Can't wait for Hawkins to be gone

Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

Just had a game against the Twins. Most of the game time we spent on looking for gens, but after all we managed to do 4 gens, and two of us had 1 hook state, two had 0. One could think: that's it, victory, the killer has lost! One more gen to go and boom - 4 escapes! Right? Right? I thought so too, but the Twins had an ace up their sleeve. And that ace is called "Hawkins level design". After those 4 gens were done, I spent about 5 minutes looking for the next gen. After that, I spent 2 more minutes to find another. Meanwhile the teammates were going down one after another. I coudn't even find the third gen before I died, but as the killer said in the chat - it was a "3 gen". A "3 gen" where survivors are unable to even locate the gens, sure, while the killer sees them all. The game ended on that last gen with the killer destroying us all, after he had already lost with 2 hooks at 4 gens. Imagine winning after losing! And all of this without even using a bit of skill: winning with a map level design only. Only on Hawkins. Thank you, Netflix, for pulling the license, I hope all the other indoor maps will follow the same fate.


  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Same. This map is abomination.

  • LordXzavior
    LordXzavior Member Posts: 15

    Neither team has won or lost until you see the scoreboard. A 3 Gen is where the last 3 Generators are close together and is super easy to defend.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Of course I know what a 3-gen is. The problem is I didn't even know it was a 3-gen before the killer told me about it in the end-game chat. How do you counter a 3 gen if it takes forever to find any gen at all?

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 979

    I've actually never had trouble finding gens on the map. They're in really predictable places and never move too far which is normally the issue.

    1- on the balcony in the main lab area - by the stairs or on the centre of the balcony.

    2- if you come out of the lab area, go left last the 'raised steps vault' thing there is normally one in the corner or nearby.

    3- one at the far end of this same hall. It never seems to move.

    4 - one in the cupboard upstairs that only one person can work on that never seems to move.

    5- in the far right hand side hallway (if your back is the main lab area) there is one either close to the lab, in the middle of the hallway or at the very far end. If it's not in those places it's normally in one of the little rooms closeby (normally the furthest from the lab).

    That's just Off the top of my head. The problem with Hawkins, as with RPD, is that there is not enough variety so killers know where to go. There are also too many long halls to be seen in and small warrens of rooms that are easy to run through and still be seen during a chase.

    I read in a thread the other day killers hate Hawkins and I'm honestly surprised. The vast majority of matches on there the killer can kill at least two survivors easy.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    I feel like you're blaming the design of Hawkin's when the actuality of this match was that the survivors 3-genned themselves. Not the maps fault, sounds like it was completely yours.

    I know a lot of people don't like Hawkin's, but I really love it. It has unique loops and the aesthetic is nice. Too many people hate on it because "indoor" or "garbage pallets" (you can actually just insta-drop the bad pallets in the corridors and make near infinites and force the killer to break them which is cool).

    But to me this post just sounds you are taking your anger out on the map when this could literally happen on any map. You 3-genned yourselves. It's not a Hawkin's exclusive thing, so there's no point saying it's "bad map design".

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    I guess you missed the point completely. I can repeat it for you though:

    How do you counter a 3 gen if it takes forever to find any gen at all?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,201
    edited August 2021

    The only map I have trouble finding gens on is Lerys. Hawkins' gen locations are actually pretty obvious. They're always in the corridor, or in the corner of a room, or on a platform in one of the bigger rooms. It sounds like you just haven't learned how to play this map. Especially as you completed the portal room and closet gens first... (you always leave those til last)

    It's sad that people revel in the loss of content, in the reduction of the game, simply because they've failed to adapt to it. You clearly do not enjoy this game if you want content removed.

    Hawkins is one of my favourite maps, and I've been looking forward to cashing in all of my Hawkins map offerings to make the most out of the time it has left. Unfortunately DBD players are petty, spiteful little pricks and will DC when they get a map they don't like.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    I didn't miss your point. You just have no point. You 3-genned yourselves. If you still can't find gens on Hawkin's then that is your problem, not the map design. Go look at the Swamp if you think Hawkin's has bad gen spawns.