RE perk changes

Counterforce: increase the duration of the reveal to 8 secs. If the totem that was revealed is destroyed by another survivor reveal a different totem if any other totems remain.

Counterforce is a good perk imo however the duration it reveals seems rather short. I believe the duration should be increased to 8 sec. The second effect is so that you can actually get use out of Counterforce as you will end up wasting a lot of time looking for totem that might have been already destroyed.


Resurgence: Increase to 60%.

Resurgence is a perk that is barely used. I believe that increasing the heal amount will make this perk a bit more used as well as viable.


Lethal Pursuer: New secondary effect: Killer sees obsession every 30 secs for 3 secs.

Lethal Pursuer isn't bad as it gives the killer the ability to see survivors at the start of the trial, however the fact that it lasts 9 seconds makes me believe it should be changed slightly. I believe making the perk similar to object of obsession will make this perk have more value throughout the match.


Eruption: Kicking a gen applies eruption permanently. Reduce incapacitation duration to 8 secs .

Eruption is a perk that seems lacking due to the fact that you have to kick the gen again to apply eruption. Making a kicked gen have eruption permanently will make eruption have more use. There will still be a 30 sec cooldown so the killer can't constantly regress the gens. The incapacitation duration should be reduce in exchange.


Hysteria: Injuring a survivor regardless of their health state activates hysteria.

This perk isn't that good to begin with so removing the requirement of putting a health survivor to healthy should help.


    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    Counterforce: Yes, and may be add a totem count like small hunt.

    Resurgence: Meh, 10% doesnt matters that much.

    Lethal Persuer: Not bad idea, but i liked more other i read few days ago that activates again on survivors kills.

    Eruption: Dont know, looks strong but ruin and pop exist.

    Hysteria: This perk is weird, with a lot of CD and nemesis is not a killer that leave survivors injured. Point is, if you down someone and hysteria triggers, probably de downed survivior its going to be the only affected(wich is usseless). I would like to see Hysteria with a LOT of less CD 20 sec or so.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Did you forget about Leon's existence? He's probably got the worst perks outta this chapter (except Flashbang).

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I think flashbang and bite the bullet is fine. As for Rookie Spirit I have no idea how to change it. It's use is to see regressing gens but seeing that isn't very useful most of the time. The only thing I can think of without completely changing what it does is add a new effect where it has aura intensity based on how close it is to complete.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Counterforce: I agree a counter would be nice.

    Resurgence: I don't know how much of a bonus is too much. I was originally thinking 80% but I feel like that might be too good. Then again you get 2 uses so maybe it's fine.

    Lethal Pursuer: That idea isn't bad either. Issue with that though is that if the killer has bbq and the survivors get revealed you only get 4 extra seconds.

    Eruption: It might be too strong. Idk. If they do implement this idea then I guess they can either remove the incap or increase the cd to 35 or 40 sec.

    Hysteria: It's hard for me to balance this perk cause I have no idea how good oblivious is. If Oblivious isn't too strong then maybe it can also effect all survivors regardless of health states. Also this perk is a teachable perk so nemesis isn't the only one using this.

  • SmellyGoat
    SmellyGoat Member Posts: 14

    Lethal pursuer would be broken. Literally a tunneler's dream. Hard pass.

    Counter Force is fine where it's at, it gives you a general location. With a little map knowledge you can easily find totems with 2-4 seconds, if not you should run Small Game with it.

    Disagree with Resurgence as well; if it's put into a good build, say, with Self Care and Botany, topped with a medkit, you're basically insta-healed once off hook. It's alright where it's at. Also imagine running Solidarity with it.

    Permanent Eruption makes it unavoidable and basically makes it impossible to avoid having your gen explode, revealing when you work on it to the Killer. It must remain time/hook based.

    I actually agree with the Hysteria buff. It's grossly underused and needs a pick-me-up. Although, maybe putting a survivor into the Dying state would be better. Every healthy survivor taking a hit and removing the Killer's terror radius for a whole 30 seconds would be a little broken.

    One survivor goes down, the other three suffer Oblivious for 30/35/40 seconds

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    Lethal Pursuer: I don't see how that's broken. It does somewhat inspire tunneling which I do agree on despite the fact that object literally does the same thing.

    Counterforce: You shouldn't have to run small game with this. Also you can't find the totem that it shows if the totem was destroyed by someone else after the 4 seconds, hence why I put it should show a different totem if there is one.

    Resurgence: I'm so confused about this. It just seems super.. gimmicky? weird? bad? I don't know how to define this but I don't understand why you would run botany, self care, a medkit, AND resurgence. I don't know maybe I just need to try it to understand.

    Eruption: I said in the post it still has a cooldown...

    Hysteria: We seem to have very different idea's of what is considered broken.

  • Sackboy123
    Sackboy123 Member Posts: 465

    If you're making Lethal Pursuer like Object then the Survivor should also see the Killer's aura at the same time. Kinda fits in with Lore as well, Obessision being Jill and the Killer being nemesis relentlessly pursuing his target.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,212

    Counterforce: The addition of having Counterforce reactivate when the previous revealed totem is cleansed is a great idea.

    Resurgence: Not necessary. It already doubles the effectiveness of medkits or heals when you get unhooked, it's basically a personal 'We'll make It' but without a time condition.

    Lethal Pursuer: Instead of just cloning Object of Obsession, how about the additional effect is; "Killer and the Obsession see each others auras for 3 seconds when they are 24 meters or closer, 60s cooldown."

    Eruption: The downside to Eruption is that it's a gen kick perk, and all gen kick perks have the drawback that it requires you to... kick gens. The effect of Eruption is actually pretty damn good, 16 seconds of incapacitation can be very effective, and the 6% instant regression is a bonus. It's basically a 'pre-kicked' Surge with a bit of Dead Man's Switch thrown in. If you ask me, any gen kicky perk should come with a standard 'reduces kick duration by 20%' or something, or just reduce kick times in general.

    Hysteria: Can agree with this. Current Hysteria basically promotes hit and run tactics, which can be annoying to play against, but is not very effective to play as. Adding dying state to the trigger conditions could see it work a little like Infectious Fright.

  • SmellyGoat
    SmellyGoat Member Posts: 14

    Object is the survivor's choice, Pursuer is the Killer's choice. If you wanna be tunneled, go for it. You shouldn't be forced to be tunneled.

    Resurgence is fine where it's at, similar to what Seraphor said it's like a personal We'll Make It, it's an alright perk but it isn't anything too meta. If you ran it with Self Care, Botany, and maybe Deliverance or some other perk you could have a nice solo build when you're bound to get awful team mates. Perhaps Unbreakable or something else.

    Counterforce is alright where it's at because you can essentially knock all five totems out of the game with it in under a minute and a half of the match. It doesn't need a buff to where if your team mate destroyed a totem you were headed to, you'd suddenly no longer have your bloodhound chain of destroying all five totems. It doesn't need to be full proof, should require a minimum of game sense.

    Yeah sorry I didn't read it correctly, this Eruption buff seems pretty fine in hindsight (but to be fair permanent Eruption on a gen would be busted)

    Yeah, everyone does

    Hysteria do need a buff tho