Why do survivors get mad at this?

My job as killer is to give the Entity 4 sacrifices. Why does the last survivor get mad that I won't give hatch? I don't 4k every single game, but when I do at least one or more Survivors get mad at me for not giving hatch if they are on PC. Is it my job to give hatch? I thought my job was to appease the Entity with a 4k?
They shouldn't be. It's sweet if you do give them hatch but they shouldn't expect it
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While camping and tunneling are effective strategies, they are not fun for the receiving end
Do you have fun when gens fly in 5 minutes?
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What where did this come from?
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giving hatch should just be a kind thing, you do it if you're feeling nice but it isn't a must nobody should be getting upset over not getting hatch after losing the game, your job is to just have fun ignore the people they'll never understand until they get in your spot themself
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Just assuming its what the guy is doing since from the looks of it he doesnt care if the other side had fun or not
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I don't see that anywhere. The killer doesn't have to give hatch if they want to go for the 4k that is right. If it would of been the other way around and a 4 escape would one of the survivors gave them a free sacrifice? I would put my money on no because its an extreme rarity but the killer should always give hatch nah if you didn't earn it you ant getting it sorry no participation awards frombme
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Why do people make threads about the same thing over and over?
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For the same reason Killers get pissed I don't serve myself on a silver platter during the EGC and just waste their time hiding, searching chests and cleaning totems while they run from one gate to another.
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Don't ever give hatch to survivors. They don't deserve a free win. Just like survivors wont give you a free hook.
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Unlike what you are eluding to - they all don't. I rarely get salty survivors when I 4k. I rarely give hatch unless there were like 2 DCs or suicides on hook - then sometimes I will give hatch.
Broad generalizations are only good for creating divisiveness on the forums.
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Well you know what they say about assuming....
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Sometimes a survivor is mad about that but most the time i don't see any complaints about that, either "gg", nothing or an unrelated insult.
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Tbf I usually see more complaints about camping and tunnelling than survivors thinking the killers will give them the hatch.
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To vent. I totally get it. This game and the players in it can really be frustrating at times- especially when you have to endure the same B.S over & over. OP just wants validation he’s not the only one who thinks hatch entitlement is absurd. He’s not. That ######### is stupid.
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Accept that the opposing side will never be happy in this game if you play as intended.
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I've never made a thread about this ever? But all week I've seen basically nothing but NOED threads and you were no where to be found complaining. I'm NEW to the forums this week and all I've seen is NOED that an NOED this. It's actually kinda funny you expect me to look at thousands of post to find the few that might actually talk about this exact thing.
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your job is to kill, don't ever let survivors complain to you that you didn't give them hatch.
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Just stating my experience, I'm glad you haven't experienced that.
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The only time I’ve ever gotten annoyed that the killer didn’t give me the hatch is if they carry me over to it, drop me to act like they’re going to give it to me, then kick it closed. Don’t be a dick, just end the match.
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Totally understandable on that. I would understand their anger then.
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I have devour hope as my profile picture and your first assumption is that I camp?
Giving hatch or not shouldn't determine fun. Honestly sounds like you're bitter that I don't give hatch. Are you someone that complains to the killer about that? Escaping doesn't = fun. I play survivor as well.
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Omg it was a joke, freaking chill.
I swear people are defensive asf here lol
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Also I never said you looking back through it all, you took what I said so literal. So chill.
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Joke or not, I am chilling. I'm chill as a cucumber.
I'm just stating what I've seen my less than one week here. I joined the 25th and I haven't seen anyone touch on this. But yes NOED has been everywhere. But survivors and Killers love to talk about it for some reason, I thought since the perk and forums have been up so long that everyone would have run out of things to say.
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You keep saying chill yet you mention my quote twice before I can respond in less than 5 minutes. You might want to listen to yourself
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I’ve literally never had a survivor get mad at me for not giving them hatch and I’ve been playing DBD since 2018, so I couldn’t possibly tell you.
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You can say you're chilling but you're just being so literal and defensive to my joke and it's a yikes. I responded twice as I wanted to point out the fact I never expected you to go through it all and once more the fact you are being so literal about a freaking joke.
But yeah bro, I need to chill for replying twice so quick lol okay.
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Maybe I'm just getting bad luck, seems like most are not experiencing this. There seems to be hope that survivors can say GG and not [bad word] because I didn't give hatch.
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You never expected me to go through the whole thread I posted? Are you okay? That's the point of posting a thread, to read the comments. I guess with your logic I should just post something and not read what people have to say. Why are you so angry?
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I'm honestly not angry, I find it funny you're so literal and take things so serious clearly lol. Also I meant about you making the comment of me expecting you to go through forum posts buddy. Think a little.
I'm not having this turn into an argument as it's not allowed and it's also not worth it when you just can't take a joke and have to turn it into passive aggressive back and forth.
So that's all I've to say on the matter.
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Good I'm glad that is all you have to say. I'm not arguing, I'm stating facts. Have a blessed day, may the Entity be with you.