All I'm saying is if you think this is sweaty then please change your views [vent post]

This is a vent post, if it wasn't clear in the title.
So, just faced a 3man SWF as Freddy who got cowshed- 3 streamer buddies (which is how I know what they said lol). Apparently, I "[ran] the sweatiest ######### build". This was my build.
(Doing an archive challenge and had a Freddy daily- 2 birds with 1 stone).
For the record, they got Fractured Cowshed too.
And, like, I ended the game in an 11 hook 3k. I didn't tunnel, did minimal slugging, and only camped when someone was nearby- what more do you want me to do??? This is the least sweaty build I could concieve except switching to, like, Amanda's Letter Pig.
I won (2 hooks away from my challenge too).
But seriously what the ######### more should I do vs these guys??? I want everyone to have fun, how can I do better?!
There isn't a point to this post, I'm just frustrated.
I still don't know if this is a vent post or not.
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That's a meme build
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Correct! That's literally the point for this challenge!
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Wool Shirt in the most daylight-exposed map, poor burnt Freddy would even have his pores re-open by the drought. How can you deny not being sweaty here?
That aside, I see no salty chat and I find it strange that they would call anything that doesn't slowdown sweaty. Although looking at ranks and perks, maybe some are inexperienced or just permanently bad at the game. Still, a name-censored post chat would have been better with your post since you don't mind showing everything else.
Your score and their's seems to indicate you're completely truthful otherwise. I suppose they're just exceptionally stupid. This isn't common. Never has been. I think they're genuinely just lesser feeble-minds that will salt over anything.
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Agitation is so sweaty that I almost never see it used.
Seriously, though, people will complain about anything.
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the only hate you deserve is for running these terrible perk skin, i can't even read what the survivor put on. You might as well open a fast food with all that deep-fry
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To help reduce your stress, enjoy this beautiful image
and here is a bonus
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I run agitation and mad grit on Cannibal in most of my games. I had a 2 person call it sweaty too. Their play style was the type where they body block and sabotage for their downed friend almost every time one was down. It’s not that the build is meta, it is that it countered the way they wanted to play. Some people just can’t handle not getting their way.
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That looks a lot like my kitty!
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You see, agitation makes you go faster and people generally sweat more when they put more physical effort into things! It's simple really 🤓
But seriously, sometimes people decide "I did not like that match" and then look for a reason to justify it. Of course people can conjure any reason including nuclear options like cheating accusations, but simply calling someone sweaty/tryhard is kinda the safe option. "If I also tried, I would've won. Therefore it wasn't actually a loss.".
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I'm relatively new here, what do people mean by a 'sweaty match'?
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Where one side tries their absolute utmost to win, to the detriment of one or both side's fun.
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Oh right, thank you.
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LMAO it's a coloured perk that got screwed due to being a small image because I took the image from a recording of the video which was playing on a quater of my monitor are you good?
Here's the best quality image I could get while still editing a video for @DeliciousFood because the main thing I was on about was said in a VOD and then I got carried away and threw in some more clips too
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thank you i am in love
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no problem :)
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Wait a second...
You run the Carry BuildTM too?!
In all seriousness, Pallet Freddy is literally the opposite of sweat. He's an M1 Killer with a meme ability that only works half the time. On top of that, you're running the Carry Build, which is a major meme build.
Survivors really do be that entitled.
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That aside, I see no salty chat and I find it strange that they would call anything that doesn't slowdown sweaty. Although looking at ranks and perks, maybe some are inexperienced or just permanently bad at the game. Still, a name-censored post chat would have been better with your post since you don't mind showing everything else.
They said it live, on VOD. As I can't link the VOD through naming and shaming rules, and the only thing said in the actual endgame itself was by Feng going "gg deez nuts"-
-then this is the best I can do for you (sorry about the black bars everywhere; best I can do to counter name + shame):
I spent a while editing and uploading this video lol (I cannot mute every curse word without being here for 30 years mods, please have mercy). Only took clips from the final 2-3 minutes of the match and into the lobby- I dread to think what would happen if I went earlier
Your score and their's seems to indicate you're completely truthful otherwise.
Here's a picture of when the last gen got done, if it's any help. (From Elodie's VOD)
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no it was for this challenge
(and when i did play carry pyramid head, i used startstruck instead of bbq)
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There's your problem, you ran BBQ
That automatically makes ur build sweaty ofc....
Jesus. If they consider this sweaty, I really hope they never face the typical red rank pick and mix.
Or well, actually I hope they do - so they get a better understanding.
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apparently freddy with anything is worse than spirit so outplayed i guess
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Meanwhile earlier today I played against 3 different Blight players all running the exact same build and playstyle
It's hilarious how they start to panic when their ruin is cleansed
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I know this probably isn't the answer you want, but I read your post and thought "Why does he care so much what they think?"
Who are they, seriously, to get you upset? Do you feel you did something wrong? Do they have any actual, valid criticism of your actions? If the answer is no, then be secure with that and be done with it.
Not every player in this game is going to have the mental and emotional maturity to react to you fairly or rationally. Not everyone is going to understand you or your actions, or offer you a generous assumption. That's not your issue. That's theirs.
I once heard before, "Not every thought you have has to be entertained." And I'll add to that for you, "And not everyone's opinion of you has to be either."
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I appreciate the effort and this definitely sheds some light to the situation. A freaking streamer being this salty over some random Freddy with pallets and some obviously memey build. God, and to think they nearly have 200 followers.
Hopefully you don't encounter more people like this. This is just cartoonishly stupid. Not even the toxic idiots I get sometimes go as far as to call this sort of stuff sweaty.
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Well, the way I look at it is this: you're doing it, so it's sweaty.
Anyone else? It's fine. :))))
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It's not that I care about them, it's more that I wanna try my absolutely hardest to make sure everyone has fun in the trial they load into, regardless of perks, characters, or whatever, unless I've had a really bad day at which point I put my own personal standards to the side. And to hear that, despite my best efforts, I still can't let people have fun is just... frustrating. I just want people to enjoy themselves because I know that not every game is enjoyable.
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me omw to cry 🏃
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my friend just told me "imagine if he'd faced you actually playing sweatily" and i can just hear the disconnect sound playing
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Freddy probably sweats a lot on that shirt on the middle of Coldwind though.
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Ah, I get what you're saying. You know, your motives are good--and I'm glad people like you are playing the game.
But you didn't fail. There was nothing that you did wrong, or could have done better. And I know that you're thinking, "I tried, and it didn't work, therefore, I must've messed up somehow." But that premise is wrong. A great part of the time, we can do better. But it's also equally important to recognize when we can't.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes--and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
You tried. It didn't work out. Sometimes, there's nothing more that could've been done. You're taking on so much responsibility--too much responsibility. You cannot guarantee how someone else will react to you. If so, does an abused woman deserve to be hit because she didn't make her husband feel perfectly happy and understood? Is it her fault that she didn't do everything "perfectly"? Don't twist yourself into a pickle. You didn't do anything wrong.
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Thanks man :)
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You're welcome, bud <3
(I'm a girl by the way. No biggie, but just in case we keep running into each other in the forums, I figured I'd clarify) <3
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(I usually use man/my guy/dud/sis/queen interchangeably, they don't have assigned genders to my brain, but if you'd prefer I just use female oriented ones I absolutely can ^^)
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THAT'S your username?
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It changes around but right now yeah, I'm sewer slidal hoe. Have been for a while, it's definitely one of my favourites I keep going back to.
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Lol you mean you didn't already know? if you spawn into the map you're toxic these days