Ex-Killer Main Rant

UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

If you're a killer main, bless you. Bless you so much.

Because it ######### sucks dude. I've been trying to get a daily all day. ALL. DAY. As huntress. Really simple, easy little task. Kill 1 survivor. Just 1. I thought, easy enough...

I legit wanna uninstall this game at this point. I already had such an awful game this morning as my Legion main, getting stuck with High rank survivors, who were just being toxic the whole game flickering flashlights at me and tbagging me.

So as lvl 1 huntress, with 1 perk, going against A 4SFW TEAM WHO ARE ALL MAX LVL AT RANK 9 AND IM RANK 17 legit made me wanna uninstall the game. I literally lost track of how many times I was blinded by flashlights, flashbanged by Leon, or Flashbanged by Leon's ######### girlfriend when the generator blows up. Not to mention there's always a toxic Nea just vaulting a window over and over and over in the distance to constantly blow out my eardrums with sound notifications.

Survivor mains? Honestly... I hate most of you. Survivors with friends? I hope your Discord crashes. I have yet to meet a group of nice survivors in a group. And I'm not talking about a game where I'm being friendly and we farm blood points together. I mean just a regular game where I'm killer, they're survivors, and we play normally without being total dicks to each other. Ya know, civil and sportsmanlike.

After today, this game lost another killer. I HATE this game as killer. It's miserable, people tell you to "unalive" yourself if you play even half way decent, if you're new they just smack talk you and grief you the entire game--and I literally pray to GOD they make end game shorter simply because survivors literally WILL NOT LEAVE THE MAP even after I open the gates. They legit all just wanna circle jerk each other in the exit gate hoping I'll come along so they can just teabag in front of me.

Call me a cry baby, call me pathetic, tell me to git gud--after 200 hours on this game, I hate it here. I quit as killer. The community has made it ABUNDANTLY clear I don't belong as killer. I've tried following advice, using guides, leveling up to get specific perks--nope. Doesn't change the fact that the game just feels like WORK as a killer. Enjoy the longer queues everyone because I think there's like all of 20 killer mains in the game at this point.


Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    edited August 2021

    No sweat. if the game isn't fun, take a break.

    if you want to have more fun, I reccomend 3 things.

    1. focus on telling a story, not getting kills.
    2. use unexpected non-meta perks.
    3. get in character. if you get stunned and teabagged, get angry at the character, not the player. try muttering under your breath and cackling.
  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374

    Ok, survivors annoy me too, but you are exaggerating a bit here. I get why you want to quit as killer but survivors who play cocky or annoying, do it, cause they are sometimes annoyed by the killer which you cant blame them for. Unfortunately like 90% of the playerbase have such an ego in an unbalanced and unfair game, it doesnt make any sense tbh. I wish the devs would add a PvE mode for players who just want chill games......

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    As of 30min ago I'm a rank 9 Survivor. And I guarantee survivors are 10x worse than killers on the "piss me off"-o-meter.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    I got around 200 hours in this game, and 30 of which is from playing survivor. It took me like.. maybe a DAY or a day and a half to go from Survivor Rank 20 to Rank 10. For 170 hours I've been playing killer, Legion, and i've barely gotten to rank 15. This game is MASSIVELY geared towards survivors. Heaven forbid I wanna even TRY a new killer, like Huntress, because I'll get royally curb stomped into the ground by a 4man who are all carrying flashbangs, blind me while im breaking a pallet, and use that perk that makes a gen blind you when you kick it. Liek I was a Lvl 1 Huntress, with 1 Perk. Like I didn't have a choice in picking better perks, I just wanted to try her out--and instead I just get this grueling task handed to me.

    This game is easy on survivor, work on killer imo. I think I just need a break

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    Roleplaying as the killer is prob some of the best advice I've gotten today, at least for salvaging my sanity from this game. Honestly the only time I have fun is trickster because the dude is just cackling the entire time and I can't take myself seriously. I wish they had made an urban map to go with him. alleyways are scary imo

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Yeah, I think you should have quit before you got to this point.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    Personally as someone who was initially a survivor main then switched to killer and occasionally plays survivor, 90% of the time I don't get mad at the player of the killer but either the specific killer chosen or more often my teammates.

    I actually find survivor (solo queue) to be tremendously more difficult and frustrating. I was initially a survivor main because my then-friends who introduced me to DBD only played survivor. When I stopped playing with them (which was almost all the time) I got frustrated with solo queue as I cannot stand incompetence and you see that all the time in solo queue, so I started playing killer. Killer has its frustrating times and you are on the receiving end of hostility many times but I find nothing more infuriating than solo queue survivor. I could never main survivor again unless I played mostly with a SWF because I like coordination with survivor.

    The only few times solo queue survivor was tolerable was when I coincidentally got teammates who were my skill level in pub games and that has happened less than ten times in my <2k hours.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Just wait until the SBMMR is implemented. It wasn't perfect, but during their last test, I had many more fair matches with people in similar skill than I do now. And for killers, each killer you play will have a different rating, so if you're new to one, you would be matched with lower skilled survivors.

    The other thing is, don't play killer after 7:30PM. That is when all the sweat lord swf bullies are online. You can't avoid them always, but you can minimize your interaction with them, though there isn't much avoiding them on the weekend.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    For me survivor is massively easier for several reasons, but the main being I'm usually within the PROPER rank with others, and I don't play solo since a lot of my friends also play. Like when I'm survivor rank 10, my killer is usually 13-9. But every game as killer that I've gotten today I'm a rank 17 killer consistently going up against lvl 9 survivors. My only leveled killer is legion, which is prestiged by mistake and now at lvl 21 i have NO good perks, at least nothing good enough that will help me stand up to 4swf who are all lvl 50 on their chosen characters in ranks below 13.

    As a survivor if you're learning a new character or leveling up a new one, its kinda rough playing the game but its not so bad because you usually have 3 others getting your bad. If you wanna learn a new killer the game is an axwound to the face. You get 1 perk, at level 1, no add ons, and the survivors are all likely veteraned.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    bro i freaking HOPE so, this matchmaking right now is so bad because there sso few killers they literallyt just stick us with ANYONE. like its super common for me to get RED RANK survivors in my killer games, and im still only 16--at best. I just tried huntress, had a daily challenge to kill 1 survivor. and the game is like "oh youre a lvl 1 huntress? here's rank 50 leon, his girlfriend, lvl 50 nea, and a lvl 50 jake. and they're all rank 9. go **** yourself. "

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited August 2021

    Playing survivor with friends is a significantly different experience than playing solo queue. There are many benefits to it but one of the most significant is that the quality of life of the gameplay is substantially better than solo queue. Personally for me in solo queue what I dislike is the incompetence of most of my teammates, then the fact that I'm a very mediocre survivor, and then accompanied with the almost-guaranteed losing nature of solo queue. I find getting better at survivor to be substantially more difficult than killer for whatever reason even though it shouldn't be; no amount of guides have really helped all that much and it just doesn't click with my brain.

    Like right now I'm suffering in solo queue just trying to grind challenges for the rift as I'm about <20 levels to level 70. The past few games I've had the worst teammates alive and have been left slugged while they either try to rush gens (stupidly so) or hide in corners, accompanied with other upsetting things. That's the only reason why I would willingly play survivor, otherwise I stick to killer because I find solo queue survivor to be that bad.

    To put it more into perspective in my 2k hours I've only gotten rank 1 survivor twice, and this is from about almost 1,000 hours into survivor. It took absolutely no effort for me to get rank 1 killer and I the lowest I get is rank 2 basically (barring rank reset).

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    Idk i get a 3-4k for roughly half my matches as killer and 2-4 escape the other half. The game has so many layers of rng you have to take the losses with the grain of salt.

    The lobby as far as the skill level of all players involved (killer and survivors) is almost completely random

    The perks youll be matched with (with other survivors) and against (against the killer or against the survivors) are random

    Your hex spawns will be random

    Which map you play is random

    The variation of the map tiles is somewhat random

    The hatch is random

    The bugs youll encounter are random lol

    With all of that theres no way to consistently win especially when you add in the fact that there huge chunks of this game on both killer and survivor sides that are not skill based in any way (camping, tunneling, slugging as killer) (stacking bnp, comms, abusing poorly designed map tiles as survivors).

    As both survivor and killer you just need to accept that you wont "win" consistently. Theres not even a clear win or loss condition in the game (screen will never say "you won" or "you lost") which leaves it as the responsibility of the individual players to decide for themselves what constitutes a win or loss.

    Trying to get 4ks all the time or escapes all the time is only going to lead you to frustration.

  • Drywatr
    Drywatr Member Posts: 135

    Killer really isnt that hard. Your not always going to get a 4k and some matchs you will get stomped but a lot of matches you should be getting 2 to 3 kills

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Well 200 hours is really nothing especially for killer, it takes beyond that to become decent enough to not have to deal with a lot of the survivor bs.

    I ain't sticking up for them cause for the most part you're right but then again I play both sides equally so I'll be bias here and there.

    You should take regular breaks and just grind more on a particular killer because you really have barely any hours in the game man but then again with the frustration levels this game can cause I understand why you might not have more.

    I'm rank 1 both, you shoulda seen my mmr games as my main, huntress. That was pain even though I performed well, so you don't have it as bad but it's all about perseverance or you do just quit if you can't learn to brush it off.

    I have like 2.6k hours on my main account and only recently have I learned to truly ignore people and not get discouraged because people are sucky and that's that really.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    Play Plague too.

    The survivors looks kinda ridiculous when teabag and flicker flashlight while they are coughing and vomiting.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    The problem is it is putting survivors against him that are way above his level. This is why we need mmr.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Yes I know I was just commenting on overall points.

    I'm not against mmr, only mentioned it.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    This is why we need SBMM actually. MMR is causing all these problems imo

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    too be honest i REALLY dont care about winning/losing. like half the fun is literally in the chase for me, and getting to have unique interactions every game. like the other commenters said, my big issue is just getting WAY out classed and being punished for it. Like I'm still really new to the game with only 200hrs and I'm put up against high rank survivors almost consistently that it makes it almost impossible for me to get any better because I can't do a single thing against these purple/red rank survivors. i had a game today where i literally didnt even SEE a survivor... ALL GAME. like it was on the yamaoka estate map and i ran that map in CIRCLES and I couldnt. find. a. single. survivor. like i was blown away like why cant MY teammates and me hide that good lol

    i deff know its gonna be lots of losses, that im fine with. but when im getting only survivors that are purple or red ranks in my games, it just becomes a beat down every single game. im just gonna switch back to survivor for a few days

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    Also I'd re-roll the Kill one survivor by your hand daily. Especially for a high skill killer like Huntress if you don't have a lot of experience with Huntress.

    Playing a new killer hurts, you don't get the nuance, you don't have the perks and you don't have a lot of add-ons to carry you. Its a grind to get to a point where you don't suck with them. I'm a red rank, pushing 800 hours and I still can't Huntress.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    With over 3000 hours in the game, I couldn't agree with you more. The community was a lot more tolerable 4-5 years ago.

  • UnluckyDucky
    UnluckyDucky Member Posts: 330

    yeah i deff see huntress palyers in a new light that ax throwing is insanely difficult for me to predict. im used to just yeeting knives with trickster not holding/charging an ax throw. i still hate huntress mains(because theyre hard for me to win against) but i deff respect their ax throwing more

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    I'm sorry it's been rough for you. This game is rough, especially with the QoL downturn with the latest chapters

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Honestly, I can't really blame you. I also ran into a brick wall of difficulty about where you are now.

    At the time I had neither the skill nor perks to fight the Survivors the game was putting me against. I managed to push through it, but it was really rough. I don't really have any advice on how to not let the Survivor's antics not bother you. I just eventually got good enough that most Survivors die if they try to pull toxic crap against me.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Now let me tell you about our lord and savior, Lightborn. It will protect you from the demons of hell, and ascend you to a divine plane of existence where boosted survivor mains are stripped of every meaningful tool to inflict frustration upon your holy soul.

    Those guides were trash. Take Lightborn and you can be born again as a killer main, relentless in their pursuit of the deaths of all survivor mains. You will feel such enlightenment that you may even enjoy face camping the flashlight users who were powerless to begin with. These temptations are natural. But I warn you, there is no coming back from that darkness.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    If they had a pve they will need to implement killer bots XD

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    I hate survivors when I play survivor, bro

    Most high-level survivor players are clout-chasing, arrogant, wannabe Noob3, narcissistic, vindictive, thin-skinned adult babies.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Yeah, it makes just normal survivors seem cool as Vanilla Ice by comparison. It would probably just be an average dude, but because they aren't the spawn of Satan, I can't help but think they deserve a medal.

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  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I think you just need a break from this game at this point.

    Not to be mean, but you got a lot of advice in your other thread and within a day you want to give up. Try to take a break from the game for like a week, maybe that will help.

  • killer998
    killer998 Member Posts: 100

    I took a break from DBD for months I took a break when blight came out, idk how long that is. But, pinhead is out next week and I heard resident Evi is in DBD with Leon and Nemesis so I came back. I was rank 20 survivor and killer when I was a rank 1 killer main back when I played, and I felt alllll the frustrations.

    Back in red ranks now as killer it didn't take long, but I have to say I'm having a blast. With Nemesis, wraith, I don't play twins, trickster despite him being bad, the other killers like Oni etc.

    Taking a break is a great solution it truly is. I've even noticed I've grown since then because with all the toxicity I just blow past it, sure I lose some games since there's ultra sweats on the scene and I don't play hardcore meta killers like nurse or spirit, but the games more balanced than its ever been in the past.

    And if I feel like I'm getting annoyed, then I just turn it off and say that's enough for the day. Or swap to survivor. Playing both roles is a good idea and makes it more fun, plus understanding both means you're better as both too.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I'm assuming you are fairly new to the game. We all have to start somewhere. I remember first playing as killer and doing terrible. Overtime you will get better at the game. If you need help learning a killer there are plenty of killer guide videos out there.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    I know that. I'm a survivor main player. And it's really not fun for me to do the daily quest because they are 99% killer only quests. And that's nonsense... I'm at rank 17-18 with killer and survivor I'm jumping between 3 and 6. Always depends on my mates and the killer. Fast tunnel or camping = depip and next match. But it doesn't matter, what I want to tell you is your not alone with this problem. Playing against purple with one yellow perk ( my Freddy has 3 or 4 😅😂) it's not really cool. I think it's not your fault, the matchmaking is horrible.

    I don't really care if people click with the flashlight or T-bagging on gate. You should learn to ignore this and maybe try to take a break.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    I get annoyed by both. My teammates won't do anything and all the killers camp and tunnel, lol.