What made you fall in love with your main?

This post is both for killer and survivor! What made you fall in love with the characters you main? Their perks? Their power? Or something more? I want to get some positive vibes going, lets talk about what made us adore the characters we main.



  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    For Kate I started playing when Curtain Call dropped, and her Windows was great than and is still great now. As a newb helped me learn maps and now as an older newb helps me plan chases and see what has and hasn't been used.

    Killer wise I keep bouncing around. Trickster is fun, not great by any meams but fun. Wraith and Legion are simplistic but effective, Doctor has the Look See cosmetic. Plague is bai. Clown has his girth.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    I main Legion and Ash.

    Legion was the killer that introduced me to the game. I watched their newly-released trailer on YouTube, and that sparked my interest in DbD.

    I love their simple yet fast-paced gameplay. Not to mention, they're probably one of the more skillful killers in the game because you need to be excellent at chasing people normally to actually get downs with them.

    When I first got Ash, I actually didn't care for him. I had watched the Evil Dead movies, but never the show. However, after a couple months of him collecting dust, my friend convinced me to watch Ash Vs Evil Dead; and I loved it. I basically instantly leveled him and mained him. And ever since that day I have continued to main him.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Pig.... SAW series fan

    Feng Min... I honestly don't know why I picked her (lol)

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited August 2021

    Quentin is a fellow insomniac and he wears a beanie. He's also the best thing from the 2010 NOES remake. I don't care if his perks are garbage or if he looks like a goblin/supermodel, I love the sleepy boi.

    Nea has cool lore and she wears a beanie.

    Huntress has cool lore; it reminded me of Jason's lore when I first joined the game. She sings a lullaby and she has a fun power that takes knowledge and effort to be consistently good at using.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    Meg: first main, has done a lot for me.

    Spirit: the one I fell in love with the most. She was my first killer to get really good with and to this day, she holds a special place in my heart.

    Yui: I mean, she’s Yui. What else can I say?

    Claire: love her from RE.

    Plague: VOMMY MOMMY!!!

    Claudette: the Bush spoke to me and I gave in to true peace of the Bush.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    How silky smooth he feels. There are other killers that are more fun, most of them, actually. But damn, silent stabs, especially to exposed people. Generator grabs. That wraith-esque smoke. The Call of Duty directional indicators. And good lawd almighty, that wipe animation. It makes me weak in the knees.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    for the killer side, billy and huntress. the thing i enjoyed about them the most was the skill requrements.

    for survivor, ive always liked tomboys and thus thought nea was cute.

  • SpineChillUnderlord
    SpineChillUnderlord Applicant, Member Posts: 14

    Jake: He was my first main

    David: If there's a daddy Myers, There's Daddy David.

    Claudette: Gotta love a fellow blendette, but one who actually does tasks.

    Myers: Masked Monster. Tall Killer. Knife-Wielding Badvss. Yeah, i think this takes the cake. Daddy Myers for the win (If only i used him more often.)

    Trapper: My first killer main and another classified reason.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    Bill, because I love Left 4 Dead 🤗

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Getting sexy ass teleport slaps as Hag. Feels so good to do!

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    Jake: I honestly don’t know/forgot. Playing as him just felt natural, but I did love the scarf.

    Yui: The cosmetics and her muscles 😌

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    Dweet: The repressed nerd who has all the inner strength and courage under pressure to rise up as leader material. I just love Dweet's story, his nervous disposition, his adorable nerdy appearance. I empathize with him in many ways.

    Michael Myers: This one is easy. Die hard Halloween fan. Mikey is the ultimate embodiment of evil. I like that Dbd embraced that by having the Entity not be able to completely control him hence why he can tombstone survivors and "displease" the Entity. I love how versatile he is with builds and playstyles. Its never boring playing him for me.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Survivor I just went with one and kept with them since I've put so much effort into them. Killer I went through them and went with what worked well for me.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379


    I can heavily relate to Dwight's back story and that's the main reason why I played him. The more I played him the more I fell in love with him, and now I call him daddy.


    I fell in love with Spirit's kit simply because I liked the idea of going blind dbd tracking survivors by sound. Then it got to the point to where survivors were do predictable I would guess where to phase to my predictions were correct.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    What if you don’t have a main? 😭

    Idk who I am anymore. 😳

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Killer: Pyramid Head. I really like his music and theme. I would Main oni if his power wasn't super dependent on good fps and if his passive was better. I really like RE but they kinda did nemesis bad imo.

    Survivor: Cheryl. I like her design idk why. Once again I like RE but jill looks a bit off and so does leon.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Twins and Plague, just their gimmicks had me sold it makes me laugh everytime I use their powers

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    For survivor I started with Jeff and am now main him and Jane both. They just have cool lore and cosmetics

    For killer it has always been clown. Throwing farts is just fun I guess

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769

    Claudette: I was an edgy kid and the only reason I started playing her was because she was black. :/

    Then I got attached to her while becoming less edgy and racist. :D

    Now I actually really like her lore and character design, and the graphical updates were a massive plus to her IMHO.

    David: I wanna lick ice cream off his abs.

    Freddy: Old Freddy was really fun for me to play, even if I didn't play him in the optimal way and actually used double blocks just so I could chase people quicker. I just liked his style.

    New Freddy: Despite reaching rank 1 I was garbage and he was easy to play so I stuck with him till I got goof at regular M1 killer things, got bored of him and Pyramid Head came out.

    Wraith: First character I prestiged, first killer I ever played, he's low-key cute.

    Pyramid Head: I think this clip speaks more than I can.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    I like the positivity a lot, im glad Claudette became a growing point for you! Always happy to see posts from you. :)

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    For survivor, I mainly play Nea and have been maining her since I started playing the game. She was one of the first characters I levelled up and I also love her lore and cosmetics.

    For killer, I main both Plague and Pig. Plague because I absolutely love her lore and cosmetics. Pig because I'm a huge fan of the SAW series and I just find her adorable for some reason.

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    Survivor: Felix << have you seen this man, but also because of his lore dude is just trying to get back to his girl and his kid.

    Killer: Toss up between Trapper and Trickster Trapper because I love having to pre-plan the trail where to set traps for the best outcome and so on and so forth, Trickster because the man just oozes style everything he does from reloading to even getting hit by pallet animation is done with a flair that you don't find with other killers, and also have you see how the trickster looks?

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    I dreamed of tossing fridges at people since I was a kid.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Ignoring DS with Pyramid Head. Such an obnoxious perk before it’s nerf.

    Being able to get hits at any loop in the game also helped

  • Trimblebird
    Trimblebird Member Posts: 33

    Pyramid head: "What's DS never been hit with it before" *confused shrug*

    Every other killer: O.O "teach us your ways you who are so wise in the ways of science."

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Felix is a handsome gentleman sure, but I just needed a Survivor with all the Perks.

    and erhm... I play like almost all killers. particularly fond of Wraith atm.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Survivor: I bounce between Cheryl and Jill/Claire. I immediately bought Claire the minute she released.

    Killer: Huntress has been my primary main since I started playing. I've always found her ability to be the most original and well designed, I like that despite the hitbox issues, she's not really complained about in terms of balance. It's especially satisfying when you get a cross-map snipe with your hatchet.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Survivor:beauty,cosmetic,sweet soul,talented singer and caring person who's also baddie she fought entity back obviously talking about Kate

    Killer:leather noise and boop the snoot you figure it out who those two are hahaha

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    The Wailing Bell.

    Don't care how much better Spirit is, at least Wraith isn't on a cooldown.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Throwing hatchets and going fast is fun, so while I wouldn't really say I "main" any specific killer it makes sense that if I'm not entirely sure who I want to play, I usually end up picking Huntress, Wraith or Blight. I also like Trapper a lot because I like the more "strategic" side of him without the all-in reliance on it that Hag demands.

    For survivors I just like the look of Ace, Dwight, Claudette and Jeff. I also like their cosmetic options on top of that.

  • Sparse
    Sparse Member Posts: 23

    Jane. I just love everything about her!

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546


    hehe funny stab and run fast

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    My first main was Dwight, and in his case it was perks. Bond is my favorite perk in the game, and Prove Thyself is good too. Claudette came next - she's not OP but her perks are all good, they form a really solid theme that's true to the character. But Meg will always be my "main". She's always going to be the character that I love the most because I just fell in love with her appearance, her great cosmetics, her simple but effective (and kind of creepily realistic) story, and her similarly well-themed and complementary perks. She and Kate are my beautiful all-stars.

    Killer took me a lot longer, much more experimentation. I liked Huntress, I loved Plague. But once I gave Doctor a shot - despite thinking that I'd fail hard due to his (misleading) "difficult" rating - I was done. I love Doc's story, his look, his aesthetic, the fact that he wants nothing more than to cause pain and suffering for no good reason, and his great powers. Doc is the man. He's the first killer I ever became comfortable with to the point that, while I'm not an expert, I regularly get kills and get compliments about how well I play with him. It's gonna take a long time before I main another killer, even though I have most of them.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Jeff is because of three things:

    1) He canonically had a dog (side note, if Jeff ever gets a tome, there better be a dog charm in the rift)

    2) His design is so cool to me and I love the aesthetic he has.

    3) I find his perks great and overall he's just really underrated, even by BHVR themselves.

    Legion is because of Farmer John to be honest.

    Demo is because I love him and wish to let everyone play against him because he's one of, if not, the most balanced Killer in the game.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    If it's alright to ask (it's implied so I hope it is), are you yourself black? If so what do you think of Adam and Tapp? I'm going to be working on Tapp soon but Adam, as cool as he looks has some of the worst perks in the entire game. Anytime I play with anyone I know I point out the "pebble perk" and we all point at him and laugh.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,769
    edited August 2021

    No, I'm white, and grew up around other white people who think it's okay to use the n-slur. Claudette is genuinely the reason I got myself out of that mindset.

    As for what I think of Adam and Tapp, I think they're cool characters. I don't see myself maining them- I don't think they look that great, I don't like their lore and voice acting, and they don't really have great cosmetics imho, but I can totally see why people like them, and if you do like them, feel completely free!

  • aperoni
    aperoni Member Posts: 23

    For killer: I shift around a lot, Huntress, Legion, Nurse, Pig, Ghostface, Twins. Anyone really. I don't really main a specific character but there are ones that I absolutely do not play, like Billy, Clown or Doctor.

    My favourites at the moment have to be Huntress and Trapper though, hitting a shot or hearing a survivor step in your trap is the most satisfying thing as killer.

    For Survivor: Mostly Feng and Nancy. I started maining Nancy because Stranger Things is what introduced me to the game. I absolutely love that show, especially with Stranger Things leaving in November, I splashed out on a bunch of cosmetics for Nancy and Steve.

    For Feng it's mostly her cosmetics that sell it to me. I might play Nea when I'm feeling confident and I mained Laurie for 2 days. I'm not good enough for Object of Obsession lol

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Ah I see, sorry for the misunderstanding. I try to remain open-minded and allow others to feel whatever negative feelings about a person or persons that they may for whatever reason happen to feel, but generally speaking it's a positive thing to get away from that kind of crap. Good of you to be adult enough to admit that you were kind of held back by that stuff and found your way through it.

    Claudette's a generally solid character in this game, honestly one of the best in my opinion, her perks are just not as strong as they could be. They're all useful, just a little "soft". I like Tapp because I like Danny Glover and love Saw (and maybe it's just me but I think they made his off-duty detective outfit resemble the actor more) and am looking forward to buffing him up. Adam is just...ugh. Again, the guy has a cool look but it's gonna be a drag getting him up to snuff. I mean...the pebble perk. The PEBBLE PERK!

  • Ezzyboy2000
    Ezzyboy2000 Member Posts: 1

    I started of as a Baby Dwight since the Scorching Summer BBQ but then 5 years later i now main Leon. Only because of Bite the Bullet and the other teachables like Balanced Landing, I do run small game for the totems if i don't get chased.

    But for my killer i go with Michael Myers for me but i have sidelined him for now as i'm going as the Clown but for my build i would go with Play with Your Food (Just for the speed), sloppy butcher, coulophobia and Unrelenting

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Easy one

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Blight and 4head are my 2 bois.

    Just zooming around the map and getting some cool hits feels satisfying. Or getting some cheeky hits trough walls with PH's range attack, or even his M1 cooldown animation, the sound it makes when it hits the ground activates pure satisfaction.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2021

    What made me fall in love with my main?

    John Carpenter. 😁

  • stormy_
    stormy_ Member Posts: 208

    survivor main : meg

    survivor 2nd : claudette

    killer ? no i do them only for daily challenges

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    The Twins.

    They have the best horror design IMO of any Killer and their power, balance aside, is the most ambitious Power design to date.

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    Claudette: great perks. I still think she has some of the best survivor perks. Especially if you intend to be team healer.

    The Shape: The Icon of the slasher film genre/subgenre. I don't like his perks, but his power allows me to play with some stealth early and become a force of nature later on.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620


    I had gone through a plethora of killers, trying to find my main. Michael was my first because I loved the Halloween movies but obviously he just couldn’t be consistently good. I had avoided Spirit due to lots of people complaining how overpowered she was, etc. But one day I decided to pick her up and man was it addicting. The power of not being bullied at conventional loops was a high point. Even Prayer Beads, scummy as it was, felt fun to play. Now she’s a mess with her current bugs but I still normally get 4Ks with her.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556
    edited August 2021

    Survivor: Dweet, because he is adorable and I love how he runs so nonchalant while everyone is getting murdered <3. Love Ace and Quentin too.

    Killer: Huntress because her power and her lore are awesome. Love legion as that is who was released when I started playing the game and spirit because my lesbian ass be simping over her.