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Why do dbd players hate meta builds so much?

I frankly cannot stand the absolute hypocrisy and whiny complains of the dbd community of killers and survivors running pure meta. Ruindying, UB+DS+DH+BT, etc. People will see these builds and scrape their eyes out screaming in pure agony like they've just witnessed some form of eldritch torture. Its genuinely extremely pathetic how some players cannot handle even the most minor amount of effort from the other side. "Sweat" is a constant entitled pejorative we use against anybody who is trying even remotely hard to win. If you've ever posted a clip of yourself using ruindying or DS+UB the comments will just be flooded with complete brainlets crying about your build, despite the fact you likely never acted in a toxic manner in the clip. Why are DBD players so against people having fun with their strongest builds?

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  • Member Posts: 123

    Same reason why people hate survivors that sit on gens, or killers that tunnel off hook.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    It's because that team is meant for killers (and some survivors)... even though it's a both sides issue

    "It's the same 4 perks" or "every killer camps and tunnels" "gens go to fast"

    Even though it might be a higher skill thing (I am not apart of that)

    But the use of certain perks/playstyles create the use of other perks/playstyles

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I think its because of these. If you notice all of these perks is mostly ment to counter the most effective strategies both sides have.

    Survivors gen rushing and killers tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 2,600
    edited August 2021

    It's not a DBD thing, you see this in other games as well.

    What it gets down to is there are certain players who can't adapt. And rather than actually putting in some effort or just plain old accepting that sometimes they're just going to get their ass handed to them, they deflect their shortcomings on to other.

    Quite frankly, most of it is just a case of "I can't accept it's my fault, so I'm going to blame the meta built or this tactic being used"

  • Member Posts: 843

    Because its the same meta for years now. The dev have no intention of mixing it up they said that in a Q&A some time ago

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    Because playing meta in dbd is easily the most boring form of dbd like how genrushing and tunneling is boring as ######### to play against. If people only played meta this game would die within a month.

  • Member Posts: 1,443

    well for survivor perks you literally get rewarded for bad thing rather then good things besides bt SOMETIMES. As for killer it's not fun to see the exact same build over and over and over again even if it does have counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Why do you bring up High Level Play? The Killers complaining about it are not even at High Level Play, including the popular Streamers complaining about it.


    It is pure hypocrisy. It is fine to run strong Perks, even tho I personally think, some Killers dont need to go over the top with their Builds. Like, a Blight does not need Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer, Blight is strong enough to be played with no Perks for the most part. But personally, I have more problems with that being Slowdown-Perks than being strong Perks, since I use strong Perks as well on all of my Killers and my Survivor Build is also full Meta.

    I also doubt that Killers who complain about Survivor Perks will not use them - at least the majority will also use DH, despite complaining about it, as an example. I dont think that Killers who complain about the Meta will use Deja-Vu and stuff like that when playing Survivor and Survivors will not use Monstrous Shrine when playing Killer.

    Like, there is a German Streamer with over 10k hours. Horrible dude, complaining when he gets a 3K (which happens rarely, since he is really good at Nurse and plays her most of the time and only uses the most broken things on every Killer), especially complaining about BT and DS, despite him tunneling all the time. And when he plays Survivor, he does not use those Perks, but uses Plunderers Instinct to get a Key every game.

    Which is Even worse in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    I wouldn't say that I "hate" meta builds. I just dislike them because they are so boring. And they are boring because almost every player uses a meta build in my experience.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    They are mad jelly of my Hawaiian BBQ stacks.

  • Member Posts: 452

    If you play games optimally and trying to win you can quarantee some salt

  • Member Posts: 215

    i personally dont mind meta perks, just ignore them dude, the majority of the time its just salt that they lost anyways, or its a toxic streamer telling you in front of a group of people that you are basically trash because you use iron will sb. stupid ass ######### regardless considering that guy was also using iron will, but its not a crutch meta perk when he uses it oddly enough.

  • Member Posts: 393

    I personally dont mind meta perks, but if it is obvious the other side is playing sweaty then I will as well.

    I think most people dislike people who play the game super efficiently (tunneling, meta perks, gen rushing, etc...) because it makes the experience less fun when you are on the other side. However people are not going to play how you want them to.

    I think people also dislike meta builds in particular because they are so common to go against. It makes the gameplay a lot more stale when you vs the same perks all the time or feel forced to play the same perks all the time if you want to win. This is mostly due to the lack of any system (like a point system) that encourages running varied loadouts, in addition to how few actually great perks there are (especially for killer). People dont feel rewarded for running other perks, or they see other people have success with certain perks and do it themselves (similar to how everyone switches to the new meta gun in warzone after buffs/nerfs go live).

  • Member Posts: 321

    Its more to do with that fact they end up being the only thing you ever see when you get to high ranks and it just becomes really stale and boring after seeing it over and over again. With that being said alot of those who do complain most likely do the same thing themselves so I do agree alot of people are most likely hypocrites with this topic

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Because it's boring.

  • Member Posts: 538

    I feel like DBD by nature of being a pretty intimate game with you having to invest a decent amount of time into a session, it leaves more room for people to fester and stew over mildly annoying things lol

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Because they're all a bunch of cry babies, like adult children that feel entitled, run whatever you want its just a game as long as you have fun it doesn't matter what you do , this community is filled with some of the biggest whiniest people I've ever seen it's gotten to the point where I make them mad on purpose hoping they'll realize what a little ######### they sound like

  • Member Posts: 60

    Long ago, might find the quote if necessary, i read about how players always strive to find the paths of least resistance.

    Essentially if a game has the paths of least resistance to be unfun, it's bad design.

    Unfortunately it applies to Gen-Rushing, Tunneling, Camping... as most of the time these strategies block/deny the opposite side of displaying competence and they don't require much competence either on their respective role.

    Now wanting to influence others' to behave a certain way is the opposite of what should be done, as exploiting those paths or suggest changes to devs should be the way to go in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    A huge part of the fun in this game is the variety. It's not fun playing against the same builds match after match. I don't even mind the meta - it's the stale perk pool that bothers me. And on top of that, certain Killers have kits that just don't work with most of the perks, so their options are even less diverse to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    accidentally made a comment on this thread instead of another, ignore this comment

  • Member Posts: 28

    Ego is a big factor too. I feel like the survivors that complain about the tinkerer, ruin, pop, corrupt etc are the same ones that run BT, DS, kindred, dead hard etc. Their ego's are just hurt that their meta perks didn't win against the opposition meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    Because games today are so full of try hards, people forget to have fun and must use the best build at all times.

  • Member Posts: 64

    I really just expect it now. So I'm kinda over getting upset about it if they wanna sweat hard that's fine I'm just gonna practice on things I need to improve on at that point.

  • Member Posts: 349

    I personally hate using Meta Perks. I Love experimenting around with Perks. The Problem is, the other Side doesnt. You just want to try out some fun Builds but you are not gonna have any fun with it when going against a Ruin Undying Tinkerer Blight. It seems like the only way i can have "some" fun, is by bringing Meta Perks so i get a chance of playing the Game. Yes i rely on Second Chance Perks. Because some Killers dont leave me a choice. DS doesnt activate if you dont tunnel me, and im not using Dead Hard. If the Killer wants to Slug at 5 Gens, Unbreakable it is. And because im getting left on Hook by my Solo Teammates till i hit second Stage, i bring Deliverance.

    Im not doing it to be Toxic, but to have a chance of playing the Game, Cause i keep Ranking up and go against Red Rank Killer even though im ######### as a Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 408



    Learn to pronounce


    1. the state of not flowing or moving.
    2. "blocked drains resulting in water stagnation"
    3. dead by daylight when every match feels identical
    • lack of activity, growth, or development.
    • "a period of economic stagnation"

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    You've got a wide expanse of cool perks that just aren't good enough. So they don't get used. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of killer and survivor perks that are straight flexible and always strong regardless of how they play. Like most people I would love if we see a perk get pushed in terms of power for a week or two. Small tweak's to numbers just anything to bring in these perks that can add some spice to dbd.

  • Member Posts: 84

    I'm not even gonna lie. I'm literally just not good enough to start messing around with perks and finding good combos on both sides. At least for now. I really only been playing this game for like what...4 months with 400 hours(but half of it is because I leave the game open sometimes)? I rather just take my time learning how to be better at the game with whatever meta perks I feel comfortable with using before I feel like I don't need to run them all the time anymore. I'm not really a 'sweat' but just a casual player. I don't really care what anyone else runs either.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Same mental fatigue that affects MOBA players, tilt. Meta builds & combos coming up repeatedly in a pattern of losses cause an increasing level of spite towards the tactic.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It is rather odd that people should hate it. That's quite a strong word for a few perks which are just that .. perks.

    As someone who randomizes every build, I can safely say it never feels like perks were what made the difference. It's the skill of the player, which is often overlooked because BT op, and such comments. I play many combinations - some may have some synchronicity, and some are absolutely pointless - but all those varying types of combinations have never stopped me from being victorious against people and their meta.

    I do admit that it does get very dull, knowing that a majority of players are doing the same perks. But I can't really blame that on them. That's a design issue, as well as what influencers suggest. I did propose a mode where everything is randomized, but players get a better reward. However, as one person said, some may feel short-shrifted is they get Slippery Meat and Up the Ante, whilst the killer lucks out with some metas.

    Still, I do feel that skill is far more important than perks, and have successfully proven that to myself. Also, it's hard to compare perks when there are many scenarios that can be affected by different perks. Honestly, I'd just recommend people to be more adventurous and find what works for them, rather than live by the same few perks. Nothing beats the feeling of beating 4 red ranks with the meta, when you come armed with Monstrous Shrine, Distressing, Unrelenting and Iron Grip on Trapper!

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    As a survivor I don't mind the killer due to the fact that, if a killer doesn't have slowdown, gens are going to fly by really fast, and if the killer makes one mistake it'll cost them the game.

    As a killer, the reason why I can't stand the survivor meta is simply because, it erases survivors mistakes and gives them chances they shouldn't have or don't deserve.

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    I hate Meta for the fact that it's only a Meta because that's what the Devs want... They rather introduce to the game Meta defining Perks rather than fixing the problems. I still don't understand how Ruin + Undying is such a big Meta...2 dumb hex perks that have the exact same counter and there's 4 people vs 1 effect, the odds are stupid with or without Undying.

    A game defined by a meta is a stale game. The fact Meta is required to have a chance to play is enough evidence that there's huge core problems. In a game with such an emphasis on chasing and hooking people you'd think more killers would focus on chase perks like Brutal, Enduring, Bamboozle, STBFL, PWYF etc but those are the off meta perks, those are the 4th perk. Those are the perks you select after you have you'r Meta Perks.

    Another reason as to why there is this Meta in DbD is the lack of a clearly defined win condition, for either side. IT's so ambiguous what a win is that people just use Meta to give them the best chance to achieve whatever the game considers a good effort...

    It's conceptually poor game and we know they had people in and out during all the time, so there's so much that is lost, so much that isn't focused. Former Dev Mclean himself said he came in a short time before the Alpha...It's not a good development cycle when you have new people coming in just before an Alpha.

  • Member Posts: 1,307
    edited August 2021

    At least survivors using much more perks than killer.

    Vault speed builds, healing builds, Head on, QnQ, blast mine, flashbang, plundering builds, totem builds.

    Killers: Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, Pop, Corrupt, Sloppy, BBQ.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    I don't mind the killer's perk meta. I've never been bothered by any killer perk outsid of NOED, really, and NOED is a pain due to its horrendous design.

    For the survivor meta, I hate why it's there. Some killers just want to minimise gameplay and about half the survivor meta perks are about countering that aspect. Really, only Dead Hard comes to mind as a meta non-counter pick. There's no proper solution for tunnelling, but I want camping and slugging to be addressed so at the very least, UB can go off the list, and possibly BT and DS as well.

    But as long as there's camping, tunnelling and slugging, the survivor meta will include those three picks.

  • Member Posts: 683

    Personally speaking, and this isn't just a DBD thing, this is a thing in most games, I hate meta builds with a dying passion. To me it kinda ruins games, cus it takes away player choice and just becomes boring and stagnant when you know what to expect 90% of the time. Like I said other games suffer from this too, WoW, LoL, Overwatch, hell even card games like Magic the Gathering. There's always going to be a meta unfortunately, and there is a way to counter that to try and keep things from getting stagnant and boring.

    Magic the Gathering and other card games are good examples of this where they ban old card sets or very specific cards that are core parts of meta builds in order to try and change things up for the season. To an extent WoW does this with some patches, but the biggest meta changes are done when a new expansion comes out. DBD, as far as I know doesn't do this regularly where they go through their perks and tweak them, which to me is just ridiculous. You have over 100 different perks, rounding close to 150 total and only like what, 12 perks total are viable because of the meta? Anyone with any basic concept of balance and game design should look at this and be like "Yeah...we need to change that."

    So unfortunately until BHVR themselves decide to do something about the meta builds and try to shake things up, we're gonna be kinda stuck with what we got. Maybe Pinhead might change the killer meta a bit with his perks? But I don't see any big significant meta changes for either side until more work is done for the game as a whole.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    No, the meta survivor perks punish bad behaviour by killers which prevents every game from being camp tunnel camp

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    I don't dislike the meta, but I find it more fun, personally, when people play out of it.

    one of my closest and most fun games was as a very new Twins with basically random perks (almost the worst build I could manage) against a team with 3 no mithers.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Oh well I don't care what anyone says about my opinion half of these people act like you dishonored their family for playing the game, or they think they're the perk police and have to ######### talk or try to put down whatever you did in game to make themselves sound better than you, I'm just tired of people's ego over a damn game.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    DBD players DONT hate meta builds - the majority of the playerbase runs BT/Dead Hard/DS for survivors, Ruin/Corrupt/Pop/Tinkerer/BBQ on killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Sorry I'm a little frustrated today at work didn't mean to come off like an ass

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    As you can see - per usual - the mains have their biased "opinions".

    Here's my thought on "meta" perks - all of them are fine to use. Look if it is in the game - it's fair to use.

    ANY Perks (either side) - Check

    Brand New Part - Check

    Iri Addons - Check

    Map Offerings - Check

    Tunneling - Check

    Holding W - Check

    Camping - Check

    Hatch - Check

    Etc Etc Etc....

    These forums are fraught with people who constantly seek validation for the way THEY play, but then one look at their post history or even in the thread 3 spots down - they are bashing others for the way THEY play. Hypocrites. As a 50/50 player - I play how I want and I have no issues with the way others play. I have been rank 1 (Killer & Survivor) for 4+ years and let me tell you two perks I have never used:

    Dead Hard & NOED - I think DH is crap of an exhaustion perk and I LOVE when survivors use it when I play killer - I call it Fail Hard. NOED - Gross just feels scummy - If I can't get kills before end game - I don't deserve them simply because of a hidden hex perk. BUT if you want to use them - more power to you.

    People say "But X needs changed it is too strong/unfair/etc" - That's great - state your opinion - try to get it changed BUT you cannot fault someone for using it as is in the game. You can't fault people for using anything that is in the game to their advantage - whether it's a perk, item, addon, strategy, mechanic, etc. It's one thing to discuss things which you think need changed/nerfed/boosted, but on these forums it generally degrades into personal attacks of people who utilize these things. Imagine if these forums were filled with actual discussions instead of all the hyperbole and vitriol. I know it won't happen, but one can hope. I have been hoping for an ignore/block feature on the forums for years and I doubt that will happen either... but one can hope.

    Anyways - let the hypocrisy continue.

    For the record:

    My general survivor build: Alert, Borrowed Time, Lithe, and either Soul Guard/Inner Strength

    My general killer build: Corrupt, Tinkerer, BBQ, and either Sloppy/Thanatophobia/Pop (Doctor, Pig, and Huntress main)

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Because a large portion of the DBD playerbase are complete hypocrites addicted to whataboutism and translate that into their gameplay.

    Also be tryhard DBD can get tiring after a while. I hate when people say “sWeaTy DbD iS bORInG” (they’re 100% the first people to watch Otz’s 50 win streak vids) because it’s actually really exciting in smaller bursts.

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