Have you ever had a situation where an overly cocky survivor lost due to their own cockiness?

ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

I had one a bit back where a survivor was waiting for me to show up near the hatch probably to show off before they jump in while I was playing Spirit. So I phased over to the hatch quickly shut it and well at this point they were screwed.


  • I remember otzdarva has a clip doing that. Pretty nice.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, if they are already on hatch, no chance. Heck, I do not have a chance even if I beat them there and spam close, they can still just run up and leave.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Well I meant in general if you had a situation where a survivor got overly cocky and did something stupid which resulted in their own deaths.

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    Yesterday. A Claudette was tbagging me at the exit gate, but little did she know I had blood warden up for another 30 seconds! Felt good

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Oh, well, there was this guy who was trying to leave through the other exit gate as I was pushing everyone out, and, well, he had to mend. But he didn't, when I got there, I saw the gate with 3 red lights, and he just laid there, pathetically. No more enthusiasm as he had shown throughout the match, all those wild teabags and spinning while dropping pallets. Gone. He didn't even struggle as I took him to the nearest hook.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited August 2021


    Playing against a Spirit with Noed - i get hit a second after noed got cleansed. I run to the open exit gate and because of her BM during the match (camp, tunnel, headshake, the full program), i give her the BM back by tbaging*. Just for the lolz i Dead Hard towards the escape catwalk... or should i say i tried? My mouse slip, i deadhard into the wall right next to it and eventually died on hook. Karma i guess, even tho i am not sure how she deserved it :)

    *I tbaged like 2-3 times during my X thousend hours playing this game, only to those who really deserve it.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Well if they were camping tunneling and what not the whole match they deserved the tbag but that's some poor luck.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320
    edited August 2021

    Had a very toxic and cocky bill tbagging at the gate while I was hooking the last other survivor who was on death hook. He starts running out tbagging as I approach him and then immediately stops when he realised I had blood warden. I nod at him and hit him, he then dc'd 😂

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Me, I was at the edge of the exit right before you leave and we had a friend slugged at the door tryna crawl out before getting picked up. Killer saw us at the exit and hit everyone out, I was hoping to buy our slug friend more time to crawl out after the first hit I tried to move so killer would have to take a step to hit me again but I like angled myself weirdly and when the downing hit happened it made me backflip VERY FAR back into the map and he picked me up and hooked me before I could crawl out lol. The slugged friend DID get out but I died because everyone had left haha. It was pretty funny and I deserved it for getting way too cocky at the exit line XD

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,157

    My story is not as close as at the edge of the gates but i had a daily to kill with ghostface (i think, not that it really matters for my story).

    I don't like to use mori but had rancor unlocked. So i play the round friendly like always with the aim at 8 hooks and additional the rancor kill. 3 survivor play normal but one was a tbagging and flashlight clicking attention ######### from minute one. I give them my usual treatment for this behaviour and ignore them completely but also notice gleefully that they are my obsession XD

    At 4 gens done i start to chase the obsession and down them exactly when the last gen pops. Never had a more satisfying mori and let the rest go.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Yes when trickster was new and they didnt know how the animation worked when downed by blades so i got them at the exit gate when they t bagged

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,238

    No but I was one. When I was still a bit new, I was standing on the hatch waiting for a reaction from the killer, but I was a moron because the killer was Deathslinger...

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Once as Deathslinger they thought they were safe by the gate at full health. They gesture for me to come over and then point at me. I pull them out of the gates smack em once. Reload and at 5 stbfl stacks I manage barely to pull em out again and hook em. Lots of slurs soon followed but I got one hell of a chuckle out of it.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,773

    Oh all the time :)

    One that I remember quite well is me as Wraith, then with a key. So all 4 of them are running to hatch with me cloaked following behind. Number 1 jumps through hatch after a few tbags...

    ...and I close it in the rest of their faces.

    Everyone was on death hook. Only one escape that game :)

    Another I remember is as Pyramid Head, though this is a lot shorter. Pallet stun. Clicky clicky tbag. Runs to the left, right into my Punishment of the Damned. Dc.

    Also as PH, and I have an actual clip of this, Jake decided he'd tbag me all game. First time he went down was in about 6 seconds. Second time I found him was a longer chase, but I got him through a wall in House of Pain and he DCd.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,095

    All the time. Some Survivors watch their favorite Survivor Main Content Creator (not hating against those in general) and think they can do some Tricks like them, but they somehow skip the step of getting good at the game.

    Yesterday the first thing I saw when playing Bubba was an Ace who flashlight-clicked me. He ran upstairs in Coal Tower, I followed him, he dropped, staggered, I got an M1 in, he went into the Window and upstairs again. This repeated the exact same (because when it did not worked the first time, it will surely work the second time) and he was down. 20 second Chase after being cocky.

    My favorite Situations are Survivors who try to CJ-Tech. They see it in a video and dont realize that the Content Creator has to do like 50 games to get his two games where it worked... Someone is downed under a Pallet, they loop around it, drop the Pallet and you just know that they will try to CJ-Tech.

    And well, it is also cocky to think that the Killer is stupid.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Yes, i've had many times now where a Survivor t-bags behind a Pallet while i'm breaking it and then just barely didn't make it to the next Pallet or fully through a window.

    Pretty satisfying.

    A more simple case: I had someone t-bag me at the Exit Gates, but i guess they didn't know they were under the effects of Rancor.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    Yes, happens basically every other game. DBD players are cocky as hell and its honestly the only reason killers/survivors lose consistently. Killer gets cocky and thinks he can snowball when he really can't and loses, survivor gets cocky because they think they can occupy your time wayyyy longer than they actually can. If every player had absolutely no pride and played emotionlessly we'd see way more murder SWF's and god tier killers. You'll get plenty of funny moments of karmic justice

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Reminds me of the time I was playing Claudette, we’d done all the gens and opened the gates and I was perched right at the edge of the exit, healing myself before I escaped. The Spirit phases, appears right next to me, smacks me, and Claudette does this insane backflip… further back into the map. The Spirit picked me up before I could crawl out and hooked me, killing me.

    They probably thought I was being cocky, but I was just trying to finish my “deplete medkits” challenge honestly. And I wasn’t even mad, I laughed about that backflip for a good 10 minutes, lmao. I can still picture it in my mind’s eye and it makes me laugh every time.

    But to answer the question, yes, all the time. Especially when I play Trapper. It’s like survivors see him, assume it will be an easy game, and switch their brains off.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    I've had a few Rancor ones where the Obsession is running loops, flashlight clicking, and all that normal stuff. Gens are getting done and they think they are untouchable. Little do they know I'm fine with them dropping every pallet on the map because when the last gen gets done suddenly they have nowhere to go and I don't need to hook you 2 more times because you just got Moried.

  • MrCrazyCat62
    MrCrazyCat62 Member Posts: 168

    Had a an endgame build on clown. Noed/Bloodwarden etc. The map was Hawkin's and the gens had flown by effortlessly. Before the last gen was finished I downed a girl and hooked her to not seem suspicious.

    They open a gate and proceed to wait and teabag. Especially a Feng who kept running out and running back in. I stood in the hallway facing the wall to hide my stain. I used the auras of BW to watch for my chance. The second that Feng's aura disappeared I sprang into action.

    I chased her and downed her just barely with my lunge. I immediately hooked her and went back to the gate. They hadn't tried to leave because they wanted the save I guess. Only when the Dwight tried to escape did the scattering begin.

    It was glorious. Pure joy.

    Thats why you should just leave.

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    I had this Kate before when I was playing Ghostface. The team was decent, nothing really overly good about them where I had to sweat for a 4k. Whenever it got time for me to chase this Kate, she would camp and BM at every pallet. I'm not really one to BM back and I normally just hook a survivor and go if they BM me, but I was playing Ghostface and I couldn't miss the chance. So yea...closed hatch on their face and tbagged them for a bit.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yep, every time I play twins and the survivors decide to wait at the gate to teabag. I'll go and face hug one with Victor then go in with Charlotte and drag them out to the farthest hook possible. I love getting the cocky taunting little shits like that, hilarious every time it happens.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668

    Like this survivor who appeared to be trying to teabag at the exit gate. Since he was in a healthy state I guessing he thought he would get hit and become injured and escape. Funny to think about how things don't go the way some survivors think they will.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,202

    A few times, sure. But I guess that's why Blood Warden became a thing😁

    From both sides, I've know cockiness and seen them fall flat on their arses. Oddly, from my experience, Dead By Daylight has shown many more instances of karma catching up on cocky people than those getting away with it.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,489

    Yeah, and that survivor would be me

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Sometime ago had a Nea tbagging at the exit, I pretended to leave but than made a quick 180 lunge with Coup de Grace, hit her and hooked her while no one else was there to save her. Pretty satisfying.

  • lady_potato
    lady_potato Member Posts: 35

    I've first seen coconut use Blood Warden, and since then I've never changed that perk for anything. It's just funny to see survivors who think they're cool and tbag the ######### out of them and get trolled by this perk

    Btw, finally something I like about Freddy, idk he just seems so not funny to play with or against

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    2 days ago got a streamer that was at a different gate then I was at. After sacrificing one he came over because he just had to have my attention and have me see him leave. I was twins at the time for a daily and jumped on him at the gate. He was downed and could not leave so I hooked him. I noticed there was also a Feng who stayed behind to help so I let her unhook. They bolt for the gate only to see BW so I injured then downed the Feng (the streamer ran to middle of map). I killed her and went looking for him and came across him at the hatch. I downed him and scooped him up as the hatch opened and no DS so he died.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    A Claudette was the last survivor and waited at the exit gate to t-bag me. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t close enough to the exit so when I knocked her down, she couldn’t crawl out faster than I could grab and hook her.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah had a guy try to BM me at the exit gate once.

    i was playing Deathslinger.

    they didnt make it out.

  • domriver
    domriver Member Posts: 142

    When i using Nemesis - 3 survivors were at the exit gate tea bagging and walking very slowly toward exit gate all of them were healthy - i hit all 3 they still stood and i punched 2 out to the exit the 3rd one i managed to angle myself just correctly not exactly in front of them but almost and hit them and knock them backwards with nemesis punch. picked up and killed that survivor. lol

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    This post alone is a big lesson.

    Don't be cocky.

    Otherwise, you may find that the "Hammer of Karma" is coming down sooner than you think.

    I don't understand people that think it's good to taunt other killers...

    I dunno why they do it.

    But it feels amazing when they pay for their overconfidence.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    My favorite happened when I was still pretty inexperienced with killer. I was sitting somewhere around Rank 8-9 back then, facing off against what turned out afterwards to be an all-Red Rank, 4-person SWF lobby.

    I was playing Myers on a corn map, and I couldn't do anything right. It took longer than I wanted to get to Tier 2, I ended up in chase with an Ace who ran me silly. Every pallet he dropped was a teabag or a finger point from him. Whatever I tried didn't work, and the gens were flying. I tried chasing one of the two Claudettes, and it was the same thing -- teabagging and pointing at every opportunity (I had brief chases with every survivor at some point, and it was bags and taunting from all 4 at one point), By the time it got to 1 gen left, I was near an exit gate near the killer shack -- and relatively close to the Pig Tree -- and i was just so tilted, I gave up. I stood by the exit gate and waited for the last gen to finish. Ace, who was injured, kept circling around near me, along with the one Claudette, both still teabagging and the like. Last gen popped, I opened the exit gate and waited. Instead of leaving, the Ace approached me, still teabagging away furiously. I had stalked some towards Tier 3, but I used him standing in front of me to get more stalk, until I was just about ready to pop it.

    The whole time, I'm saying out loud, "Leave already! Why won't you all just leave?" Finally, the Ace got close enough for me to take a swing, he misjudged where he was, and I actually downed him. The Claudette had a flashlight and tried to blind me, but she was too late to get the angle. I carried Ace as far back into the map and away from the open gate as I could, to a hook near the Pig Tree. And I sat there and waited. I don't camp, but I'm not letting the guy who bagged me all match get out at this point..

    The teabagging Claudette with the flashlight had followed us, and she started to try and move in for the unhook -- and I popped my Tier 3. Down she went in one hit, and I left her slugged and waited. I caught sight of the other Claudette moving in through the corn and in the wide-open and I downed her. Left the two slugs on the ground near my hooked Ace and waited to see if I could catch sight of the last survivor, a David, as the Ace went into 2nd stage. I finally saw the David, chased him away from the slugs, and then eventually downed him as well. No kobes, and no Unbreakables. A match where I had completely given up, a match where I opened the door and stood motionless just simply waiting for them to leave so I could go to the next game -- ended up the sweetest 4K I've ever had, simply because BM'ing me was more important than actually escaping for this group of survivors.

    If I never do anything else in this game, I'll remember that match for how satisfying it ended up being -- and as a reminder to myself to never give up, because you never know when one mistake on the other side can snowball, turning a certain loss into a win.