This is a pvp game right?

Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

I wanted to discuss the idea that this game isn't competitive at all which I think is false because pvp games are competitive by there very nature. First I want to say I don't think this is a super competitive game like smite,over watch,etc but as I said it is still a competitive game by its been pvp. The fact that this game puts you against another person with directly conflicting objectives means you will be competing with the opposing player to compete your side of the game. And this is where imo the way the game actually plays out and the way a player wants the game to play out causes a problem. The fact that each sides objective is pretty much the opposite of the other side means that if thing are going well for one side its probably not going so well for the other and this is just the nature of a pvp game. So to generically use this isn't a competitive game to not do something in game or add something is untrue.

Just wanted to add i am actually ompetitive person by nature

Post edited by Gamedozer7 on


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,137

    Yes, players do compete against each other in this game.

    RNG plays a huge part in this game and can have a bigger impact on a match's outcome than skill, which is why it's called a party game rather than "competitive."

    The more seriously someone takes this game, the more they're going to see the game as competitive. But really, this game is too unbalanced and buggy with too much RNG for people who take it seriously to not look ridiculous. (The bugginess and lack of balance may not be intended, but the RNG is.)

  • DouubleYou
    DouubleYou Member Posts: 28

    As humans, we are competitive in nature, which is why tonnes of things are what they are in the world, new inventions, better models etc. I never really understand when people say things like this that are non competitive as you have described it well above, they are 2 opposing factions with a goal to beat the opposition.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I absolutely agree that this game is by no mean on the level of competitive as those titles. They aim for almost perfect balance from the top down and have 0 RNG. When you play Mario party you still are playing to win right? In most case your not playing super "sweaty" but you are going to take ever opportunity that one of your opponents gives you to win. This game is no different imo.

    Each killer has only 1-2 maps each that really destroy there chances so more often then not you'll end up on a map this is ok for your power. Honestly the whole "RNG" of tiles is kind of off I mean shouldn't you get some levels that have alot of dead zones if you get alot of maps that have super safe tiles right next to each other if its random?

    I just don't agree with the the face that people like to say oh this isn't a competitive game when by its very nature it is. Now I do want to point out that there is different levels of competitive Dbd being more towards the bottom but to try and say that this game is no way competitive its wrong

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I, personally, play Mario Party to lose spectacularly and drag everyone down with me, but there's nothing wrong with playing any game as sweaty or as casually as you want to.

    People know exactly what they're getting into with Mario Party, but don't make the same connection with DbD for some reason-- which is why you hear it clarified a lot that it's not a competitive game. You usually wanna win, of course, but the broad definition of 'competitive' in this context is something like E-sports.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,137
    edited August 2021

    Two strong loops right next to each other is RNG and can be very detrimental to a killer, but map tiles aren't the only random things in the game. Hex totems and where they spawn are RNG. There are chests on the map with random items; a survivor can pull out a key and end the match early for it. The hatch mechanic is total RNG: whether the survivor or killer finds it first has little to do with skill. I've had the hatch literally spawn at my feet when the third survivor dies.

    The game is competitive in that two groups of players are pitted against each other, but when people on the forums say "the game isn't competitive" they're trying to say it's not an e-sport game. When there are DbD tournaments, there are all kinds of rules just to try to make the game balanced, because it's not balanced in a way that this is always a battle of skill.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    That is my point even in something like Mario party you'll have that one person sweating ever time they play. Dbd is no different some people are going to play this game to win and thats ok. I understand why survivor mains mostly don't that this game as competitive its alot less competitive on there side but as a killer you have 4 other people you are playing against and it start been more competitive because of that(IMO).

    The broad usage of competitive is kind of my i brought this up

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    My point was you see two strong loop next to each other often but deadzonr are rare. There are factors to determine how much RNG can actually effect the game. Like there will always be x amount of something on the map even if at first RNG determined there wouldn't be

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    This is a competitive game for those who want to be competitive, even though the game isn't balanced for it. And for the non-competitive casuals, they can enjoy the game as well, regardless of it being balanced or not.