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Do you Gen Rush ?

Only played this game for less than a month and I tried the game as a Survivor and Killer. I couldn't wrap my head around the ease of playing Survivor against 1 Killer. My first public game ( outside of the Tutorial ) went so fast I barely got a sense of what was going on. After a few sessions, I switched to the Killer and have been experimenting with different ones to find the one I like most.

But to discover which Killer I want to lose with, I need a game that lasts more than 3 minutes. Is the game more fun as a Survivor doing Gen Rush ( rinse and repeat ) ?

It's a serious question: If you play DBD to Gen Rush, please tell me why ?


  • Machini5t
    Machini5t Member Posts: 20

    My experience was Survivor was easy. Playing with 3 others, those Gens were done really fast and each subsequent map I played on was the same ease of play. Not because of any skill I brought, but the skill of the team players. OFC your mileage varies, but that was my experience.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    I'd wager there are enough survivor mains who'd not complain too much if the killer role got disabled. They'd just continue to play "GenRush Online". It must be that rewarding...

  • Machini5t
    Machini5t Member Posts: 20

    This wasn't a question, I know the Gens are the objective. I can't make the question any more clear or simple. Do you play it to Gen Rush... is their nothing else in the game that's happening that makes it interesting to play, or are you solely focused on speed runs to see if you can break a new record. ?

  • BlazePyron2
    BlazePyron2 Member Posts: 145

    Uh, let me just lay this all out for you.

    Your main objective as survivor is to do gens, open the exit gate, and leave. There's other things you can do, but they're to support your main objective.

    Leading the killer on a chase gives other survivors more time to repair gens.

    Healing a survivor gives them a better chance of leading the killer on a longer chase.

    Cleansing a hex totem that carries Ruin or Devour Hope will make it easier to repair gens or lead the killer on a chase. Clensing a dull totem can help prevent noed from activating if all dull totems are cleansed, or can help you heal yourself if you're using the perk Inner Strength.

    Searching a chest gives you an item that can help in various ways. It's especially useful to search chests if the killer is defending 3 gens in a small space, because getting a key in this situation will allow you to escape without having to finish all the gens.

    As a survivor, you should always be doing one of these objectives, and your focus should always be on repairing gens and opening the exit gates.

    "Gen rushing" refers specifically to a coordinated team repairing gens faster than solo survivors can usually manage. They do this by using perks like prove thyself or fast track, toolboxes with brand new parts, and communicating when one of them is in a chase with the killer, meaning the other three are safe to repair gens. When one of them is hooked, they coordinate which other survivor is going to go for the unhook, and maximize the time spent repairing generators.

    What you're experiencing isn't genrushing, it's simply that the killer is not applying enough pressure to survivors. They are not in danger while repairing generators because the killer is either spending too long in a chase with a survivor, or is simply not patrolling gens.

    It can be difficult as a new player because there are a lot of things you have to learn such as common gen spawn points, common totem spawn points, effective loops to lead the killer through long chases, etc. Use perks that help you locate gens and totems so you can learn where they commonly spawn on different maps. Learn which perks are useful on most characters and focus on unlocking useful teachables.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    I mean its my job to get on gens and get out. Its the killer's job to pressure and keep me/the team off of them. I gen rush typically when I realize my team not working on them or its a very coordinated team + the killer is good too and knows what to do.

    There's nothing wrong with gen rushing, its up to the killer to slow that down. Most matches aren't gen rush gogogo squads.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    While it may seem like survivors are gen rushing - they are probably just doing gens and avoiding chases. My advice:

    Level up killers with gen control perks:


    Corrupt Intervention

    Pop Goes The Weasel


    Level up killers with aura reading perks:

    BBQ & Chili



    A Nurse's Calling

    Bitter Murmur (General perk)



    I'm All Ears

    The key to slowing down generators are regression perks and sensory/aura perks - If you have knowledge on their whereabouts you can then pressure the survivors off of generators. My general build on killers is usually something like: BBQ, Tinkerer, Nurse's, and Pop Goes the Weasel. Obviously I do switch it up, but overall that is a decent build which will let you see survivors healing, see auras when you hook, see when gens are at 70%, and allow you to regress gens after hooking someone. It can be hard playing killer with limited perks, but try to use what you can to focus on knowing where survivors are and trying to affect generator progress as much as possible. That is the best advice I can give ya. Make sure you also pay attention to the Shrine of Secrets which changes every Tuesday evening - you may be able to avoid leveling certain killers if their perk(s) appear in the Shrine - Every week it is 2 new survivor and 2 new killer perks that you can use your iri shards to unlock.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Either OP is playing on AU or AS servers, matchmaking is giving them rank 1 teammates despite being rank 20, or they're lying. Something is really off about this post because survivors at the start of the game are clueless and get curbstomped by killers.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    no i dont not play this game to gen rush, i play this game to interact with the killer, chase is fun and thats why most who play surv play it.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    Depend if he play with friend the game is easy at the start. I know me when i start the game was easy but this was back in 2017

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I get gens done, or try to at least unless i am getting chased or i find a totem then i do that.

    It can be very annoying when survivors get gens done quickly i get it a lot with the high rank players.

    but i bounce back and get my hooks or try to at least.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    What does 'gen rush' mean in this situation, because again, yes, if I'm not being chased or going for a save I am probably doing gen. Unless there is a perk like Devour Hope, looking for Totems just takes too much time.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Same reason I tunnel as killer. I play to win.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    It's a serious question: If you play DBD to Gen Rush, please tell me why ?

    I "gen rush" because what else is there to do if i am not getting chased and no other teammate needs my help?

    Advanced survivors know when to do gens and advanced killer know how to pressure them off.

    It is not the survivors fault when they can do gens in peace, its the killer who is unable to stop them. Here is my serious question: What are they supposed to do in your opinion? Wandering around, marvel the enviroment?

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    If by gen rush you mean ignoring heals, hooked survivors and totems for gen progression then no. Making the game fly really fast makes the game feel pretty stale and anti climatic.

    Though if the killer really is doing that bad at stopping gens then I don't really know what else they want survivors to do. I'm not just gonna not do gens when that it's the main objective and the only thing to do if the killer is far away chasing someone.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Yes, i do gens.

    "Gen rush" is a killer main term.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Yes, survivor is easy at rank 20, who would have thought.

    Now go play solo q in red ranks.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    Survivors do gens. If not, they die.

  • Machini5t
    Machini5t Member Posts: 20

    I'll clarify if I can.

    To me, "Gen Rush" is find a Generator repair it.. sneak or walk to the next Generator until the team has completed all the generators hit the Hatch or the Gate and get out.

    The question is really just that... Do you "Gen-Rush". I've played Survivor and found myself in matches that in 3 to 4 minutes the gates were open. This is not because I had any real effort applied, I was a brand new player. The whole effort was clearly on the other 3 players.

    After a few matches I chose a male character.. lucky or something... Not knowing what I am doing, ( don't even know the character name ) I played it until level 10. For all those matches, I entered the game, searched for Generators and got a few short moments to attempt to repair it. I've been chased and slayed, hooked, camped and otherwise spooked. It was fun for a really short moment but it quickly grew old.

    I then started playing the Killers, each one in turn to see which Killer I might like and played them each to about level 10 (ish). But with my lack of knowing what the heck I am doing, I rarely found any survivors to chase. I assume the ones I found were just as new as me. The player levels grew and my choice of Killer wasn't clear yet so there I am getting players levels but not even sure which Killer I'd be half-ass-decent at playing.

    It wasn't long before I found myself being in Matches where the Survivors were never seen, completed the match in under 4 minutes and I'm standing there wondering to myself "Why did I buy this game of "hide-n-seek" ?.. I'm not finding fun in Survivor because of the speed of which the game is over, and I am finding fun in Killer because the speed of which the game is over. ( not entirely true.. I am still playing.. but differently ).

    The only way I have found any sort of pleasure as a Killer is in chases ( because of my low skill level ).. but the matches have mostly been with players that have thousands of hours into it, they are player level 1 to 10,.. all purple perks, and most have flashlights... so If i ever see one of them, I am blinded or if not blinded by the player then by a generator trap.

    The end result is the same, the Generators are done in under 5 minutes total... So I thought i'd work on a Survivor again. I'll surely get found and hooked ( sorry team ).. but my experience is the Killers never really pose a threat... even when the matches are with people level 1 to 10 and there I am a measly level 20 or 17 in a match with a killer level 5 or so, or there I am in a match with survivors level 1 to 10... the end result is the game is over in less than 5 minutes either way.

    So... question remains.. Do you Gen-Rush.. and why ?... seems to me that some or most of the fun is with chases.

  • Inspire
    Inspire Member Posts: 123

    I do it when I need to.

  • Wedeguy
    Wedeguy Member Posts: 278

    What do you want from survivors? to run to the killer with a flaslight and then waste their time or get slugged by a good killer and ruin the game? survivors do gens cause this game is boring anyway when you're not in a chase so at least u gotta be productive.

  • Gruul
    Gruul Member Posts: 130

    Do I do my objective when playing survivor?

    Yes, yes I do.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,264

    I don't like the statement of "Gen Rush".

    My goal is to repair generators as fast as possible to be able to escape. just like killer who have to kill as fast as possible.

    A good killer who knows how to put pressure and kills survivors pretty early, prevents me from doing so.

    If the killer has a hard time for some reason, it's not my responsibility to make it an easier game for him. just like he wouldn't care if it was the other way around.

  • Esperiae
    Esperiae Member Posts: 75

    "Gen Rushing" isn't a bad thing, I mean it's literally the objective for the survivors in the game. The issues lie in a lot of killers and perks that cannot pressure enough to keep them from completing objectives.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    "Is My ObJeTiVe" is what say the people who scape with only 14.000-16.000 points, and they think they're good. XD

  • Jackthryn
    Jackthryn Member Posts: 25

    Doing gens is the objective, why would I not do them quickly? Especially against some red rank million hour nurse, I want to get out of there as fast as I can.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    Yes, it's why I have sprint burst so that I can get to the next gen quickly.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Why would you care about bloodpoints once you have unlocked everything you need ?

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Bloodpoints show what have you done in a match.

    When I play survivor I usually earny 20.000 or more despite dying because I've done a lot of things.

    When The match start I only do a gen and the next I do is when its the last or when the game is goind bad for us.

    The other things I do? breaking totems, useful for preventing a final NOED or finding the Ruin quickly (I usually equip Detective's Hunch).

    When I see a survivor being chased near where I am and he is hurt, I try to bodyblock for tanking a hit.

    When a survivor is hooked I try a rescue.

    I'm having more fun doing that than holdind M1 and hiding behind a wall or rock when I hear heartbeats and I hate facing them as killer because they force me to use gen regresion perks for extending a match more than 3-4 minutes.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited August 2021

    There are signs that tell you to be efficient on generators:

    • strong killer class and/or killer that can't really be looped
    • ######### map (midwich, shelter, ...)
    • ruin or pop perks
    • lightborn or franklin perks
    • randoms that do nothing
    • ...
    Post edited by gnehehe on
  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    Killer definitely gets easier once you unlock some tracking perks. One of the challenges early on is always "find the first survivor" because, after you've hooked that person, you at least know someone's going to the hook, so you get a sense of where people are. If it helps, the survivors usually spawn about half a map away from you, so if you hunt for them in that area, you might find them.

    But, for the question of gen rush, specifically. There absolutely are people who load into the match with a pre-determined plan to slam the gens as fast as possible. It used to be worse before toolboxes got nerfed, but you can still get groups of four people who will just fight you in a swarm so they can hammer out gens in your face. It's weird and aggressive, and I don't like going against it.

    In this case, it's possible that's happening sometimes, but it sounds more likely that the survivors are just being left alone for too long, so they're able to park themselves on gens uninterrupted. There are a few people who'll bail and do something else, like look for totems and chests, but most people will stay still and repair for as long as they can. Survivors don't actively seek chase unless they're trying to taunt or distract you.

  • MyersIsPantless
    MyersIsPantless Member Posts: 104

    i mean i don’t think so. i just do generators unless i’m being chased, someone wants me to heal them, i need to be healed or i gotta unhook someone.

    the only times there is a gen rush when i play is when the killer doesn’t know how to pressure gens and stays on one person the entire game

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    If they’re not good, as you’re implying, catching and killing them should be easy enough. Can’t do gens if they’re dead.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited August 2021

    If you play a low mobility killer (most of them) and the map is survivor sided (most of the maps due size mainly) if the survivors gen rush you cannot kill everyone before the survivors complete the gens even if they are awful and get caugh in 30 seconds. You need to hook them 12 times unless you tunnel or camp and I don't do any of that things except in some situations.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    I tunnel the generators

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Damn you been playing for less than a month and already up on all the forum killer mains rhetoric. I can't imagine how much saltier you gonna get the longer you play if it's already at this level XD

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Depents on what you mean by genrush.

    If you mean finding multiple people to run prove thyself, fully decked out toolboxes and ignore all hooks to just blast gens then no i don't.

    On the other hand if nobody is coming to pressure me of gens i'm not going to stop doing them