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How many of you main Legion?

Just out of curiosity.

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  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I've mained Legion for awhile now.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    @RyRapsYT mains legion and freddy

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    My sister plays him a lot. He is probably her best killer.

  • Member Posts: 600

    I'm maining him from the point I found that almost every killer in this game is bugged or inconsistent in some way. Legion is the exception.

  • Member Posts: 514

    I used to main legion and he was my first p3 up until a week or two ago to where I switched to demo and I am happy to say demogorgon in my eyes is way more fun.

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2021

    I had a phase were i played him for a good while. Not anymore though cause hes kinda bad against good teams....

    His power is fun though.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I'll play her occasionally but I don't hate myself that much to do it often

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    i don't play em much, but i still consider legion one of my mains for sure.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I've mained them for the longest but i tries branching out to other killers.

    I need to play them again though.

    They fill a very nich macro type play that barelly any other killer gives

  • Member Posts: 583

    **Looks at title**

    "Haha, imagine someone maining legion"

    Thread: I main legion

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I don't, but my boyfriend does.

    I feel sorry for him.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I mained Legion when I first started playing since he seemed easy, then I played pretty much everyone before coming back to them.

  • Member Posts: 330
    edited August 2021

    I've been a legion main since they dropped. Love those funky friends

  • There are a lot of twitch streamers who main legion

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    There are more legion mains than Oni, god only knows why

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Legion is actually pretty common. I think a lot of people use him because he’s very simple to use and it also a noob stomper due to his ability to keep everyone injured.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Most of them are just Susie-Simps.

    Whenever you ask someone why they like Legion, they say because they like to stab people multiple times. Like Legion goes brrrr.

    Very weird.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Yeah I’ve never been appealed to Legion. He’s just not interesting to play as or against.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    iv mained legion forever

  • Member Posts: 1,452

    I like playing them a ton, almost daily. It's a good killer to keep basic fundamentals always in check: chase mechanics, which areas to pressure, when to slug, etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,867
  • Member Posts: 168

    Had a period awhile back where I'd stomp with them regularly. The power was fun and it just felt right.

    But one day I logged in played a game and lost the taste. No idea why, the game didn't even go badly for me. I just stopped enjoying it. No idea why...

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    Legion was my second Main back when i played on Console.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited August 2021

    I didn’t like Legion at first, but after I started playing with him…. I grew to like him. I feel he’s perfectly fine the way he is. Not too strong, not too weak. I main Clown. I also use Trickster, Trapper, and now Legion.

    I started using alternative perks on him as “Slow Down Legion” makes people insta-DC… I gave my Legion Discordance and Deathbound. To discourage all team work. When someone heals a health state of another, even laceration, that person will scream (If they do it far enough away). I’ll check to see to see if said people are still together. To lacerate them again. If they healed, but didn’t scream? I know they’re in close proximity to me.

    People like characters that they can play fashion with tbh. That’s why you see Feng, Jane, David, Claudette, Kate, Dwight, and Zarina so much. Now I’m seeing Elodie, Felix, and Yun-Jin a lot more since the Rift/Store has been giving him fresh outfits. Legion has a lot of fashion, and 4 alternative forms. So it’s like having 4 characters in 1.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Honestly the legion mains I have had convos with on this forum have been so helpful and kind .I don't main legion but I do enjoy playing them out of respect to the legion mains that I have had such pleasure getting to know over my time here.

    So good luck in the fog stabby friends it's always a pleasure to see you in the fog 🐖💖

    Plus Julie's booty be popping 💗

  • Member Posts: 305


  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I haven't played them as much since they got rid of the cosmetic glitch, but I still consider myself an enthusiast. Starstruck and Lethal Pursuer have been kind to me.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I returned to Legion after a whole while of playing other games and trickster and god.

    That new mask is amazing.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Legion can be a lot of fun, unfortunately missing an attack with Legion is incredibly punishing, which sadly is easy to happen if you're playing with a controller. Not only does it cancel your power, but you endure a stun that's equivalent to DS. It takes forever to get your power back too.

    Simply put, you're punished far too harshly for a power that doesn't down survivors.

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