Hook camping has to be removed
It is the single worst thing the game has to offer.
Make the hook timer stop as long as the killer is within a set distance from the hook.
Easily abuseable.
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If you're solo queue, unlucky, everyone comes across a killer like that sometimes. I don't think it requires that big of a change though lol.
If you're swf, just make your friends do gens. The killer will realise they only will get 1 kill and not do it in the future. It's also a guaranteed way for them to depip.
If an exit gate has been opened and you're the only one on hook and everyone else is healthy, fair enough on the killer.
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Waiting for way too altruistic survivors to come and save their hooked friend is a good tactic because they practically kill themselves every single time.
Secondly killers should never be obligated to do something just to make survivors happy. It's not my fault all your friends can't do gens, keep moving around the hook or go in for bad saves. We're not obligation to go to the other side if the map just to get away from hook or respect the 4%.
Use anti tunnel and camping perks if your against it so much. If that's a problem find a way to get better in chase.
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If a killer is camping then they are practically throwing the rest of the game. It does suck hard, but as long as your team realizes it, they can blow gens out super fast. Besides their are some survivor perks that easily counter this tactic, most notably borrowed time. I play solo queue so most of the time I always have kindred, the most powerful solo perk in my opinion, because then everyone will know when to rescue and the location of the killer. And that way when someone else is hooked, I know when to focus on objectives or stop and go for the rescue.
Camping is a playstyle, everyone just has to deal with it. The only time I understand camping is when all the generators are done and the killer wants to try and get at least 1 sacrifice. Having a pause timer based on killer proximity is very abusable and just plain unfair.
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Okay, please clarify. How, exactly, is it abusable?
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Because a bubba could facecamp that person for more than 2 minutes if people tried to save which unfortunately newer players don't know, they don't know not to save so it would ruin matches even more against a basement bubba.
Survivors could loop the killer around the survivor on hook as well and since the timer would never go down, it would rob the killer of pressure while the other survivors do gens across the map.
Also, you can't get rid of camping. Camping is a valid strategy that can be used by the killer, although it is a bad one.
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They'd at least be in the game for more than 2 minutes.
And a quick fix for hook looping, if it is even necessary, would be to have the timer resume while the killer is in a chase.
Everyone hates camping. It is bad for every player in the trial, including the killer, but everyone seems adamant that it shouldn't be changed. Honestly baffling.
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That would not solve the camping issue though, because now it is almost as if this whole timer being paused thing doesn't exist if you are chasing a survivor, this is just normal DBD.
Everyone knows that camping is boring, the reason there hasn't been a fix for it is because there is no fix that you can implement for camping that will be healthy. The devs have tried this sort of thing in the past (they said), and it did not work out so well.
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There are definitely viable solutions to camping, but devs are afraid to stir up the pot and lose killer players.
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Yes, if he's chasing a survivor, it would be as if the anti-camping measure doesn't exist. Because if he's chasing a survivor, he's not camping.
From what I understand, they tried it without the 'when not in a chase' condition. Worth trying out in PTB at least.
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A survivor can loop the killer around the hooked teammate while the other two do gens and the hooked survivor doesn't go into second state. So it's very abusable.
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That loop's not gonna last that long, first of all. But secondly, as mentioned, you can just add the stipulation that it doesn't work when the killer is in a chase and you'd be done.
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So what about when a survivor runs near a camping killer and they turn and get into chase with them.
At the end of the day the person you are facing in a PvP game doesn't have to play in a way that makes the game fun for the other team. No PvP game that's ever existed has one team gave a second thought to the other teams fun when they're playing, dbd is no different.
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What's the killer incentive not to camp? There's a number of reasons a killer would want or even feel they need to.
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hook camping is a good strat when the other survivors don’t even wait till you leave the area to unhook. If they are just going to straight away go for the save then no point in me NOT hook camping
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Idk when a survivor couch spams you consonantly just to be toxic it’s warranted
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BEhaviour, perfect firm's name to do nothing except to stay in the same place. Easy & effortlessly...
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I agree!
I hate it when the killer hooks somebody and all the survivors just run into the area and crouch behind rocks. They're not doing gens, they won't save, and I can hear the air blowing through their ears!
Hook camping has to be removed! Survivors camping hooks ruins the game!😡
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Well if the killer stops de hooked timer, does that means that you cant leave the game unless you close the game?
What prevents a killer to "trap" you in the game forever xD
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Because it risks getting the match some sooner with less kills? I play solo Q but I used to have kindred equipped a lot so I could see if the killer was camping and if they are you can pop gens pretty quickly without the need to stop or be cautious.
I had a match a few days ago where a killer spent so much time tunnelling me and camping me all 5 gens got done. I used my deliverence perk to get off the first time and be chased. Someone got me off the second time and I was chased and by good fortune found the hatch and used it as I found a key in the match.
The other three escaped so the killer got no BP for kills.
There has been a noticeable increase lately in killers who do not, for whatever reason, apply gen pressure. I don't know what they are doing but If they upper their gen pressure game I have a feeling they would get more kills.
Anyway in another thread I suggested that if he killer remains within a set distance of a hooks for too long the hook should relocate on the map with the survivor still hooked: just like how Pyramid Head's cages work. This way both survivors and killers would have to refind the hook making it fairer for everyone..
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As a 50/50 player - No.
It was already tried and was abused as described above. There is nothing wrong with camping (Not something I do as killer). Camping is not a guarantee kill for survivors who have an inkling on how to deal with it. Worst case - they get 1 kill while the rest of the team does gens and gets out.
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If you have good team mates then you will get off the hook, the thing is if they did that survivors will abuse this 100% of the time!
you have good games and you have bad ones.
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Or move the survivor to another hook. Like pyramid head’s cages
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they tried that already and it was abused, that solution has been given so many times.
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Do you know why the developers and most people agree that your idea shouldn't be a thing? I'm not gonna tell you, but you can discover for yourself.
Just follow these steps:
- Be sure to be in the top% rank to get good Survivor on your matches or at least decent ones
- Now play only Killer during 2 whole weeks
After finishing these steps, you will know why camping is necessary and is a validad strategy.
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So if the killer is hook camping how about don't go for the save and do the gens the player will than learn at some point and realize this isn't a good idea I'm loosing the game. The same thing for Endgame when everyone's alive and the killer has 1 hooked survivor they won't leave because that's all they can do if they leave it's sometimes a free escape depending how well the others can protect that survivor if the killer comesback.
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I have suggested this many times to no avail. Worse than hook camping is slugging the entire team while keeping the game hostage.
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Pyramid Head doesn't get to pick where he cages someone. Killers get to pick where they hook a survivor.
Hooks are pressure and an additional objective to the survivors and a killer is free to defend the area around the hook if they please. Survivors have plently of perks that help with unhooking.
Cages on the other hand trade off strength as being a pressure tool for time saving (no picking up survivor and moving to hook) and the ability to bypass many survivor perks.
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They could do it so if the killer is camping the survivor on hook doesnt progress (in terms of dying) but if other survivors are in a certain radius then the progress continues?
To make this fair something should be taken away from survivors as well so its not just like killers are losing something like idk keys or whatever.
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How does that only get one kill? You can still get at least two kills because you can't finish four or five gens in the time that the teammate dies on hook...and how is that fair to let the teammate die on the hook? Do you know how easily that could depip a rank that's green rank or lower?
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Killers need free agency to attack whomever and whenever to kill however. Less agency = less appeal to play the role
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Camping hardly every throws the game. Using a low-skill tactic like face-camping actually rewards the killer far more than high-skill tactics do. It's stupid.