The zombie AI very badly needs pathing tweaks.

TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

My god, this may end up being a partial vent post but i feel it needs to be said. The zombies are straight up brain dead, even more so than an actual zombie. On some maps they're perfectly fine, like midwich, where they roam the map as is expected and never get stuck. But on some maps? Good god you end up becoming a part time trapper main as you roam the map killing them to get them unstuck from some random log they're walking into. It is incredibly frustrating to have a portion of your kit negated by godawful AI pathing. As im sure we all know by now BHVR is dogsh at collision boundary boxes on game objects, any huntress mains out here can attest to this pain. Very clearly the zombies are not coded with this in mind, as they will straight up walk directly into the enormous bounding boxes surrounding certain game objects, and render themselves stuck because the AI thinks they're trapped in some sort of impossible cube and can't navigate them out of it. Bhvr seriously needs to improve the navmeshes on certain maps like swamp and mothers dwelling, a huge variety of the objects (Mostly the stumps, fallen logs, and bushes) end up getting zombies stuck in them and they will remain stuck until killed. Im not sure how that even got past QA testing since it happens basically every other game, but the zombies need to not navigate into areas where they'll get stuck. This is frankly an incredibly easy fix, you can literally design your own nav mesh in 5 minutes on gmod. Navmeshes are not at all hard to create and edit. More prominently the zombies seriously need better pathing, if a survivor jumps through a window, the zombie will continuously walk towards the window without ever taking a separate path to reach them, because the only AI they seem to have when a survivor is in LOS is "walk towards survivor." which is incredibly frustrating to see as a killer, since numerous times they could pressure survivors but just angrily walk at a window vault like total dopes. Testing nemesis in the PTB has shown me that they have not at all touched the zombie AI, they are still stupid as rocks. I Desperately hope they adjust the AI, because one of the most unique parts of nemesis' kit is reduced to an annoyance at best.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
