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Killer Colluseum Battle IRL, Who would win and why?

Member Posts: 845
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
If there were a Roman Colluseum like battle to the death between all the killers, who would come out on top?

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  • Member Posts: 149

    trapper is the most physically intimidating, but I think the nurse or huntress would be dark horses, nurse because how do you counter that, and huntress for the range.

  • Member Posts: 988
    I mean, Freddy obviously. Just let everyone phase through you and pick off the last survivor of the brawl that takes place before then.
  • Member Posts: 845
    @robin that’s what’s a i was thinking, and with enough skill I think it would come down to the Huntress or Nurse, just because of the Huntress’ ranged attack and the Nurse’s blink. The pig and trapper stand no chance, just because he Pig is an insane person and the trappers traps hardly affect the strong
  • Member Posts: 149
    edited June 2018

    @GT_Legend2 said:
    @robin that’s what’s a i was thinking, and with enough skill I think it would come down to the Huntress or Nurse, just because of the Huntress’ ranged attack and the Nurse’s blink. The pig and trapper stand no chance, just because he Pig is an insane person and the trappers traps hardly affect the strong

    think of the hand to hand combat though...trapper would stomp everyone except maybe nurse and huntress

  • Member Posts: 326

    Sorry to burst the bubble, but- Myers can't die. He just can't. Then also take Freddy. Death doesn't want Freddy. Even when Michael would be able to get him into the real world and kill him there, he'd just come back. So we are at an impasse of these two coming out on top of the rest. It's all fine and dandy that Nurse and Wraith could stay in that spirit world- forgot the exact name- but they would still die in a fight to the death.

  • Member Posts: 845
    @ robin very true
  • Member Posts: 845
    @Mercury >:(
  • Member Posts: 149

    @Mercury said:
    Sorry to burst the bubble, but- Myers can't die. He just can't. Then also take Freddy. Death doesn't want Freddy. Even when Michael would be able to get him into the real world and kill him there, he'd just come back. So we are at an impasse of these two coming out on top of the rest. It's all fine and dandy that Nurse and Wraith could stay in that spirit world- forgot the exact name- but they would still die in a fight to the death.

    aww youre no fun lol

  • Member Posts: 326

    I'm so sorry. ._.

  • Member Posts: 845
    @Mercury nah, it’s fine. We’re just talking Fair (ish) game. No god mode enabled  :pirate:
  • Member Posts: 41

    @GT_Legend2 said:
    @Mercury nah, it’s fine. We’re just talking Fair (ish) game. No god mode enabled  :pirate:

    But isn't immortality Michael's and Freddy's primary power? I mean - Myers is physically strong, yes, but besides that he's just a creepy stalking human. So is Freddy - his dream powers are amazing, but he was killed so many times during Nightmare on Elm st. franchise (and always turned back). So with their god_mode: disabled we would have a clear competiton of strength, agility and trickery (talking about Amanda), where these two guys would be disqualified for cheating.

  • Member Posts: 845
    Thus making this thread pointless, so we’ll just gloss over it ::chuffed:
  • Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2018

    @GT_Legend2 said:
    Thus making this thread pointless, so we’ll just gloss over it ::chuffed:

    Well... yes. Probably the Entity wouldn't like to let any of her toys get broken.

    Alright, this way I woud vote up for the Nurse. Those paranormal teleporting things are something. Also, why didn't anyone say a word about Hillbilly? He's the one with Enduring perk, which means he's resilient to pain - he probably won't feel anything. Hillbilly would be a really tough guy to fight with

  • Member Posts: 845
    @DoctorStrogg Yeah, come to think of it, he could be physically unstoppable, maybe for some killers though. I see the nurse going down rather quickly. Her blink is limited distance, and does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during her cooldown, making her stair at the ground until her impending doom. 
  • Member Posts: 182

    Which ever Killer learns to use a flashlight will win

  • Member Posts: 845
    @DepravedKiller I’d say the Pig, plus she can T bag, making her opponents paralyzed 
  • Member Posts: 201

    If we're assuming Freddy is out of the Dream World and even if he's in it, he doesn't have his hax powers, he's out. Nurse, Hag and Pig are probably much physically weaker than the rest and I don't imagine the Wraith being able to overpower the remaining so at best, he probably waits it out invisible. Out of the rest of them, my bet is Leatherface. He's just barely the tallest of those that remain, has a sledgehammer and chainsaw, pretty devastating weapons behind a pretty big individual.

    The end is probably Huntress, Trapper, Billy, Michael and Leatherface with LF coming out with the win. Maybe Wraith can get a sneak attack, but it's looking good for the Cannibal.

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