Doctor is still making the game lag on NEXT GEN CONSOLES

It’s ridiculous that this is still going on, that a console that runs games that look 10x better is having lag issues because of some stupid screen effects. If they can’t fix this issue, they need to disable some of the effects so console players can go against doc without the game dying. I can’t imagine what it’s like for last gen consoles.
The game should absolutely be taken off the PS store, same as cyberpunk as the devs are not doing enough about it. They’ve had years to optimise their game.
My prediction comes true.
Until the underlying issues are fixed, the game will continue to worsen performance wise, until no one can play it.
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Yet Doctor is fine on Last Gen consoles just frame drops like everything else. AT least you guys just have this problem with one killer, we get it with all of them
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If I had to guess, they'll eventually come to terms with the fact that they just can't fix this game at the same rate they break it. And of course, they won't be transparent about that fact and will instead just milk their playerbase with new chapters and cosmetics for as long as they can until it's no longer profitable.
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To be fair,the PS5 is like almost a year old.Maybe you should upgrade your hardware?
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I love you lol.
And it is really bad that things are bad on next gen too. No cross progression in sight either so what are we supposed to do? Bhvr?
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Have you tried lowering your graphics settings?
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Maybe buy more cosmetics? 🤔
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Well, you told the truth, so I'll give you that. On the other hand, you also told the truth, and you're not supposed to do that. :o
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Game is fine on next gen literally no issues besides the bugs that are on every platform. Never had the game lag or freeze once, even against killers like doc.
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Haha keep them coming xD.
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Ah, the good old "I haven't seen it so it isn't true" argument.
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Of course, If I dont have proof then I believe it's not true as theres a big movement to get the games performance up which I'm all for. But this could just be a lie to help further the movement
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There are multiple reported issues. One need only look to the RE patch to see them, even on next-gen.
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I would love to see prove of these issues. Personally I havent seen anything wrong. No lag, game freezing. Nemisis's tentacle didnt even freeze. Just the classic dbd bugs is all I've seen
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It’s my favourite past time to be called a liar on here! I had zero issues with lag until recently, and now Doctor skill checks cause massive frame drops.
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I wouldn't call you one if you had evidence to support, and also I havent seen anyone else complain whilst on next gen. My friends even say that dbd runs perfectly.
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In all seriousness though this is disappointing to hear. Doctor is my killer main and I don't want to make other players needlessly suffer. I still get somewhat frequent disconnects when I use him, I guess that might be why.
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Oh well if your friends say so, must be the same for 100% of players.
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I don't own a PS5, like most people.
Ask someone who does.
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I havent seen anyone else complain about performance on next gen besides you so far. Again evidence and I'll believe you
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I have yet to have a problem with any killer on PS5.
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There have been complaints by other forum members about next gen performance in the large optimization thread.
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Oh, there absolutely has been as pointed out. BHVR doesn’t need you to lick their boots, there’s already plenty of people doing that.
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I laughed waaayyyy to hard at this.
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Don’t even know how this ended out in a real environment without proper testing.. it’s ridiculous how bad the quality control is. Come on.
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I laughed at this, was a sad laugh but still a laugh.
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Are there clips of performance issues on next gen ?
My gf plays on Series S and I play on Series X. Both of us haven't experienced any fps drops/freezes on next gen.
I remember just how terrible it was playing DBD on my old XBOX One - it even made me quit the game (until I luckily found a Series X in my local store) after 5000 hours and now I barely play DBD anymore even though my Series X can handle it perfectly (I'm still kinda disappointed of the devs not gonna lie) still - I have yet to see a clip of someone experiencing performance issues on a next gen console.
It's just hard to imagine because some fast paced high graphics games with tons of effects can even run at 120 fps (Destiny 2 to name a sample) on next gen.
Not trying to say anyone's lying or anything. Just wondering if there's clips. Shouldn't be difficult to post 1 short clip of a fps freeze since they usually happen for every status effect in DBD.