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This game is just not fun as killer in red ranks

Member Posts: 36

There's just so many ways for survivors to mess with the killer. The entire game as the killer you just feel like you're chasing a stupid carrot on a stick dangling infront of your head but you know you're never gonna get that carrot and that carrot is getting all the entertainment in the world

It's like the entire game is designed with the torturing of the killer in mind. The killer is just the plaything for 4 survivors who have ZERO fear of the killer whatsoever. That's the game at red ranks

The killer should never have survivors WILLINGLY run at him, that's a joke

The power dynamic is completely reversed past rank 5 honestly

No wonder survivor queue times are so long and all the red rank survivors constantly get matched up against purple and higher rank killers. It's because all or most of the red rank killers stop playing because IT'S. NOT. FUN.

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  • Member Posts: 36

    I mean chances are someone that's played the game for 1000+ hours is better at it than someone who has 100, its not rocket science

    I agree, getting to red rank should symbolize your nolifing of the game more

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    they keep making red ranks worse when they balance the game around rank 20 survivors with buffs

    making SWF OP at red ranks

  • Member Posts: 154
    edited May 2021

    I would genuinely suggest you to stop playing killers like myself.

    If you don't enjoy it, just quit and go somewhere else.

    I don't play anymore because killers are too stressful, survivors are too easy, and the future of this game doesn't seem to fit my style.

  • Member Posts: 246

    Someone can play the game a lot and still be just mediocre, like me.

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    I always liked that picture, but I never understood why the rank 4 is running object instead of the rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    because the rank 1 has the key bro.

    Keys give wall hacks so OOO doesn't need a key

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    I guess, but he's gonna run the juice out on that thing quick lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Welcome to the rank 1 killers club!! 🎉🎈

    Masochists only

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Well... sometimes... sure. There are Survivors so good that they don't fear the Killer. It is the Killer's job to teach them the meaning of fear all over again. I'm going to suggest that "fun" is all in the head, and that you can decide something is fun or unfun. Are your matches in the Red Ranks going to be harder in general? Yes. Will they be sweaty more often than not? Yes. But I would suggest that being hard is not mutually exclusive of fun. Speaking for myself, I don't have any fun if the match isn't hard fought. I don't get any personal validation from a victory if the outcome was never really in contention. My fun comes from wanting to pride myself on overcoming the odds. It is shallow, but I would be lying if I didn't admit pride has always been my favorite sin.

    What I'm trying to get at is that you might be outgrowing the game. We can never go home again. That magic time when you were learning and improving, when both sides knew just enough to play but not enough to be truly dangerous, has passed. You can't unlearn what you know, nor can your opponents. To find your fun again, you are going to have to rewire yourself and adapt to the new reality. Your games going forward are going to be harder and harder. I'm just being honest. You adjust your expectations to that fact and say to yourself, "I want a piece of that action," or you can take stock and say, "it might be time for me to take a break and try a new game."

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to run you off. I sincerely want to help you. Reset your goals, reset your expectations and you can have a blast. Revel in those hard fights, win or lose. The more you play against those really long odds, the faster you will advance and in time those confident, fearless Survivors WILL be running in the other direction as quickly as they can.

  • Member Posts: 987

    Red ranks isn’t fun in general in this game but I will say it’s definitely worse for survivor in my experience. I honestly run into more red rank killers then I do survivors. Crazy to think about considering it used to be the other way around. Red rank killers are undeniably sweaty and merciless. When I’m killer I usually get 1-2 bad players paired with the 2 sweaty red rank survivors so it like if evens it out. Just my experience usually.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Problem is that red ranks are the cap for all players regardless if you've played 3 months or 3 years. It's relatively easy to get to high purple ranks in a few months as a new player, but when you hit that bracket you're constantly going against people with 1000s of hours experience that know the maps like the back of their hand.

    I think the ranking/MMR range needs to be larger & more gradual, but I'm guessing there's not enough players to make that work without having insane queue times at higher ranks/MMR.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    A survivor running at you is bait. They have something up their sleeve that makes them feel confident about running at you. When you’re newer to killer you won’t know what to expect and you’ll fall for the bait pretty much every time, but with experience you learn to tell what the survivor expects you to do vs what you SHOULD do to call their bluff.

    Unfortunately the game ranks new players up way too fast so you get killers with 50 hours at rank 2, falling for obvious bait and then complaining that the game is too hard for killers. The game can absolutely be hard sometimes, but most of the survivors you’re complaining about will get demolished by a killer who knows what they’re doing. You either learn how to be that killer, or you give up. No shame in giving up if you’re not having fun, it’s a game and not a job.

    I guess what I’m saying is that the game is fun for killers who are in the rank they should be in. Killers who are in ranks they shouldn’t be are the ones that suffer. Unfortunately, the ranking system in this game is a joke so it’s not really your fault.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Red ranks kinda feels like Dark Souls sometimes, but if the NPC's could just end the game without any input from you. And without the ability to keep on trying until you've mastered that section.

    So like Dark Souls but somehow more frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    They are fine for me

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Avoid the pink hair wig wearing Neas, and blue hair Fengs. Go after the claudettes who are doing gens in the background. Those are the real gatekeepers. The ones comes running towards you just want to waste your time so the gens doers finish the gens quickly. Those that wants you to chase usually don't like to work on gens, sometimes I have them following me around which is what I want since they are not on a gen. My suggestion is to play at night and evening that is when red ranks get put in vs mixed and matched survivors so with purples and red ranks, and the matches tend to be less sweaty.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Yes I agree 100% get to rank 1 for the achievement then GTFO I personally recommend purple ranks.

  • Member Posts: 154

    I'd suggest to quit.

    I'm not trolling, there is no obligation for you to play killers.

    You play games to have fun, not to get stressed. If you don't enjoy it, just leave and look around other games.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Since survivor has a subtle mechanical to quit the game when they feel the game are not their side by suicide on the hook, I think killer player also needs a subtly mechanism if the game is too stressed for them. Maybe like going on another portal (exit the game but another survivor still must finish the generator and open the gate to finishing the game without the existence of killer).

  • Member Posts: 794

    I actually love playing against sweaty teams, but then again I have about 2500 hours in the game over the past 5 years.

    I think your first goal should be to redefine "fun". You're right when you say that matchmaking and ranking systems are borked in DBD, but you don't need to win to have fun. In fact, assuming you're not as experienced as many of your opponents, you shouldn't even expect to win a lot of the time. But you can still have fun in the moment by playing your best, making good plays, and learning from experienced survivors.

    Your second goal should be learning to multitask all 4 survivors. Great survivors can loop any killer around God loops for several minutes, which is enough time for their teammates to win the match. It's totally okay to give up on a chase if a survivor makes it to a strong position. Most of your hits/downs will happen when you catch someone out of position. Bring a couple of really good information perks like Discordance, Bitter Murmur, Tinkerer, BBQ, Rancor, etc. and start working on learning to keep track of multiple survivor locations at once. That way, if you have to switch targets, you'll be able to find your next chase instantly.

  • Member Posts: 575

    It gets better with experience. Around 300 or so hours I would get annoyed at many games but now I'm around 1000 and find that most of my games are pretty chill. If you're playing a weak killer or play poorly though, expect survivors to not be afraid and actively BM you.

    If you want more relaxed games and play at night when queue times are fast, I'd suggest lobby dodging until you get a mix of crossplay and non-crossplay players (globe icon by their name). This makes it very unlikely that you are against a SWF.

  • Member Posts: 1

    this is a god damn lie. The survivors is easy to get rank yes. especially if you just play in a group. However killer is for sure not easy by any means. you really have to play perfect or you just get screwed the whole game there is no in between. After like rank 6 you get nothing but rank 5 or lower survivors like 90% of the time that are most likely grouped or as stated have 10000 hours in the game. It is in no way easy to get to red ranks at all. Youre lying or never play killer before if you think thats true.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    "The killer is just the plaything for 4 survivors who have ZERO fear of the killer whatsoever."

    You're expecting players, who have seen the same killer tactics to still be afraid? Even if the killer was capable of instadowning a survivor, there would be no fear.

    And yes, survivors spending hours upon hours of time learning how to use their surroundings to survive as long as possible, and you expect chases to be as short as if you were facing yellow ranks?

    You have to be creative to be a red rank killer.

    "No wonder survivor queue times are so long and all the red rank survivors constantly get matched up against purple and higher rank killers. It's because all or most of the red rank killers stop playing because IT'S. NOT. FUN."

    Also wrong, it 100% depends on when you play and if there are red rank killers willing to play. Right now, I happen to take a small break from killer because I've spend the last 1300 hours mainly playing killer and only playing survivor for archives. I'm still a rank 1 on both sides, I just get bored from winning killer matches that I didnt deserve to win. Plenty of times where 1 survivor makes a mistake, that punishes his entire team. Plenty of times of RNG not spawning in a pallet in an area that looks like it spawned a pallet, giving me a down in a dead zone where there absolutely should be a pallet available. Getting kills through means that are simply getting lame. Pinhead will revitalize my killer gameplay a bit, as I think he's very fun to play, but untill that day, I'm playing survivor, because even the highest red ranks will fall for perks like Deception.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    You have to be creative as a killer, while survivors hold W and pre drop most thing, yeah sounds like a lot of fun, it has been like that since the ruin change.

    Survivors do not outplay, they just hold W and pre drop almost everything.

    And maybe if you are outside of the US or something because killer queues are ALWAYS instant, survivors take about 5-10 per match, killers are refusing to play because the game is becoming really boring for killers.

    No chase interaction, no outplays, no nothing, meanwhile I can ask my friends to play with me and I just tell them to hold W and hold M1 on a gen and most likely we will win a lot of matches.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Red ranks is a joke on both sides. If you play enough, you will get red rank, it isn't a measure of skill.

  • Member Posts: 534

    facts. its literally so repetitive, boring and stressful. thats why im trying to derank where its more calm and fun

  • Member Posts: 550

    I hit rank 1 almost every month on killer and survivor. I only play solo. I find killer to be easier to pip with than survivor. This is my opinion, just like yours is that killer is harder. Just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean you need to call people liars.

  • Member Posts: 383

    Playing as the Killer is fine in red ranks. It may not be fun playing against groups running the same meta build. Beyond that, I would argue solo queue players need buffs, or several killers and perks need to be toned down.

  • Member Posts: 383
    edited August 2021

    It is easy to hit rank one playing as the killer; you're just new or have no idea how to play. Survivor is much more difficult to hit rank one in solo when the teams you'll get sandbag and leave you to die on your first hook.

    I just got out of a match as a rank one survivor; my team was green, yellow, and brown ranks against a red rank. This is the true worst Dead by Daylight experience, and it's far more frequent than a sweaty SWF at red ranks.

    Post edited by Shirtless_Myers on
  • Member Posts: 2,677

    My main problem with playing killer at high rank is how bad the genrushing gets. I don't blame the survivors for doing it. It's the meta and if you wanna win as survivor you're gonna have to power through those gens.

    Just not really fun losing a gen every 15 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 989

    You're not proxy camping enough and you would need to prioritize tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    It's extra "competitive" in the red ranks

  • Member Posts: 8

    Ya I hear you. Once I get higher up in rank with killer I find I dare not play killer in the evening. It gets a lot harder, which is fine. But I find for some reason it really stresses me out, really odd as it is a game and my chest gets all wonky lol.

    If I notice a survivor is clearly superior to me and would just loop me I 90% ignore that player and go after the weaker ones. I used to be a real nice killer, never tunnel, leave AFK's alone..ect.. but sometimes you need to be a little mean I found, and on good teams you need to get 1 out fast. (At least for me).

    I started playing survivor more now. Less stress. Can never get past red 3 but at least it does not feel like my heart if going to pound out of my chest lol

  • Member Posts: 245

    Rank doesn't match make you, after a few losses your MMR should fall back into the 'completely random opponents' zone.

    Unless you are one of the hundreds of people with the 'loose but MMR somehow never goes down' bug.

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