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Killers. In what situations would you facecamp?

Personally i think facecamping sucks but it is a viable strategy that can backfire(Gen rush). Being a killer main Myself i only face camp when the exit gates are open not so much if they're closed. I wanna know what you think on the topic and what situations you are compelled to face camp

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  • Member Posts: 845
    Of I see a t baggin flashlight decisive that does nothing but taunt, they gettin face camped. I don’t do it as a strategy, more as a “This is finally happening” moment. 
  • Member Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2018
    Never really. As much as the Tea Bagging guy deserves it, you’re just giving him the attention he/she wants. 

    He/she either gets away with being a jackass, or if you give him/her the attention he/she wants by facecamping him/her, he/she gets to gloat how he/she “was so awesome you just HAD to facecamp him/her and make sure he/she died. He/she is JUST that awesome.”

    No matter what, you’re feeding his/her ego. So really, there’s no point. Best to just keep trying sadly.
  • Member Posts: 32

    I don’t camp unless the person was being a nuisance the whole game. T bagging, flashlights, etc. Even then I really don’t camp I just give them a nice hit on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 369

    Facecamp doesn't work anymore, though.

  • Member Posts: 11

    face camping doesn't work to the killers advantage, allows the other survivors to easily complete gens or if only one survivor left then they've got plenty of time to find the hatch.... if all the other survivors watch the guy on the hook rather that try distracting or helping, then thats when it will work in the killers advantage. but thats usually just newbies that do that.

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    @Zambiemandy said:
    Personally i think facecamping sucks but it is a viable strategy that can backfire(Gen rush). Being a killer main Myself i only face camp when the exit gates are open not so much if they're closed. I wanna know what you think on the topic and what situations you are compelled to face camp

    I can't - facecamping has been removed when Freddy came out, so I do not know what are you talking about.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Face camping doesn't work anymore. But as far as camping goes I only camp when the exit gates are open. Also I might look around the hook a little if I saw scratch marks or heard someone running behind me when I was carrying the survivor to the hook, also there's no point leaving the hook if every survivor swarms the hook, exit gates open or not. XD

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Never, facecamping is unnefficient.
    You're better to start hard camping instead, to at least get people to think you may leave while you aren't.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Never because I main Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Never because I main Freddy.

    Filthy survivor main.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Personally i think facecamping sucks but it is a viable strategy that can backfire(Gen rush). Being a killer main Myself i only face camp when the exit gates are open not so much if they're closed. I wanna know what you think on the topic and what situations you are compelled to face camp

    Impossible to face camp. But as far as camping goes, I only camp if I have no kills and doors are open or survivors are hook rushing. Sometimes I camp if someone has a really bad connection as catching them the first time was hard enough and I don't look forward to doing it again.
  • Member Posts: 121

    Usually when i get really good pallet loopers... It's infuriating.

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Actually facecamp? Almost never.

    I would only facecamp a hacker or someone trying to use really egregious exploits.

  • Member Posts: 138

    The only time I would camp is when I have no kills and there is like 1 gen left that's when I start becoming little campy if the gates are powered then I'm facecamping or I'll camp if it's someone being toxic because toxic survivors are the worst with their purple flashlights and D-strike other than that I don't camp.

  • Member Posts: 29

    I face camp SWF every. single. time. I do not care what msg comes my way. That's pretty much it honestly.

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    survivor is toxic as hell
    specific survivor spent all match trying to destroy hex totems

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I only ever face camp if:
    *Survivor that i'm doing it to is tea bagging repeatedly
    *The team as a whole has flashlight saved 3 times or more
    *Exit gates are open
    *All survivors are alive
    It's only ever happened twice in 600+ hours of gameplay yet it happens to me about 3 times a day. Same with rage-quits accept i never have and it happens most games. Some people in the community need to lay off the salt.

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    @hMM said:
    Usually when i get really good pallet loopers... It's infuriating.

    Then you need to learn to play. You're just ruining their game with a terrible broken strat purely because you weren't good enough to catch them . If they're that difficult to catch, leave them and go for someone else rather than getting so salty.

  • Unknown
    edited June 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 121

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @hMM said:
    Usually when i get really good pallet loopers... It's infuriating.

    Then you need to learn to play. You're just ruining their game with a terrible broken strat purely because you weren't good enough to catch them . If they're that difficult to catch, leave them and go for someone else rather than getting so salty.

    I would, but they all are usually the same ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    I bet you are also one of those who use DS SB and SC Then get camped and then complain about it while you were playing like an #########.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't facecamp as it was patched out of the game. I will, however, hard-camp in some situations. Things like this will cause a camp from me.

    • Gates are powered. I have no generators to pressure at this point.
    • The hook is in a spot that lets me easily monitor the remaining generators
    • The person in question was a thorn in my side and I'm confident the rest of his team is too stupid to do generators.
    • I don't get a chance to leave the hook because I turn to find two people already there.

    If I don't detect anybody in the area and the team is pressuring me on gens, I will almost always leave the hook.

  • Member Posts: 229
    edited June 2018
         “Face”camping generally means to literally sit with your face in front of the hooked survivor. I’ll admit that sometimes if I come across a survivor (or a whole team) in low ranks who play extremely well (jukes like a dancer), and the exit gates are powered; Sometimes I’ll sadly tunnel the One (or one from the group) so that I can ensure their sweet sacrifice to the Entity.

         Otherwise I do not face camp... unless I play Myers. Then I’ll face camp for 10 seconds then leave after a book sometimes. Gotta stay in character at all times!
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Zambiemandy said:
    Personally i think facecamping sucks but it is a viable strategy that can backfire(Gen rush). Being a killer main Myself i only face camp when the exit gates are open not so much if they're closed. I wanna know what you think on the topic and what situations you are compelled to face camp

    I facecamp if I am genrushed or if they are flashlight idiots with DS
    And sure, if exit gates are open then there is nothing left to do

  • Member Posts: 568
    "Face" camp, never. It's pointless, and it just lets them know you're salty.

    If I know the team is very altruistic, I'll tend to stay a little closer to the hook. Of course, those kinds of teams often unhook as soon as your back is turned anyway.

    Now, if I've hooked someone and the exit gates are open in a game I've not done too well on, I'll camp pretty hard. If I'm fairly sure I'll pip regardless, I just run off and look for someone else.
  • Member Posts: 149

    never facecamp, but closely patrol/camp if you've hooked someone close to the exit gate at end game. you can't just walk away and let them leave

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