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Had a rank 1 killer use a fellow survivor to help them find me

So a rank 1 killer had downed everyone but me and one other after they had tunneled the entire match as blight then instead of hooking the other they let them up and the other survivor pointed me out where I was to them. Isn't that an offense that can get them banned? Not to mention really crap play on both their sides. Seriously players like that should be kicked out of the game after I made that report I hope they actually do something about people like that.

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  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I had the exact same thing happen. Was 1 of 2 survivors left and the survivor brought the killer to me, then gave the other survivor the hatch. I had done 3 of the 4 gens, yet that survivor just brought the killer to me and got the bloodpoints of the hatch. Sucks.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Yep exact same thing they downed the other person let them up then the other survivor brought them to me even using the pointing emote then the killer gave him the hatch as a reward for helping him find me.

  • Member Posts: 5,923
    edited August 2021

    I never do it unless someone was really toxic. And I always move left and right (like a "no" signal) if killer is slugging for 4k to let the other survivor know not to heal me and look for the hatch instead.

    Killers can predict that too and leave you to die on the floor while standing on a hatch but theres still gates so maybe the other person can escape.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I hope you had video evidence (or at least a post-game confession) because without it they ain't gonna do anything.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    That's absolutely bannable, or at least punishable. You may need video evidence, so I hope you managed to record it, but if it's conclusive then it's absolutely bannable.

    I saw it happen after I was sacrificed once, and watched as one survivor was hunted by both killer and a Feng Min around Haddonfield, with Feng trying to block them. I recorded some stuff, and that guy did too, so no way were those 2 going to survive that.

  • Member Posts: 488

    It happens... I've seen it before... My recommendation is that you shrug it off and don't let it slow you down. A lot of interactions happen in this game, and this is one possibility. Try to have a good time on the next one.

  • Member Posts: 268

    You need footage to add to the report, then they might get punished for teaming up with the killer if it was somewhat obvious.

  • Member Posts: 683

    I've had survivors do this to me as killer, where they'll try and sell out their teammates to me when it's just two of them. I have a personal rule when this happens. Was in Midwhich once and I wanna say it was a Meg(?) and an Ace(?) that was left. The Ace stopped and pointed at a locker where the Meg was hiding at and then tried to tip toe away. I went and grabbed the Meg out of the locker then put her down and went back for the Ace. I downed him then stuck him on a hook, went back for the Meg and carried her to hatch. At the end of the game I wrote to them "Never rat out the homies."

    But for real any time this happens to me I usually go along with it until I find the survivor being outted, down them so I can come back and carry them to hatch, then I'll go back and kill the snitching survivor. Again, you never rat out the homies. Also snitches get stitches, or in this case hooked.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Good on you. In my case the killer was part of it. He literally downed the person then let them up and let them lead them to me and gave them hatch as a reward for helping them find me.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I usually kill the rats, but not when 2 are hiding. If they want to lead me to the other person, I will gladly take the one who was going to waste my time over the one who respected my time. Rat or no.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I pointed out 2 survivors to a killer once. They both were an swf, one with a map, one with a key. I run kindred. The other solo guy got downed, and i see the swf not on a gen, not in a chase, but in a corner hidding. Ok, might be the killer is there.

    I rescue the hooked one, the killer comes, downs me, and still, both survivors are at that corner, still not doing gens.

    I get rescued, and run to them, and when i start working on a gen, they at least join. the killer comes, we scatter, and i go to another gen. And then the solo guy gets hooked again, and both swf are in that corner, again.

    the solo guy hook suicided, and thats the first time i worked with the killer. 2 survivors, doing nothing but hidding, letting the rest work for their escape and taking all the risk...not a single gen had popped that i hadnt worked on (the other solo was a decent chaser, and i finished 2 gens alone, one i worked with the swf.

    So i came to the killer, and lead them where they were hidding. He killed them, and let me go. Of course they reportet me afterwards (at least they claimed they did), but i really didnt care about that. Never got any reaction from support about it, anyway.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I still do gens, even if 3 need to be done and the other guy is just hidding. However, i always see killer players claim they then go for the one hidding, and let the one on the gens go, but usually, they just down me, hook me and let the other one go (he is hatchcamping anyway), and then tell me afterwards they didnt want to waste more time than they already have.

  • Member Posts: 984

    This usually happens when someone spends the whole game licking the walls of the map and hiding without doing anything. This frustrates both the other survivors and the killer, resulting in everyone wanting you caught and sometimes helping each other to make sure it happens

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Not against the rules unless they were working with each other from the beginning of the game. I'll do this only if I feel the person I keep finding deserves to live as a result of the final survivor's actions messing up their team, such as by overt immersion or leaving people on the hook when it's clear I was chasing someone else.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Umm there's literally a report button that says 'helping the killer' I'm pretty sure it's against the rules.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Also I wasn't messing up the team I did gens unhooked survivors they just couldn't find me at the end after slugging the other person so got the other one to help find me in exchange for the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 326

    They were standing over them for a bit might have expected me to come running to them but that's just a clear trap and I'm not a moron.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Yes, if you're working with the killer from the beginning, it definitely is breaking the rules. My point was that unless this was the case, there's nothing to really ban for.

    I'm not saying you did; just that this is when I would try to get the poor survivor to give away the last one so I let them live. But it happens very rarely.

  • Member Posts: 582

    I believe you can report those players for it, but it does just happen. I've been on all sides of this, and in my experience, it usually comes down to the Killer either liking something that Survivor did, the Killer wanting the Survivor dead for stalling the game (AKA hiding out while the other person was attempting to do gens with like 2 gens left)/hiding all game, and the Killer wanting their BBQ stack.

    It is what it is.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    This kind of situation has become more common lately

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    I allways give a chance for 1 of the last 2 survivors that have been hiding for ages to rat the other survivor out to make him think i'll spare his life if he does.

  • Member Posts: 326

    Yeah this wasn't a situation of hiding the entire match I was actually running to look for hatch around the map except where he was standing over the downed survivor cause I figured it was an obvious trap and I'm not falling for that and they were on last hook. Instead he let them up to find me.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Not entirely sure if it counts as working with the opponents unless it happens earlier as well to be honest.

    But I do know that if a killer tries to do that with me, I make it blatantly clear that I won't comply. I'll run straight to the closest gen and make sure they see me get on it, if they want me on my feet they know I will be progressing the objective. Probably mostly because most of the time a killer tries this, they don't even use the time where I'm slugged to look for the other survivor(s) or the hatch - they just hover near me until I almost bleed out and then get surprised and/or angry that the other survivor(s) don't turn off their brains and give them exactly what they want.

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